Wang Plastic Surgery

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31 Dec

This 34 year old woman, mother of 2 children, from San Gabriel Valley wanted to improve the severe stretchmarks below umbilicus, remove the excessive skin on upper and lower abdominal wall, and excessive fat on flanks.

Surgeon: Dr. Stewart Wang
Patient Age: 34
Patient Gender: Female
Race: Hispanic
Target Area: abdomen, extra skin and excessive stretchmarks
Procedure: Tummy tuck, or Abdominoplasty with SAL to bilateral flanks
Procedure Duration: 3 hours
Downtime: 2-3 weeks

The before and after pictures above depict ACTUAL PATIENTS. Your results may vary.

More Photos of this patient: (click to enlarge)

Before and After: Other ViewsBefore and After: Other Views

Published in Tummy Tuck
31 Dec


天天話題1/4 - 鳳凰衛視美洲台

鳳凰衛視美洲台邀請王醫師在[天天話題]探討雷射溶脂的概念 , 與傳統抽脂手術做比較。

天天話題2/4 - 鳳凰衛視美洲台


天天話題3/4 - 鳳凰衛視美洲台


天天話題4/4 - 鳳凰衛視美洲台




miraDry「無創微波」去除多汗+體味 - 東森美洲新聞

miraDry「無創微波」去除多汗+體味 - 東森美洲新聞

東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」採訪洛杉磯W時尚整 ­形中心王沛鑫醫師,説明最新無創微波去處多汗症和狐臭,解除尷尬場面或影響人際關係的困擾。

蔣亮話 爭鋒相對 男性整型



頭髮越來越稀疏是男人最擔心的惡夢。東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」採訪洛杉磯W時尚整 ­形中心王沛鑫醫師,説明最先進的微創植髮Neograft的優點好處, 無痛、無痕、又快速。

微整形解決頭頂三千煩惱絲- Neograft 微創植髮

好萊塢出現時光倒流奇跡,名人從禿頭變得頭髮又濃又密。東森美洲新聞採訪洛杉磯W時尚整形中心王沛鑫醫師,解説傳統植髮與説明 微創植髮Neograft的不同。

Neograft微創植髮的過程 -東森美洲新聞

洛杉磯社區名人成亮為頭頂三千煩惱絲挑戰微整形植髮。東森美洲新聞採訪洛杉磯W時尚整形中心知名整形醫師Dr. Stewart Wang, 王沛鑫醫師説明微整形Neograft植髮手術的過程。

洛杉磯社區名人公開植髮成果 -東森美洲新聞

洛杉磯社區名人成亮在東森美洲新人王與蔣亮話節目當中公開植髮成果, 並帶領新人王冠、亞軍蒞臨洛杉磯W時尚整形中心,體驗3D全角度模擬機與聆聽Dr. Stewart Wang, 王沛鑫醫師分析術前與術後的可能性。




東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-1

專訪王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士,美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心,追蹤最In、最Hot 的整形醫療科技。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-2

W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臉頰、下顎、頸部及背部雷射溶脂,雕塑天生嬰兒肥、雙下巴­、經老化鬆弛造成的頸頰曲線變形,大臉變小臉。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-3

W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臀部, 大腿內外側, 膝蓋局部雷射溶脂,雕塑纖細的美腿。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-4

美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臀部,馬鞍袋局部雷射溶脂,雕塑臀部的曲線,達到翹臀、瘦­身作用。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-5

東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」Part-5: 美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臉頰、下顎、頸部及背部雷射溶脂的第二集,手術後一星期。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-6

美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臀部, 大腿內外側, 膝蓋局部雷射溶脂的第二集,手術後一星期。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-7

美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臀部,馬鞍袋局部雷射溶脂的第二集,雕塑臀部的曲線,達到翹臀、瘦身作用,手術後一星期。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-8

揭曉美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為三位病患進行雷射溶脂的結果, 部位分別為臉頰、下顎、頸部、背部、臀部、大腿內外側、膝蓋、臀部、馬鞍袋的雕塑。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-9

美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士總結雷射溶脂的安全性, 注意事項, 及適合接受治療的條件。

Published in Patient Resources
31 Dec

First dates. Proms. Vacations with friends. Job and college interviews. As a teenager, the pressure to look good is intense, with teens across Southern California and nationwide increasingly interested in cosmetic procedures. What is stirring the demand for teen plastic surgery? What are the potential benefits and downsides? Dr. Wang has seen many teen patients and read the growing number of stories in the mainstream and clinical media, and would like to weigh in on concerns about teen plastic surgery in Southern California.


The Importance of Maturity

Some might say that age is nothing but a number, but there are very good reasons why both parents and teenagers should think twice about young people going under the knife for elective procedures. As we know from our own experiences and from those of family and friends, the teen years often are not a time of emotional maturity and wise decision-making. Instead, while some teenagers exhibit poise and confidence beyond their years, most teens still need time to mature and make some mistakes as they grow up.

Dr. Wang believes that plastic surgeons should take an active role in helping to teach teens the importance of being mature and making carefully-considered decisions. Given the media images and peer pressure that bombard teens daily, it's perfectly understandable that many teens have unrealistic expectations about surgery, or fail to realize the risks involved. Dr. Wang sees education as the key to helping teens understand that having surgery is a serious responsibility, not a magic wand that will effortlessly solve cosmetic problems.

Procedures Teens May Want to Consider

Several cosmetic surgery procedures have been popular choices for teenagers for many years. Generally, these procedures are very low risk, and offer the patient the possibility of great benefit. For instance, otoplasty, or surgery to pin back the ears so that they sit closer to the head, has been performed on teens and even younger children for decades. This straightforward surgery carries very little risk and only rarely leads to complications, yet it helps tens of thousands of people each year avoid the teasing and taunting that so commonly accompany ears that "stick out" far from the head.

Another procedure that Dr. Wang commonly performs for Asian teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 is double eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty. This technically precise but fairly straightforward procedure poses almost no risk to the patient and offers a wider and more aesthetically-pleasing eye with more definition. That said, teens should still carefully consider whether the surgery is right for them, and talk over their decision with their family and friends.

In addition, cosmetic procedures to correct permanent deformities are in many cases appropriate for teen patients. For instance, if a teen suffers from a chest wall deformity that leaves one breast several sizes smaller than the other, early corrective surgery likely will help to restore her self esteem and confidence at a critical time in life. Also, those teens who grow large breasts that place great strain on their body frame and cause substantial discomfort may benefit from surgery at an early age, since the breasts are unlikely to become manageable without surgical correction.

Procedures Teens Should Avoid

While there are certain procedures that teenagers may benefit from, these are generally not the glamorous or glitzy transformations that tend to excite teens the most. For instance, a huge number of teenage girls express interest in breast augmentation, but in all but the rarest cases, Dr. Wang will not perform augmentation surgery on anyone under 18 years of age. Along these lines, he also avoids tummy tuck or other body contouring procedures for teens, and he is particularly cautious about performing many facial procedures for teenagers.

Facial procedures such as rhinoplasty and lip augmentation present problems for at least three reasons. First, many teens aren't equipped to make decisions about permanent changes to their faces. Our faces are an important part of our identities, and making any change to your face is a very difficult decision that involves a maturity most teens simply don't possess. Second, the shape of facial features can continue to change during teen years, meaning that teen surgery in this area may be premature. Last, many facial procedures require general anesthesia, which increases safety concerns.

The Role for Parents

Dr. Wang believes this is a great learning opportunity for both teenagers and parents. The first goal is of course teen safety. Help your son or daughter find accurate, reliable information on procedures that interest them, and make sure to point out where advertising materials, magazines, or TV shows may be sugarcoating the realities of surgery. It can be difficult to decide when to support and when to discourage your teen's interest in surgery, but try to avoid creating a situation where they will go behind your back to get surgery from a less reputable surgeon. Dr. Wang is always happy to provide an honest assessment of the surgical process for teens and their families.

In the majority of cases, teens are the ones who initiate the conversation about cosmetic surgery with their parents. But unfortunately, in certain cases parents are encouraging their children to undergo drastic or risky cosmetic surgery. Dr. Wang believes that parents should not be pressuring their children into surgery, and the decision should be one for teens to make themselves, with support but not pressure from their parents.

Published in Just for You
31 Dec

Those who have achieved significant weight loss, either through diet and exercise or through a surgical procedure such as lap-band or gastric bypass, have taken the first step on their way to achieving a revitalized self. The second step, however, often entails dealing with the sagging skin that results from such a massive transformation. Excessive sagging skin all over the body can be uncomfortable and can make the individual feel as if their dream of a new body has not yet been fully realized. For those seeking to address sagging skin and tissue, Dr. Wang performs several procedures tailored to individuals who have experienced a dramatic drop in body weight. It is important that those contemplating such post-weight loss procedures have attained their goal weight and have stabilized at this weight for some time prior to undergoing surgery.

If you're ready to discuss how to tighten skin after weight loss, now is a great time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Rancho Cucamonga, Glendora, Chino Hills, Arcadia and Upland. Simply request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

What kinds of procedures may be recommended after dramatic weight loss?

Depending on the patient’s anatomy and goals, Dr. Wang will formulate a specific plan to target problem areas. He may recommend multiple procedures to deal with extra skin and tissue, including a body lift, thigh lift, tummy tuck, breast lift, and/or a face and neck lift. Dr. Wang and the patient will discuss which procedures are necessary to provide natural, healthy-looking results. These procedures are usually performed over a period of time to allow for proper healing and the attainment of the best possible results. The above-mentioned procedures are usually performed under general anesthesia and depending on the invasiveness of the surgery, they may require an overnight stay. As with most surgical procedures, possible complications include infection and blood clotting. Due to the extensive amount of skin and tissue to be addressed, scarring is inevitable, but Dr. Wang makes every attempt to make incisions in the areas most easily concealed either by the natural folds of the skin or by clothing and undergarments.

What does a tummy tuck involve?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, may be performed as part of post-weight loss body contouring to target the abdominal region. During a tummy tuck, Dr. Wang makes a horizontal incision above the pubic area. Depending on the amount of loose skin, he may also choose to make an incision near the navel. He then pulls underlying tissue and muscle tightly together and sutures them in place. Dr. Wang may also use liposuction to remove excess fat, if necessary. He then removes excess skin and sutures remaining skin back together. Drains may be inserted underneath the abdominal skin to remove excess fluid, and if so, they are usually removed after about a week. Some bruising and swelling is likely to occur post surgery. Patients are required to wear a supportive garment for several weeks and may have to refrain from working for a month or so. Healing continues to occur over the course of several months following surgery.

What is a thigh lift?

Some individuals may choose to undergo a thigh lift to target sagging skin in the inner thigh region. Dr. Wang generally makes an incision where the thigh meets the groin and may sometimes opt for a secondary incision from the groin to the knee. This allows for removal of excess tissue and/or fat (using liposuction) and subsequent trimming of loose skin. Remaining skin is then sutured in place, and the patient is required to wear a compression bandage for several weeks following surgery.

What does a breast lift involve?

Extreme weight loss can cause breasts to loose shape and projection. A breast lift, or mastoplexy, can help uplift the breasts into an attractive position and allows for removal of excess skin in this area. A variety of incision techniques can be used during a breast lift; however, those patients with significant sagging will most likely require an incision that extends around the perimeter of the areola, down to the breast crease and then horizontally across the crease. Once Dr. Wang makes the incision, he will reposition and reshape the underlying tissue, allowing for the repositioning of the areola, which remains attached to the tissue to preserve sensation. For those patients who are seeking a reduction in areola size, excess skin around the perimeter of the areola may also be removed. After Dr. Wang removes excess skin, he sutures the remaining skin in place. Patients are required to wear compression bandages for a few weeks following surgery, and then a special bra must be worn for several months thereafter. Patients generally experience swelling and bruising for several weeks, but are able to return to work after about a week.

Face/Neck Lift

Individuals who have achieved marked weight loss may notice droopy skin around the face and neck. Sagging skin in the face often affects the neck and creates a floppy appearance along the neckline. A face and neck lift, therefore, is an efficient way of targeting such problem areas. As with a traditional face and neck lift, Dr. Wang inconspicuously makes incisions along the hairline and below the chin. He then removes excess tissue and skin and then smoothes remaining skin in to place. For more information on incision techniques and recovery see “Neck Lift” and “Facelift” sections.

Published in Just for You
31 Dec

Here's the cliché: one morning, you look in the mirror and suddenly realize you're capital-O Old. Here's the reality: over time, the little things that bug you about your appearance have stretched, sagged, or expanded. Some say these changes in our bodies are just the nature of getting old. But at Wang Plastic Surgery, we believe in the nature of looking great. The search for the fountain of youth continues as it has for centuries, but until it's found, people over 50 can take comfort knowing that Dr. Wang has the tools and techniques to keep them looking fit and healthy.

Face the World with Renewed Confidence

The biggest cosmetic concern for most older Americans is the aging of their face. Thankfully, we offer a number of procedures and treatments that can help you take years off of your appearance.

Many of Dr. Wang's mature patients need surgical correction for their cosmetic troubles to achieve the revitalized look they want. Today, there are more options than ever before to help you look your best. For instance, a common concern for people over 50 is that their eyes appear tired and saggy, giving the people they meet the impression that they are disengaged from life or not feeling well. Blepharoplasty , or eyelid surgery, can help you look young again by removing loose skin and fat deposits above the eyes and bags and puffiness below the eyes. Patients generally appear more rested and vibrant.

Another common concern Dr. Wang hears is that facial skin has begun to sag around the jaw line or on the neck. By performing facelift surgery, Dr. Wang can achieve a tighter, smoother facial appearance. For an even more vibrant look, Dr. Wang also offers dermabrasion to smooth fine wrinkles, scars, and other minor imperfections. Dermabrasion is particularly good at minimizing the appearance of age spots and fine lines around the mouth.

For mature patients who want to maintain their appearance after surgery or who have been treated pretty well by the hands of time, non-surgical treatments offer a great way to refine minor imperfections and keep looking your best. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, almost one million Americans over age 55 sought treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic last year. BOTOX® Cosmetic can help you reduce the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles. Another popular facial treatment is chemical peel, which can be used to restore skin on your entire face or in a targeted treatment area. Also, Dr. Wang offers several tissue fillers, including Radiesse™, Restylane®, Hylaform®, and collagen, to fill in wrinkles and other trouble spots that make you appear anything but young and energized.

Help Your Body Look Its Best

Just because you've aged, you have to give up looking sexy. You can fight gravity and aging with several popular body procedures. Many of Dr. Wang's patients choose liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits. If you eat right and continue to exercise, liposuction offers you the ability to slim trouble spots. Though of course you shouldn't expect to look 20 again, most liposuction patients are happily surprised by what the procedure can do.

Other popular surgeries include breast lift and tummy tuck. A breast lift does just what it says, reversing the effects of gravity by raising your breasts to a more youthful position. Tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, smoothes and firms the skin in your stomach area by eliminating loose skin and fat tissue. For a comprehensive makeover, you may want to consider combining these procedures, and you also may want to have Dr. Wang perform liposuction. After meeting with you at your personal consultation, Dr. Wang will recommend a surgical treatment plan based on your desires and your medical history.

Dr. Wang has helped hundreds of patients over 50 achieve their cosmetic goals and look great again. To find out how he can help you, request a consultation online at any one of his two convenient Southern California offices in Pasadena or Upland (in the Inland Empire), or call (888) 360-6688 today.

Published in Just for You
31 Dec

What does it mean to be a man today? The strong, silent type who was so popular during your dad's generation is giving way to a modern man who is comfortable taking care of himself and others. You can be a nurturing father. You can treat your partner with mutual respect and adoration. You can take action to stay handsome and healthy. Men who value their health are integrating cosmetic procedures into their medical treatment plans. Cosmetic surgery offers more than just style-it's an excellent way to feel more confident, attractive, and energized.

In some circles, men still view cosmetic surgery with suspicion, but you know better. Last year, over 1 million cosmetic procedures were performed for men, an 8% increase since the beginning of the decade. Smart men know that looking good and feeling good about themselves are important factors in their success, both at home and on the job. Dr. Wang encourages you to investigate the options, and take action to solve your cosmetic problems.

Face the Facts: Times Have Changed

Not so long ago, the ideal man was the rugged loner type whose leathery, wrinkled skin evidenced his years spent working outdoors. But times have changed, and rough skin is now as unflattering on men as it is on women. You don't have to get involved in complicated treatments with various creams, splashes, exfoliants and other "beauty" products. Instead, rely on Dr. Wang to help develop and implement a treatment plan for your specific skin type.

One popular cosmetic procedure for men is rhinoplasty, or nose surgery. In fact, men account for almost a third of all rhinoplasties each year. Nose surgery is a great way to correct a nose that is large, crooked, or off-center. Often, rhinoplasty can transform the look of your whole face. Men also turn to dermabrasion and facelift to revive the appearance of their faces.

Another popular facial treatment for men is BOTOX® Cosmetic. Last year, men underwent almost 300,000 BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments. Men who have not moisturized and properly cleansed their skin over the years are particularly susceptible to wrinkles, and in addition to BOTOX® Cosmetic, many men also turn to such wrinkle fillers as Juvederm®, Restylane®, and Radiesse®.

Cosmetic Procedures: The Ultimate Body Builder

Men have more options than ever to shape their bodies and polish their look. One popular procedure is male breast reduction to correct gynecomastia. Also, even if you get plenty of exercise and eat pretty good, you still might have love handles, belly fat, or some other small area where stubborn fat just won't go away. For these areas, liposuction offers a great way to permanently reduce the number of fat cells, meaning that you can maintain your slimmed-down look with your regular diet and exercise regimen.

As a man, you're probably in constant battle with hair on some part of your body. Whether it's trying to stop a receding hairline or plucking hair from unwanted places, it may seem like the fight will never end. Bald may be beautiful again, but thick hair on the back, neck, and other unwanted places will never be in style. To permanently reduce the amount of unwanted hair on your body, look into laser hair removal .

Dr. Wang has the tools to help you look your best. To find out how Dr. Wang can help you look and feel more healthy, request a consultation online at any one of his two convenient Southern California offices in Pasadena or Upland (in the Inland Empire), or call (888) 360-6688 today.

Published in Just for You
31 Dec

The 40s can be an exciting time in any woman's life, with advancement in career, established a family and discovering a new self-confidence. As you grow, you may start to look at yourself differently and notice areas of your face and body that don't necessarily match how you feel inside. Dr. Wang offers cosmetic and plastic surgery in the Pasadena area that help create beautiful reflections of his patients' active and healthy lifestyles. If you have an area you would like to enhance, now is the time to discover how you can look and feel your best.

Creating a Beautiful Reflection

When you look in the mirror, you may begin to look beyond the surface and see the core facial structure of the woman you have become. Whether you've been concerned with your facial symmetry for years or have recently noticed an area that you feel needs enhancement, Dr. Wang can help bring balance to your face with beautiful and natural-looking results.

Your face can greatly affect how others perceive you and your emotions, so it's important that it accurately portray who you are. Some women see frown lines begin to develop across their foreheads. Those lines can create a tired or sad expression that detracts from the real you. To minimize those lines, many women turn to popular products such as BOTOX® Cosmetic to help create a smoother, younger looking face.

For many women in their 40s in the San Gabriel Valley and Inland Empire, plastic surgery may not be necessary. Subtle changes, such as a gradual decrease in facial volume, can be addressed with a number of non-surgical options for plumping and smoothing skin. Dermal fillers provide temporary enhancement by correcting laugh lines, sunken cheeks and thin lips. For patients who want to refresh their appearance, chemical peels help to restore a youthful glow.

Patients who are concerned with facial symmetry and want more permanent solutions often turn to facial plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, can help to correct both cosmetic and functional issues. Dr. Wang uses a number of techniques to ensure long-lasting results.

Sometimes, women in their 40s are more concerned with other aspects of their appearance, such as their ears. Ear pinning can help create a more natural appearance by taking the attention away from large or out-of-proportion ears.

Your Ideal Body

A healthful diet and regular exercise are great ways help retain a beautiful, youthful appearance, but sometimes work and personal life can get in the way of maintaining your ideal body. Women in their 40s are often very busy, so maximum results and minimal recovery time are of the utmost importance. Dr. Wang understands this. He can help women get rid of small pockets of fat on various parts of their bodies with minimal downtime using liposuction or laser liposuction. During personal consultations, he helps patients decide on the best option for their body types and their specific cosmetic goals.

After having children, women in their 40s may be left with breasts that sag or lack volume. For these women, Dr. Wang offers breast augmentation. Patients can choose from a range of implant options and surgical methods for custom, natural-looking results.

Women seeking plastic surgery in the Pasadena, CA, area often turn to Dr. Wang for other breast issues, such as overly large breasts that cause back pain or breasts that are left with excess skin after a major weight loss. For these patients, Dr. Wang can design breast lift or breast reduction surgery to increase physical comfort and enhance appearance.

Dr. Wang understands the importance of spending time with patients to determine the best ways to help them feel and look their best.

The 40s are a great time. Enjoy it to the fullest. Learn how Dr. Wang can help you reach – and even exceed – your cosmetic goals. Request a consultation online at any one of his two convenient Southern California offices: Pasadena or Upland (in the Inland Empire). Or, call (888) 360-6688 today.

Published in Just for You
31 Dec

Your twenties are some of the most exciting years of your life-starting that new job, meeting a lifelong friend, and maybe even finding the love of your life. All these exhilarating events also can put great strain on you to look your best. As always, your beauty largely comes from inside, so if you live life to the fullest, you're sure to shine. But unless you were born a supermodel, and you wouldn't be here if so, you might need a little help to boost your hotness by a few degrees. Dr. Wang has helped hundreds of younger women tidy up trouble spots and polish their beauty.

Be Some Body to Remember

When you're finishing up school, starting a new job, or hitting the dating scene, you need all the help you can get to make a fantastic first impression. A toned, shapely body is always going to turn heads and get you positive reviews. Women today understand that they can be valued and respected both for their intellect and for the work they've done to stay healthy and look stunning. Many young women value their beauty as an important part of themselves as an outward reflection of their healthy self-esteem.

But no matter how healthy you are and how well you take care of yourself, there are some beauty goals that only a surgeon can help you with. For instance, almost 100,000 American women age 20 to 39 choose breast augmentation each year. This popular procedure allows you to enhance your body contour and create a more flattering profile. Dr. Wang is a strong believer in the artistry of custom breast augmentation. If you do the research, you may find that some surgeons want to pressure you into a particular implant style and placement method, offering "cookie cutter" results. Your body is too special and unique for such a one-size-fits-all approach.

Another common procedure for younger women is liposuction, which allows you to slim areas of fat that won't respond to diet and exercise. In spite of being in good health, many younger women notice that they begin to develop a "belly pooch" or flab around the stomach that won't go away no matter how many sit-ups they do or how many healthy meals they eat. An abdominoplasty in Pasadena is a great way to both remove the fat and tighten the muscles in this area. Whatever your body surgery need, Dr. Wang is committed to exceeding your goals.

Your Best Face Forward

No matter how hard you work to stay in shape and keep your body looking great, you still may be unhappy with some of your facial features. You're not alone. Last year, over 300,000 facial procedures and treatments were performed for people age 20 to 39. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is the most popular facial surgery for younger women, and can dramatically improve the look of your face. Many younger women aren't ready for or don't need the substantial transformations that surgical solutions provide, and are instead much more interested in non-surgical or "minimally invasive" treatment options. The most popular cosmetic procedure for young women is laser hair removal, which can be completed in 15 to 30 minutes and permanently reduces the amount of hair on your face or other regions where it's unwanted.

Some of the most common facial skin treatments are BOTOX® Cosmetic and a variety of tissue fillers, including Radiesse™, Restylane®, and Hylaform®. At your consultation, Dr. Wang will give you a personal skin evaluation and help you choose which of these treatments is best for you.

Dr. Wang loves to help his younger patients look and feel fabulous. It's a great time of life-enjoy it to the fullest by finding out how Dr. Wang can help you. Request a consultation online at any one of his two convenient Southern California offices in Pasadena or Upland (in the Inland Empire), or call (888) 360-6688 today.

Published in Just for You
31 Dec

Bringing your newborn home from the hospital. Hearing her first words. Helping her learn to tie her shoes. There's no denying that motherhood is a rewarding experience. But what happened to the beautiful body you enjoyed before becoming a mom? If you're like a lot of women, pregnancy has left you with unwanted stretching, sagging, and extra pounds. In the past, women just accepted that they would have to give up some physical beauty to raise a family.

But now, you can be a mom and still look dazzling. If you've taken the time to take care of yourself, but some of your most persistent trouble spots just won't improve, consider your cosmetic surgery options. Dr. Wang offers a custom improvement plan to all of his patients, including moms who want a fresh, new look.

What Is A Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeovers involve restoring your body to its pre-baby beauty. For most women, this can be achieved through a combination of breast and body procedures. Dr. Wang sees excellent results when patients choose to combine these procedures-your flatter stomach will help emphasize your fuller breasts, and you'll be turning heads like never before.

Most mommy makeovers include some type of surgical correction in the abdominal area. If you have only a small area of belly fat, Dr. Wang may be able to slim the area using only liposuction . For larger fat deposits and loose skin, abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, can slim your profile and tighten your stomach muscles. Think of how much better your clothes will fit and how much sexier you'll feel with a flatter stomach.

Another popular part of the mommy makeover is a breast procedure to give you beautiful, shapely breasts. You will be able to discuss your needs with Dr. Wang during your consultation. Surgical options include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or a combined procedure. For instance, some moms never had much breast tissue, but now are ready for the breasts they've always wanted. Breast augmentation alone is a great choice for these women. For a mom who's gone through the cycle of increased breast size, nursing, breast shrinkage, and sagging, a combined lift and augmentation often achieves the desired look. There are more surgical options than ever before to revive and restore your breast appearance.

Last, you may want to consider some of the procedures we offer for facial rejunvenation and sculpting such as facelift or eyelid surgery to revive your facial appearance.

Taking the Time for Yourself

Many of the young moms who visit Dr. Wang's offices share similar concerns. Most of all, they're worried about taking time away from their families. Of course, surgery involves prep time, time for the procedure itself, and a recovery period while you get back to normal. In the meantime, your kids and other members of your household continue to need your care and support. Is it selfish to take some time for yourself? Absolutely not. The downtime during your surgery, while not insignificant, is only a short-term inconvenience for the long-term gains in your self-esteem, confidence, and improved outlook. Think of your surgery as an investment both in yourself and in your family, because so many of our mommy makeover patients report back that they have so much more energy and feel so much better about being a mom.

Another common concern is financing the surgery. As you know, raising a family costs a lot of money, and often there's just not much left over each month. With all the expenses and reasons to save, it may seem like cosmetic surgery is an unaffordable indulgence. But many patients find that the look they want is less expensive than they thought, and with several financing options available, it's easier than ever to work your new look into the family budget.

Dr. Wang is happy to discuss your cosmetic concerns. As a mother and a woman, you deserve to look and feel great. To find out how Dr. Wang can help you achieve your beauty goals, request a consultation online at any one of his two convenient Southern California offices: Pasadena or Upland in the Inland Empire. Or, we're happy to schedule your appointment over the phone at (888) 360-6688.

Published in Just for You
31 Dec

Below is a story about the experience of one satisfied patient of Pasadena breast enhancement surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang. Her mommy makeover was a great success and she is delighted that she chose the practice.

Soon after the birth of her first child 12 years ago, Brandy was unhappy with her sagging breasts that lacked fullness, as well as the excess skin around her abdomen. She knew then that breast enhancement was in her future, but wanted to wait until she was sure she wasn't going to have any more children. In May 2007, she and her husband sat down and discussed their plans. They realized that with 3 kids, their family was complete, and Brandy knew it was time to look into cosmetic surgery for herself. After waiting 12 years, Brandy's primary thought was, "I want to get this done already!"

Incision Decision

Initially Brandy planned to only have a breast enhancement, yet as she thought about the bigger picture, she realized that she wasn't happy with her stomach either. Before seeing Dr. Wang she met with another surgeon to discuss mommy makeover surgery but wasn't satisfied with that surgeon's plan to make a large incision down the lower half of each breast as part of her breast lift. She just didn't want to be left with that kind of visible scarring.

Brandy then scheduled her consultation with Pasadena breast enhancement surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang. She recalls, "When I went to Dr. Wang's office, it felt very comfortable." During their meeting, Dr. Wang explained that he could make the breast lift incisions around her areolas, the dark skin that surrounds the nipples. This incision location helps to create minimal scarring. Brandy appreciated Dr. Wang's attention to detail and felt that he was the talented surgeon she was looking for. She scheduled her breast lift, breast augmentation and tummy tuck for late June 2007, on her 31st birthday.

Brandy's Pasadena Area Breast Enhancement and Abdominoplasty

On the day of her surgery, Brandy was completely excited and not a bit nervous. She remembers, "I didn't have any fears, believe it or not. I was just so excited about it, even while waiting in the waiting room." Dr. Wang made his precise surgical markings to properly prepare her before she went in for anesthesia. She says, "I don't even remember getting drowsy – I just remember being out."

There were no complications with Brandy's surgery at all. She'd seen lots of plastic surgery television shows and remembers the patients being shaken awake by the doctors when they were in the recovery room. Brandy appreciated that Dr. Wang and his staff allowed her to wake up naturally, on her own. She recalls that following surgery she felt some pain, mostly from the tummy tuck procedure, but the pain medication she was given quickly worked wonders.

I was able to see that my stomach was flat. When he took off the bra top, I could see how full my breasts were. The scar is so minimal and thin, you can barely see it..

Following Doctor's Orders

Brandy's recovery went smoothly, as her husband and mom took care of her and the children. She remembers, "As long as I took my pain medication on time, I was comfortable. The only thing that was a little frustrating was keeping my kids at arm's length - they just wanted to give me a hug!" She was also diligent about her post-surgery routine. "I was always taking my antibiotics on time, which I think has a lot to with the way your scars heal. And I continued to put on silicone strips to help the scars heal better."

The day after her tummy tuck and breast enhancement surgery near Pasadena, Brandy went in for her follow-up appointment and Dr. Wang told her that everything looked great. She continued to go in for check-ups every few days, which she appreciated. "It was very consistent, which also made me feel very comfortable, knowing that he wanted to see me for follow-ups."

The first time Dr. Wang removed Brandy's garment and bandages, she was very happy with the results. She remembers, "I was able to see that my stomach was flat. When he took off the bra top, I could see how full my breasts were." This was a relief, since the week before surgery Brandy had one dream where her breasts were too large, then another dream where they turned out too small. Thankfully her new size 36D breasts looked just as she'd hoped. As for the scarring, she says, "The scar is so minimal, you can barely see it. It's really thin."

I'd tell anyone to go to Doctor Wang! My husband is also now a fan. He's always telling me how nice my body looks..

Advice for Others

Brandy is happy that her days of wearing padded bras - and always having to make sure the padding wasn't sticking out - are gone. When asked if she has any advice for other women considering mommy makeover surgery, she says without hesitation, "I'd tell anyone to go to Doctor Wang!" Her husband is a fan too; Brandy says, "He's always telling me how nice my body looks."

Published in Real Patient Stories
Page 7 of 17

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Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang specializes in Pasadena breast augmentation as well as breast enhancement, hair transplant, face lift, laser hair removal, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), nose surgery (rhinoplasty), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and breast lift. He has cosmetic surgery offices and med spas in Upland, Pasadena, Glendora and Santa Ana and serves Southern California including La Verne, San Dimas, Chino Hills, Diamond Bar, Yorba Linda, Riverside, Rancho Cucamonga, Brea, Fullerton, Orange, Tustin, and Irvine.


  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
