Wang Plastic Surgery

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31 Dec


BOTOX Cosmetic helps reduce the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines and wrinkles caused by muscle activity in adult patients aged 65 years or less. BOTOX Cosmetic is injected into the muscles that cause these lines and wrinkles, disabling them and reducing their further deepening. In conjunction with Restylane® injections, JUVÉDERM®, chemical peels, and/or a forehead lift or face lift, complete facial rejuvenation is possible.

Because of Dr. Wang's unsurpassed commitment to patient care, he conducts all BOTOX Cosmetic consultations personally and administers the injections himself, unlike many other practices that rely on their nursing staff to provide BOTOX Cosmetic treatments and consultations. If you are considering BOTOX Cosmetic or any of the other treatments available through F.A.C.E., take a moment to read how former patients are expressing their appreciation for Dr. Wang's knowledge and care throughout the facial rejuvenation process.

Now is a great time to schedule a BOTOX Cosmetic consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Rancho Cucamonga, Glendora, Chino Hills, Arcadia and Riverside. You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

What are the common benefits of BOTOX Cosmetic?

BOTOX Cosmetic removes wrinkles produced by facial movement, resulting in a younger looking appearance. BOTOX Cosmetic is especially effective for treating crow's feet, forehead wrinkles, bunny lines on the nose, and down turned corners of the mouth. BOTOX Cosmetic will also reduce a "gummy" smile, dimpling of the chin, bands on the neck, as well as reducing the cheeks and calves. BOTOX Cosmetic has also proven effective in decreasing excessive sweating of the palms and underarms, and has also been shown to reduce migraine headaches.

How are BOTOX Cosmetic injections performed?

BOTOX Cosmetic treatments do not usually require anesthesia, however the skin can be treated with a topical numbing agent and you may be given a sedative if desired. During the procedure, Dr. Wang will use very thin needles to inject very small amounts of BOTOX Cosmetic into the affected areas of the face or area of the body to be treated.

How long do BOTOX Cosmetic treatments take?

BOTOX Cosmetic treatments may take from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the number of injections required.

What can I expect after my BOTOX Cosmetic treatment?

You may experience mild bruising and swelling at the site of the injections, as well as a brief headache. You will be asked to keep your head upright and avoid rubbing the treated area. Within three to five days you will see results, but some areas may take as much as two weeks. Results of each treatment last from four to six months.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

You should be able to return to work or home immediately.

The information about BOTOX® Cosmetic is provided for Pasadena and Inland Empire residents considering cosmetic surgery courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, board-certified plastic surgeon.

31 Dec
If you'd like to enjoy plump lips, enhance shallow contours or soften those facial creases and wrinkles to restore youthful fullness to your face, dermal fillers offered by Wang Plastic Surgery in Pasadena and Inland Empire may be the answer.

There numerous of FDA approved dermal fillers available; varied by price, longevity and effectiveness in addressing specific cosmetic issues. Dermal fillers are often used in conjunction with other skin rejuvenation treatments such as injections of Botox or the non-invasive Thermage. Dr. Stewart Wang will assess your needs and recommend one or a combination of treatments to achieve your desired results.



Liquid FaceLifts or Temporary Facial Implant

Dermal fillers have been called "liquid facelifts" because they offer many of the benefits of a surgical facelift without the downtime. They are used to soften facial creases, remove wrinkles and improve the appearance of recessed scars.

Injectable dermal fillers can be used to plump thin lips, enhance shallow contours, such as nose, cheek, and chin. It is the lunch time temporary profile enhancements. Some patients may consider these treatments to visualize the results before a major decision to proceed with permanent facial implants such as Lip Augmentation, Rhinoplasty, or Mentoplasty . Although they can't help with excess sagging skin, these soft tissue fillers can add more volume and provide immediate results at a lower cost than surgery. These treatments aren't permanent, however, and they must be repeated and maintained.

Now is a great time to schedule a dermal filler consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Rancho Cucamonga, Glendora, Chino Hills, Arcadia and Riverside. You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

31 Dec

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breasts for a number of reasons:

  • To enhance the body contour of a woman who, for personal reasons, feels her breast size is too small.
  • To correct a reduction of breast volume after pregnancy.
  • To bring balance to breasts of unmatched size.
  • As a reconstructive technique following breast surgery.

By inserting breast implants behind each breast, plastic surgeon Dr. Wang can increase a woman's bust line by one or more bra cup sizes. Dr. Wang has helped many satisfied breast augmentation patients over the years. Read what former patients are saying about their experience with the caring staff at Wang Plastic Surgery.

If you're ready to discuss your breast enhancement options, now is a great time to schedule a breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Rancho Cucamonga, Glendora, Chino Hills, Arcadia and Upland. Simply request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

Women who feel their breasts are too small, who have one breast that is larger than the other or whose breasts have become smaller or less firm after childbirth or weight loss are all great candidates for breast augmentation. You must be in good health with no serious medical conditions, and have realistic expectations about what an augmentation can accomplish.

There are two types of breast implants Inland Empire and Pasadena women can choose - saline or silicone gel. Saline implants are commonly available and offer a natural, pleasing look. Silicone gel implants have recently become available to the general public thanks to an FDA decision to re-approve these popular implants in this country (Read Dr. Wang's press release about the approval of silicone implants). Silicone implants have advantages over saline (salt water) implants, such as they look more like natural breasts and generate none of the complaints of rippling or balloon-like appearance sometimes associated with their saline counterparts. At your consultation, Dr. Wang can help you determine which implant is best for you.

To help manage and minimize discomfort after surgery, Dr. Wang offers his patients the On-Q PainBuster® Post-Op Pain Relief System. This system consists of a small balloon that pumps anesthetic directly to the surgical site through a tiny tube. Benefits of the On-Q system include:

On-Q PainBuster Post-Of Pain Relief System

  • Automatic and continuous pain management for up to 5 days
  • Reduced potential for breakthrough pain and need for narcotics
  • Compact size for discreet and comfortable use
  • Simple removal once all medication has been delivered

With the ON-Q system, you can get back on your feet quickly and enjoy all life has to offer.

What are the benefits of an Inland Empire breast augmentation?

In terms of physical enhancement, breast augmentation improves the volume, shape and beauty of a woman's breasts. It is often used to correct the imbalance in breasts that are disproportionate in size. When combined with a breast lift, a breast augmentation can also correct the sagging that often occurs after childbirth or weight loss.

Breast augmentation can mean so much more than just physical changes. A new study by a nurse researcher at the University of Florida demonstrates what most breast augmentation patients have discovered firsthand: ample, curvaceous breasts can have a profound impact on their lives. In a study of 84 patients, the College of Nursing assistant professor discovered that gains in self-esteem and sexual satisfaction were reported by the majority following breast augmentation surgery. Read more about the study from the story, Is bigger better? Breast surgery linked to boost in self-esteem and sexuality.

How is a breast augmentation performed?

Dr. Wang believes it is important for a surgeon to take time to get to know each patient's unique circumstances before determining which procedural methods would best achieve the results that patient desires. There simply is no single, cookie-cutter approach that works best for every patient. To better understand some of the procedural choices that you and Dr. Wang will determine together, please read our page Tailoring Breast Augmentation to the Individual Patient.

Once these important preoperative decisions have been made and you arrive for your augmentation, you will be put under general anesthesia for your comfort and safety. Dr. Wang will make a small incision in one of four places — the crease beneath the breast, around the areola, under the armpit or inside the bellybutton. He will make very effort to place the incision in an inconspicuous location.

Reaching through the tiny incision, Dr. Wang will gently lift the skin and breast tissue to create a pocket in which to place each implant. The implants will be inserted either directly behind the breast tissue or beneath the muscle of the chest wall. Once the careful placement of each implant is complete, both incisions are stitched shut and a gauze bandage applied to assist the body's healing processes.

What is the TUBA method?

The acronym "TUBA" stands for "trans-umbilical breast augmentation." It refers to the method which uses an incision site at the very edge of the belly button. In this procedure, Dr. Wang makes a narrow pathway to the breast under your abdominal skin, then centers the implant under your nipple.

The most obvious advantage of the TUBA procedure is a tiny scar that's well hidden away from the breast. Other positives include the potential for a shorter surgery time and minimal damage to normal breast tissues. However, TUBA breast enhancement isn't for everyone. When you come in for your consultation, Dr. Wang will discuss all options with you.

How long does a breast augmentation take?

Breast augmentations generally require one to two hours of surgery.

What can I expect after my Pasadena breast enhancement?

You may experience soreness and fatigue for a few days after your surgery, but this usually lasts only 24 to 48 hours. You will experience scarring — firm and pink — for at least six weeks. Though they may remain for several months or get wider, these scars will fade with time. Swelling in your breasts may last three to five weeks. Occasionally, patients experience a burning sensation in the nipples which subsides as quickly as the bruising fades. Stitches will be removed in a week to 10 days, but swelling in your breasts may require three to five weeks to subside.

What is the recovery period like?

Stitches will be removed in a week to 10 days. If you have been required to wear gauze dressings, they will be removed and Dr. Wang may ask that you wear a surgical bra. You should continue any routinely scheduled mammograms, however, be sure the technician performs Ecklund scans for a more reliable reading. For more recovery information, please read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Most of our patients will return to work in a week, depending on the level of activity their job requires. It is important to follow Dr. Wang's instructions for resuming exercise and normal activities. You may want to avoid physical contact for two to three weeks, since your breasts are likely to be sensitive to direct stimulation. When your breasts are no longer sore, direct contact is fine.

The information about Breast Augmentation and Breast Implants is provided for women considering breast augmentation in Pasadena or the Inland Empire courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, board-certified plastic surgeon.

Published in Breast Enhancement
31 Dec

Facial Sculpting Procedures

by Stewart P. Wang
facial sculpting
For men and women in the San Gabriel Valley or Inland empire seeking ways to combat signs of aging, enhance facial profiles or to balance symmetry of the face, Wang Plastic Surgery offers the following Facial Sculpturing options:

Breast Enhancement Procedures

by Dr. Stewart Wang
breast enhancement

If you’re looking for a Los Angeles plastic surgeon to help increase or decrease your cup size, perk up sagging breasts, or in need of breast reconstruction due to cancer or other diseases, Dr. Wang will provide you with an individualized breast augmentation options to suit your unique body proportion, to deliver the most natural looking results according to your needs.

Body Contouring Procedures

by Dr. Stewart Wang
body contouring

Body contouring is the surgical alteration of the body shape for women after pregnancy, after tremendous weight gain leaving stretched, scarred, loose and saggy body parts. Also, for men who seek to get rid of love-handles or the excess fat around the stomach and waist with San Gabriel Valley or Inland Empire cosmetic surgery. Dr. Wang offers both surgical and minimal-invasive procedures.

Published in Main Menu
31 Dec

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic option for women and men who want to remove excess fat from areas of the body and face. Laser technology improves upon the accuracy and quality of results and gives Dr. Stewart Wang the ability to enhance outcomes for patients considering liposuction in the Pasadena or Riverside, CA areas.

Many people know laser liposuction by the brand names Smartlipo® and ProLipo™. For his laser lipo procedures, Dr. Wang uses the latest generations of both Smartlipo® Triplex from Cynosure® and AccuSculpt™ (AccuLift™) Laser Lipo-Sculpting System from Lutronic®. Both Smartlip and AccuLift offer specialized wavelength for enhanced safety, speed and efficiency during fat reduction. Laserlipo uses small incisions and transmits select or a combination of laser energy to rupture fat cells, which then can be suctioned out or removed by your body naturally over time. The precise laser beam targets fat cells while minimizing heating of surrounding tissues

Dr. Wang is the first doctor in Pasadena and Inland Empire to offer both Smartlipo and AccuSculpt for advanced body contouring. He believes that the combination offers a number of advantages for his patients who want to improve their body shape. In fact, it may be more accurate to refer to the procedure as "liposculpture" because of the precise sculpting that can be performed, based on the patient’s body shape and fat density, and the treatment area.

If you're ready to discuss laser liposculpture in more detail, now is a great time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Arcadia and Riverside. You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at 866.486.9149 today to schedule your appointment.

In addition to laser liposuction, Dr. Wang also offers traditional liposuction techniques including tumescent, ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), power-assisted lipoplasty (PAL) and the super-wet technique. In your initial consultation, Dr. Wang will recommend a technique that is best for you, based on the location of your fat deposits and the condition of your skin.

What are the benefits of laser liposculpture?

Laser-assisted liposuction offers a number of advantages over traditional techniques for certain patients. These advantages include:

  • Improved accuracy: The laser allows Dr. Wang to very precisely sculpt excess fat for custom-tailored results.
  • Easier treatment: The laser rapidly passes through connective tissue, requiring less effort during surgery.
  • Easier recovery: Because less surrounding tissue is disrupted, recovery is quicker and more comfortable.
  • Enhanced safety: AccuSculpt can remove fat with less trauma to patients, providing a safer procedure.

How does AccuLift compare to Smartlipo Triplex?

While both devices utilize similar technology, the latest generations utilize a combination of wavelengths. Based on the treatment area and Patient’s condition, Dr. Wang will determine the use of either Smartlipo or AccuLift to deliver a more reliable and satisfying result of the patient. Selection of the wavelength of light is critical to maximize fat reduction while minimizing adverse effects on surrounding tissue, and less downtime.

How is laser liposuction performed?

The addition of laser technology does not dramatically change how liposuction is performed. After local, regional or general anesthesia is administered, small incisions are made through which Dr. Wang inserts the specially-designed AccuSculpt wand to break up the fat cells.

What can I expect after my procedure?

As with traditional liposuction techniques, some pain, burning, swelling, stiffness, bleeding and temporary numbness may occur. Dr. Wang can prescribe pain medication or antibiotics as needed for your comfort. To enhance results and keep the skin looking tight and firm, you may need to wear a snug elastic garment over the treated area for a few weeks.

What is the recovery period like?

Generally, laser lipo patients recover quickly, and begin to feel like themselves again in a week or two. Most swelling and bruising will resolve within 3 weeks. Strenuous activities should be avoided for about a month so that your body has time to heal. Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

You should be able to return to work within a few days after surgery, but Dr. Wang will advise you about when you can add exercise and more strenuous activity back into your daily routine.

The information about Laser Liposuction is provided for Riverside and Pasadena, CA area residents courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, a board certified plastic surgeon.


Published in Liposuction
31 Dec

Bariatric surgery has the power to lift your spirits and change your life, but after all that weight loss, did you know that you'll likely need additional plastic surgery in Pasadena or the Inland Empire to lift drooping and loose skin?

Dr. Wang offers confidential consultations to tell you more about body lift. You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 to schedule your appointment at any of our three plastic surgery offices: the Upland office near Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga in the Inland Empire, our Pasadena office, or Santa Ana office in Orange County.

To help manage and minimize discomfort after surgery, Dr. Wang offers his patients the On-Q PainBuster® Post-Op Pain Relief System. This system consists of a small balloon that pumps anesthetic directly to the surgical site through a tiny tube. Benefits of the On-Q system include:

  • Automatic and continuous pain management for up to 5 days
  • Reduced potential for breakthrough pain and need for narcotics
  • Compact size for discreet and comfortable use
  • Simple removal once all medication has been delivered

With the ON-Q system, you can get back on your feet quickly and enjoy all life has to offer.

How is a body lift performed?

Inland Empire plastic surgeon Dr. Wang performs body lift after your weight has stabilized following gastric bypass surgery, generally 12 to 18 months later. To fully recontour your body, several surgeries may be needed, with a minimum of three months between the procedures. After a discussion of your cosmetic goals at the consultation, Dr. Wang will suggest a sequence of procedures to give you the best results in the shortest period of time.

Many of the procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis, depending on your overall health. The body lift procedure targets five trouble areas that commonly plague patients after bariatric surgery:


Extreme weight loss normally leads to excess abdominal skin and loose abdominal muscles. The heavy, hanging skin can cause such conditions as recurrent rashes, moisture trapping and infection, requiring removal of excess abdominal skin and fat through Pasadena tummy tuck surgery. Patients who have undergone drastic weight loss may need more extensive forms of tummy tuck such as belt lipectomy or panniculectomy.

Thighs and Buttocks

Thigh lifts can help correct excess folds along the inner thighs or fat deposits along the outer thighs. This surgery may require extensive incisions along the entire length of the thigh and leg. In some cases, post-bariatric surgery patients may also benefit from a buttock lift to recontour and raise this area.

Both men and women may experience considerable sagging skin in the breast area after gastric bypass surgery. Dr. Wang can raise this drooping skin with breast lift surgery. Women may want to supplement their lift with breast implants in the Inland Empire / Upland, California area. A breast enlargement procedure can help these women achieve their ideal look, while in some cases men who suffer from gynecomastia may need liposuction to fully reduce breast size. Breast surgery may be combined with upper body lift surgery, which removes excess upper torso skin folds.


Loose skin and excess fat that hangs on the underarm area can be removed through brachioplasty, or arm lift surgery. Once the excess fat and skin are removed, Dr. Wang tightens and sews together the remaining skin to create a slimmer arm appearance.

Face and Neck

After intense weight loss, wrinkles and sagging skin on your face and neck may become more noticeable. Dr. Wang can help correct this condition by performing facelift or necklift, which tightens muscle and deep tissue while sculpting your face and neck skin. Facelifts are performed through incisions concealed inconspicuously within the hairline and by the ears.

How long does a body lift take?

Each procedure will take several hours to perform, with surgical time depending on the amount of tissue that needs to be removed and the difficulty of reconstructing the surgical area.

What can I expect after a body lift?

Because it is comprised of many surgeries over an extended period of time, body lift can cause discomfort, and may require one to three days of care in a hospital or other care facility. Often, patients who undergo body lift after bariatric surgery are at greater risk for complications because of weight-related illnesses such as sleep apnea, diabetes, heart disease, or malnutrition. Dr. Wang carefully monitors patients in these situations both before and after the surgery, and provides specialized care as needed.

What is the recovery period like?

You will be sore for several days, but you are encouraged to engage in activity when you feel ready. Dr. Wang fits patients with elastic compression garments, which must be worn continuously for several weeks, and then for a few more weeks during exercise or strenuous activity.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Dr. Wang will carefully monitor your progress and guide you through recovery. Most patients return to non-strenuous activities within two weeks, and begin low impact exercise within four to six weeks after surgery.

The information about Body Lifts after Gastric Bypass Surgery is provided for Pasadena and Inland Empire plastic surgery patients courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, board certified plastic surgeon.


Published in Body Contouring
31 Dec

 Tummy Tuck, or abdominoplasty, is designed to firm and smooth the abdomen. This cosmetic procedure removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and may also tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. The result is a flatter, tighter abdominal profile.

If you're ready to discuss your tummy tuck options, now is a great time to request a consultation online with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Arcadia, Glendora, Chino Hills and communities throughout the Inland Empire. Or, call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

Tummy tucks are best-suited to men or women who are in good medical condition, but are troubled by a large fat deposit or loose abdominal skin that don't respond to diet or exercise. Women who have experienced significant stretching of abdominal skin from multiple pregnancies will also benefit from a tummy tuck, as well as older patients who have lost skin elasticity. Those who intend to lose a lot of weight or women who plan to become pregnant should postpone the procedure since the abdominal muscles can slacken again.

To help manage and minimize discomfort after Inland Empire tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Wang offers his tummy tuck patients the On-Q PainBuster® Post-Op Pain Relief System. This system consists of a small balloon that pumps anesthetic directly to the surgical site through a tiny tube. Benefits of the On-Q system include:

  • Automatic and continuous pain management for up to 5 days
  • Reduced potential for breakthrough pain and need for narcotics
  • Compact size for discreet and comfortable use
  • Simple removal once all medication has been delivered

With the ON-Q system, you can get back on your feet quickly and enjoy all life has to offer.

What are the common benefits of a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck produces a tighter, more sculpted appearance in patients with large deposits of abdominal fat or who have lost elasticity around their abdomens. Dr. Wang's patients have achieved extremely satisfying results through body contouring cosmetic surgery. Take a moment to read about former patients that have chosen tummy tucks and other procedures at Wang Plastic Surgery.

How is a tummy tuck in Riverside, CA performed?

While the patient is under general anesthesia, Dr. Wang makes a long incision, just above the pubic area, from hipbone to hipbone. A second incision is then made to free the navel from surrounding tissue. In partial abdominoplasty, the incision is much shorter and the navel may not be moved, although it may be reshaped as the skin is tightened and stitched.

After making the incisions, Dr. Wang reveals the vertical muscles in your abdomen by separating the skin from the abdominal wall up to the ribs. The surgeon tightens these muscles by pulling them close together and stitching them into their new position to firm the abdominal wall and narrow the waistline. The skin flap is then stretched downward and the extra skin removed. During partial abdominoplasty, the skin is separated only between the incision line and the navel. This skin is then stretched down, excess skin is removed and the flap stitched back into place. In a full tummy tuck, a new hole is cut for the navel and it is stitched is place. The incisions are then stitched and dressings applied. A temporary tube may be inserted to drain excess fluid from the area.

How long does a Pasadena abdominoplasty take?

A complete tummy tuck usually takes two to five hours, while a partial tummy tuck may take one to two hours.

What can I expect after a tummy tuck?

Depending on your procedure, you may be released within a few hours or you may be required to remain hospitalized for two to three days. You are likely to experience swelling of your abdomen, pain and scarring. Scarring may actually appear to worsen during the first three to six months, but in time scars will flatten and lighten in color. Patients who follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly will experience long lasting results. Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

What is the recovery period like?

Surface stitches are usually removed in five to seven days and deeper stitches are removed in two to three weeks. Dr. Wang will instruct you in how to shower and change your dressings. Later, you may be asked to wear a support garment in place of the dressings on incisions. Dr. Wang will advise you to begin walking as soon as possible after surgery. Light exercise will improve the healing process, since it reduces swelling, lowers the chance of blood clots, and tones muscles. Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Your physical condition prior to surgery will determine how quickly you recover. Some people return to work in two weeks, while others may require three to four weeks of recuperation.

The information about tummy tuck in Pasadena and the Inland Empire is provided courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, a board-certified plastic surgeon.


Published in Body Contouring
31 Dec

Liposuction, also called lipoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes deposits of excess fat from specific areas of the body, face or neck. Liposuction can be used to slim the hips and thighs, flatten the abdomen, shape the calves and ankles or eliminate a double chin.

If you're ready to discuss your liposuction options, now is a great time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Arcadia and Riverside. You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

Liposuction in the Pasadena area is best for men and women of normal weight with firm, elastic skin, but are troubled by fat deposits that don't respond to diet or exercise. Age is not a consideration; however, because of diminished skin elasticity, older patients may not experience the same results as younger patients with tighter skin.

There are several variations of liposuction that can achieve more precise results with quicker recovery times. They include fluid injection, ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), the tumescent technique and the super-wet technique. In your initial consultation, Dr. Wang will help you to assess which technique is best for you, based on the location of your fat deposits and the condition of your skin. The dedication to personal service sets Dr. Wang and his staff apart. See what former patients have to say about their experience with the caring staff at Wang Plastic Surgery when you read what patients are saying.

What are the common benefits of liposuction?

Liposuction results in a tighter, more sculpted appearance in areas with large deposits of fat that have not responded to diet and exercise.

How is liposuction performed?

Liposuction can be performed either under local, regional or general anesthesia, depending on the location of the fat deposits and the extent of the procedure. The procedure generally involves inserting a narrow tube (cannula) into an incision beneath the surface of the skin to break up the fat cells and suction them out. In the fluid injection method, a medicated solution is injected into the fatty areas prior to suctioning to act as an anesthetic before and after surgery, make the fat easier to remove and reduce blood loss and bruising. Dr. Wang will determine the type and amount of fluid according to your individual needs. The tumescent technique involves injecting large volumes of fluid when the patient is under local anesthesia, while the super-wet technique uses lesser amounts (usually the same as the amount of fat to be removed) with general anesthesia or IV sedation. During the ultrasound-assisted technique a special cannula that produces ultrasonic energy is used to liquefy the fat by exploding the cell walls prior to suctioning. UAL is particularly effective in fibrous areas of the body like the upper back or the enlarged male breasts.

How long does liposuction take?

The time needed to perform liposuction varies considerably, depending on the size of the area to be treated, the amount of fat to be removed and the technique and anesthesia to be used.

What can I expect after liposuction?

You are likely to experience some pain, burning, swelling, stiffness, bleeding and temporary numbness after the procedure. Dr. Wang can prescribe medication to relieve the pain, as well as an antibiotic to prevent infection. There will also probably be some fluid drainage from the incisions. Dr. Wang may insert a small drainage tube beneath the skin for a few days to prevent fluid build-up. Your stitches will dissolve or be removed within the first week to 10 days. You may also be fitted with a snug elastic garment to wear over the treated area for a few weeks. Overall, you'll start feeling better in a week or two. Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

What is the recovery period like?

To reduce swelling and prevent blood clots, Dr. Wang may advise you to begin moving about as soon as possible. Strenuous activity should be avoided for about a month so that your body has time to heal. Some bruising and swelling may still remain for six months or more, but most will usually subside within three weeks. Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

You should be able to return to work within a few days after surgery, but you should avoid strenuous activity.

The information about Liposuction is provided for Riverside and Pasadena area residents courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, a board certified plastic surgeon.


Published in Body Contouring
31 Dec

What is fat grafting?

Fat grafting involves extracting live fat cells from an area where they are plentiful, such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, or thighs, and transplanting them to a different area of the body to create newfound plumpness. Fat is a natural substance largely responsible for maintaining a youthful aesthetic and is commonly transferred to the hands, breasts, face, and lips. Fat often contains large amounts of stem cells, which are known for multiplying and developing into different types of cells. These stem cells contribute to the rejuvenating effects of the procedure. After transfer, the fat cells continue to grow in place. Fat grafting is therefore a natural alternative to injecting chemical substances or using implants for enhancement. Results from fat grafting are generally long-lasting because of the use of the patient's own bodily substance.

If you're ready to discuss your fat grafting breast augmentation options, now is a great time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Rancho Cucamonga, Glendora, Chino Hills, Arcadia and Upland. Simply request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

How is fat grafting performed?

Dr. Wang extracts fat from one part of the body (the donor area) using a small tube, called a cannula. The extracted material must then be processed to remove blood, fluid, and damaged fat cells while maintaining healthy fat cells. Dr. Wang then uses a syringe to meticulously inject these healthy cells into the desired area. The process of making minute incisions with a tiny syringe allows Dr. Wang to carefully sculpt the area thereby allowing for natural-looking results without the use of sutures. Subsequent scarring is therefore generally nonexistent. The patient not only achieves enhancement to the area of the injection, but also a reduction in size at the donor area. Depending on the nature of the procedure, either local or general anesthesia can be used.

How can fat grafting be used to enhance breasts?

Fat grafting is a natural alternative to using implants for breast enhancement. During this procedure, Dr. Wang removes fat from one area of the body and transfers it to the breast region. Some patients who opt for this method will be required to use an expansion device, which utilizes a pumping method to expand the breast area prior to the patient undergoing fat grafting. This suction pump-like device is used several weeks before and sometimes following the procedure. During the actual procedure, fat cells are removed from the donor area, processed to maintain only healthy fat cells, and then injected into the area between the skin and the breast capsule and/or behind the breast in the area between the breast and the chest wall. Because these injection areas are limited in size, volume increase with fat transfer is also limited (to less than a cup size). Therefore this procedure is best for patients seeking a more modest enhancement than that achieved with breast implants. It is especially effective for patients who have previously undergone breast augmentation and want to make their implants appear more natural by blurring the lines between implant and breast tissue. It can also be especially helpful in reconstructing breasts after a mastectomy.

What are possible complications from fat grafting to the breasts?

Fat grafting to the breast area can lead to the formation of nodules or cysts, which materialize as hardened lumps within the breasts. These hardened spots appear on mammograms and can sometimes interfere with breast cancer screening procedures. Similarly, breast implants can affect detection of cancerous formations in the area. Patients undergoing either procedure often require more extensive and frequent breast cancer screenings. Another possible complication is that the newly transplanted fat cells may simply be reabsorbed in the area and therefore volume increase can be lost. This may require a follow-up procedure.

What is the recovery process after fat transfer to the breasts?

Following the procedure, the treated area as well as the area from which fat was extracted is generally swollen for a few weeks. Bruising may also occur. Immediately following the surgery, the patient may have to continue using the surgical pump device on the breasts and will need to wear compression bandages on the area that received liposuction. Patients should refrain from strenuous activity for a few weeks following the procedure. Final results of the transfer are generally seen after about three months, during which time the body may reabsorb some fat cells.

The information about Fat Grafing is provided by Pasadena and Inland Empire plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang, who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Published in Breast Augmentation
31 Dec

Very simply, you are unique. Why choose one of the Pasadena or Riverside, California plastic surgeons who will recommend you opt for the same implants as the woman in the consultation before yours? Dr. Wang is proud to offer over 200 implant options to give you that custom, natural look you've always dreamed of. With so many choices, you may at first be overwhelmed, but rest assured that Dr. Wang will take the time to guide you through the choices you need to make to select the right implant for your Pasadena breast augmentation.

Choosing Saline or Silicone Breast Implants

You've probably heard about the re-approval of silicone implants for general use in 2006. Silicone is a naturally-occurring material that has been used in a variety of household and commercial products for decades. In 1992, after allegations that internal leaking of ruptured silicone implants could cause autoimmune and connective tissue diseases, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked surgeons to voluntarily limit the use of this type of implant in the majority of breast operations. After a decade of extensive silicone implant studies uncovered no serious adverse health impacts, the FDA decided to approve a new generation of cohesive gel silicone implants for all types of breast surgery, including augmentation and reconstruction.

With so many studies supporting silicone safety, don't let fear influence your decision. Instead, focus on your personal preferences for implant look and feel, and discuss these preferences with Dr. Wang. After doing the research, many women prefer cohesive gel silicone implants over saline, believing silicone looks and feels more like natural breast tissue. Dr. Wang is able to achieve very pleasing results no matter which filler material you choose.

Breast Implant Size and Profile

Often, women considering breast enhancement in Pasadena or the Inland Empire spend the most time debating what size of implant to select. It's a personal decision, but at your consultation, Dr. Wang takes a series of measurements that, when combined with your height, weight, and chest diameter, help him to recommend an attractive size based on his experience. You may already have an idea of what you want based on talking with a friend who underwent breast augmentation, but keep in mind that the same exact implant may look entirely different in two different women depending on a wide variety of factors.

While size is certainly important, women often don't realize that implant shape can have a huge impact on how large the breast appears. At your consultation, Dr. Wang will show you samples of various implant widths and depths (or projections). For instance, two implants may be the same size (meaning that they have the same amount of internal volume), but the narrower implant will stick out farther from the chest wall than the wider one. Wider, flatter implants are known as "low profile," and narrower, more projected implants are "high profile." In between, there are moderate and moderate-plus profiles.

Dr. Wang provides his Upland and Pasadena breast enhancement patients with suggestions and expert guidance so that they can make a satisfying choice. Moderate or moderate-plus implants produce ideal results for many patients who find that low profile implants seem too flat or high profile implants project out too far. Ultimately, the decision will be based on which implant size and profile best fits your body type and your goals.

A Textured or Smooth Breast Implant Cover

After selecting silicone or saline to fill the implant, you next need to make a choice about the implant covering material. This outer covering, or implant capsule, will be made of a silicone polymer, but its outer surface can be either smooth or textured. There are studies suggesting that textured capsules decrease the risk of capsular contracture, which occurs when the tissue surrounding the implant tightens and the breast becomes overly firm. However, recent research indicates that there is no difference in capsular contracture rates between women who chose smooth capsules versus those who choose textured ones. The nature of the texturing process requires that textured implants be slightly thicker than smooth implants, so textured capsules may be easier to see and feel through your skin, particularly if your existing breasts are very small.

Smooth breast implants are a great choice for most patients in Upland and Pasadena, California. This implant type has a more natural look and feel, and appears to be more durable. If you are worried about the risk of capsular contracture, this complication can be minimized by using submuscular implant placement and by massaging your breasts following the surgery to minimize scar tissue formation. Dr. Wang will help to walk you through this decision.

Breast Implant Shape

Some implants have a rounded shape, with a consistent amount of material contained throughout the implant capsule. Others are designed to mimic the natural droop of the breast, with more material filling the bottom of the implant than the top. These implants are referred to as "anatomical" or "teardrop" shaped.

While it makes sense that teardrop shaped implants would provide the most natural breast appearance, often round implants give a superior outcome. In fact, 60% to 75% of breast augmentation patients select round implants. At your consultation, Dr. Wang will help you decide on the implant shape that's right for you.

You deserve breast augmentation surgery that provides a natural look and feel. Dr. Wang offers the expertise to deliver the beautiful, individual result you expect. Request a consultation online to consult with the doctor at any of our two plastic surgery offices: the Upland office near Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga in the Inland Empire or our new Pasadena office. Or, call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688.

The following information about breast implant options is provided for Pasadena and Riverside breast augmentation patients courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, a board certified plastic surgeon in Southern California.


Published in Breast Augmentation
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Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang specializes in Pasadena breast augmentation as well as breast enhancement, hair transplant, face lift, laser hair removal, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), nose surgery (rhinoplasty), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and breast lift. He has cosmetic surgery offices and med spas in Upland, Pasadena, Glendora and Santa Ana and serves Southern California including La Verne, San Dimas, Chino Hills, Diamond Bar, Yorba Linda, Riverside, Rancho Cucamonga, Brea, Fullerton, Orange, Tustin, and Irvine.


  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
