Wang Plastic Surgery

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31 十二

Face lift, or rhytidectomy, typically is performed to remove excess or loose sagging skin from the face and neck. The extent of the procedure depends on what changes are desired and what Dr. Wang deems appropriate. When removal of pouches around the eyes is desirable, a Pasadena eyelid surgery procedure may be performed in conjunction with the face lift operation or as a separate procedure.

Face lifts offer very individualized results. The best candidates for the procedure are men and women who are experiencing sagging around the face and neck, but still have well-defined, strong bone structures and some skin elasticity. The procedure is typically performed on patients between the ages of 40 and 60, but can be performed on patients of all ages, even those who are in their 70s or 80s.

A facelift alternative has arrived! AccuLift™ is a quick, comfortable and minimally-invasive way to rejuvenate your face. Learn More Now

If you are considering a face lift with Dr. Wang, take a moment to read how former patients put their trust in his detailed knowledge and personal care.


What are the common benefits of a facelift?

A face lift can result in a more youthful, fresher appearance of the face and neck.

How is a facelift performed?

Facelifts are typically performed under local anesthesia, but Dr. Wang may choose general anesthesia. Because of the differing results that can be achieved, placement of the incisions and specific techniques may differ. However, Dr. Wang usually makes incisions above the hairline at the temples that extend to the front of the ear or just inside the ear, and continue behind the earlobe to the lower scalp or under the chin if the neck also requires work. Dr. Wang then separates the skin from the underlying fat and muscles, suctioning and trimming fat where necessary to improve contouring. Underlying muscle and membrane are tightened and the skin pulled back to remove any excess. When all unnecessary fat and muscle has been removed, the layers of tissue are secured with stitches and the incisions closed. Metal clips may be used to close incisions in the scalp. In some cases, a small thin tube may be temporarily placed under the skin behind your ear to drain blood and a wrap loosely applied around your head to minimize bruising and swelling.

How long will my Pasadena face lift take?

A facelift usually takes several hours, depending on the extent of the procedure. When other procedures are combined, more than one session may be required.

What can I expect after a facelift?

Your face is likely to appear pale, bruised and puffy, but this will subside in a few weeks. Fatigue and some numbness of the skin is often experienced, but there usually isn't significant pain. Dr. Wang may advise that you keep your head elevated and still for a few days after surgery to minimize swelling. Any drainage tubes and bandages will be removed within five days and stitches will be removed in about five days. Stitches in the scalp may be left in a few days longer. You will have scars, but they are normally hidden by your hair or within the natural creases of your face and ears and will fade in time. Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

What is the recovery period like?

You should be able to move about in a day or two, but you should plan to take it easy for the first week after surgery. Be extremely gentle with your face and hair, since your skin is likely to be tender and numb. It is recommended that you get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities like sex and heavy housework for at least two weeks, though walking and stretching are fine. Alcohol, saunas and steam baths should be avoided for several months. As you heal, you may use special camouflage makeup to mask any remaining bruises.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Most patients are able to return to work in ten days to two weeks.

Dr. Wang is highly experienced in satisfying the needs of his facial plastic surgery patients. Read how former patients have benefited from Dr. Wang's caring and personal approach.

Now is a great time to schedule your eyelid lift consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Arcadia and Riverside. You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

The information about Facelift is provided by Pasadena and Inland Empire plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang, who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Published in Surgical Procedures
31 十二


無論你需要眼瞼下垂、眼瞼整形手術 (upper blepharoplasty)眼袋手術(lower blepharoplasty), 或是雙眼皮手術(Asian blepharoplasty, or Asian eyelid surgery), 心動不如行動,現在就來電(626)780-5113,或網上預約蒞臨位于Pasadena帕沙迪納市Upland厄普蘭的W時尚整形中心,與王沛鑫醫師進行一對一的咨詢時間。

Published in Surgical Procedures
31 十二

Not long ago, doctors had no reliable, minimally-invasive options for treating spider veins. Now, with the help of laser technology, Dr. Wang is able to offer cosmetic improvement for his patients from Pasadena and the Inland Empire. Spider veins can be treated using the Cutera® XEO laser, a non-invasive skin rejuvenation device that also can be used for hair removal, skin resurfacing, and photo-facials.

Pasadena plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang performs spider vein treatments to remove veins on the face and legs. Personalized treatment of your spider veins is possible because the laser device can be adjusted to tailor the amount of light penetrating into the skin. Dr. Wang takes into account the color, texture, and condition of your skin when determining the strength and duration of treatment. The Cutera® XEO laser emits concentrated pulses of light to heat and dissolve the targeted veins while keeping the top layers of skin cool to prevent damage and minimize discomfort.

Video: Your Guide to Leg VeinTo learn more about our treatment for spider veins, request a consultation online or call our office at (888) 360-6688 today. Dr. Wang will work closely with you to evaluate your spider veins or other skin blemishes and recommend a treatment plan to achieve your goals. We offer a full line of skin care treatments and cosmetic surgery near Pasadena and the Inland Empire.

What are the common benefits of spider vein treatments?

Many of our patients see dramatic improvement following their treatment at Wang Plastic Surgery, serving Pasadena and the Inland Empire. Spider veins are red, blue, or purple veins in the shape of a spider web just underneath the surface of the skin on the legs and face. Treating them helps improve your skin's appearance, creating a more uniform, unblemished look. The Cutera® XEO laser also can successfully treat minor vascular lesions such as cherry angioma, or the cherry-red to purple clusters of dilated capillaries on the surface of some people's skin.

Is this treatment safe and effective for facial spider veins?

Absolutely. With the Cutera® XEO laser, Dr. Wang is able to tailor the depth and duration of treatment based on the condition of your skin. Because the device has three levels of adjustment, your treatment can be personalized to minimize the effects of the laser on surrounding tissue and produce satisfying results for even the most sensitive skin types.

How are spider vein treatments performed?

Before any treatment, Dr. Wang evaluates the condition of your skin around the targeted treatment area to determine what level of treatment is best for you. Next, a topical anesthesia and cooling gel are applied to increase the comfort of the procedure. Once your skin is properly prepared, Dr. Wang glides the Cutera® XEO hand piece over your skin as the device emits light pulses that dissolve the spider veins. Our Pasadena and Riverside area patients sometimes require additional cooling gel for extensive treatment of more pronounced veins.

How long do spider vein treatments take?

Treatment for your spider veins can be completed in as little as 15 minutes at our cosmetic surgery office near Pasadena, with larger or more stubborn veins requiring additional treatment time. In most cases, 2 to 6 treatments are required before the spider veins reveal their final, improved appearance. Requiring minimal downtime, spider vein treatments can be performed for even the busiest women and men in Pasadena and the Inland Empire.

What can I expect after spider vein treatment?

Treatment for spider veins often results in the treated skin remaining red for several hours, with discomfort that may feel like a sunburn. For most patients, this redness lasts less than a day after the treatment. Dr. Wang will instruct you to wear sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight, and you may be given additional precautions depending on your unique needs. If you have questions or concerns after treatment, you can always contact our cosmetic surgery offices near Pasadena and the Inland Empire.

What is the recovery period like?

Most patients resume their normal activities about a day after their treatment. Within a few days the treated veins will begin to fade, and their appearance should steadily diminish as your treatment cycle continues. Plastic surgeon Dr. Wang may recommend you use special skin care products to improve your results. When all your treatments are completed, you can enjoy your younger-looking, blemish-free skin.

Published in Laser & IPL Therapies
31 十二

If you have been frustrated with overgrown facial or body hair, or unsatisfied with the temporary results of the never ending hair removal or epilation methods such as shaving, tweezing, waxing and electrolysis, etc, then Laser IPL hair removal is the answer for you. Wang Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, utilizes the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Laser Hair Removal in Pasadena and Inland Empire area to permanently remove your unwanted hair, leaving your skin soft and smooth without stubbles.

Laser treatments use pulsed light energy to treat various layers or depths of tissue beneath the skin. Dr. Stewart Wang uses the ingenuity of the Cutera CoolGlide™ XEO Laser, with ability to adjust the depth of light penetration based on the condition, color and texture of your skin or hair. To understand more about permanent laser hair removal treatment options in Pasadena or Riverside area, request a consultation online or call our office at (888) 360-6688 today.

What are the common benefits of laser hair removal treatments?

Video: Your Guide to Laser IPL Skin Treatment At Wang Plastic Surgery, we utilize the FDA approved Cutera CoolGlide™ XEO Laser to permanently remove unwanted hair for all skin types and skin tones, from light to dark, including tanned patients. Hair follicles are darker than skin, the intense light energy targets and heaths the dark tissue, destroying the hair follicles from the skin surface, while cooling the top layers of skin, preventing any discomfort and without damaging the lighter skin tissues.

Permanent hairremoval by laser can be performed to target facial hair, remove under arm hair, bikini lines, legs, and on other body parts.

How are laser hair removal treatments performed?

Each type of treatment may vary based on your targeted treatment area, skin tone and texture or hair thickness, and your hair's growth cycle of the treated area. Typically, the treatment area is shaved; a topical anesthesia is applied, followed by a cooling gel. The hand piece glides over your skin as the light pulse occurs, while the patient may sense a mild pinch or stinging sensation. Additional cooling gel may be applied as needed for your comfort.

How long do laser hairremoval treatments take?

Laser hairremoval treatments typically take between 15 and 45 minutes; and generally between 3 to 6 treatments are needed. We can easily accommodate scheduling laser treatment appointments for any busy schedule.

What can I expect after laser hair removal treatment?

Most of our patients experience a few hours of redness at the treatment site. The redness is typically gone within 24 hours and normal activities can be resumed the very next day. CoolGlide disables the hair’s active growth phase, at the time of treatment. Since other hairs will enter this active growth phase at different times, hence 3-6 treatments are required. Dr. Wang will discuss your specific precautionary needs during your consultation at our plastic surgery offices serving Southern California.

Published in Laser & IPL Therapies
31 十二

Chemical peels are a non-invasive way to restore wrinkled, blemished, unevenly pigmented, or sun-damaged facial skin using a chemical solution to peel away the skin's top layers. The new cells that form during the healing process produce smoother, tighter, younger looking skin. Chemical peels can be used on the full face or on specific regions, such as the forehead or the area around the mouth.

If you're ready to treat skin damage, uneven pigment and wrinkles with a chemical peel, it's time to schedule your visit! You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

There are three types of chemical peels: light, medium and deep. Alphahydroxy acid (AHA) peels are the mildest. They are usually performed with glycolic, lactic or fruit acid and remove only the outer layers of the skin. Trichloroacetic acids (TCA) are used during a medium peel to treat skin with moderate sun damage, surface wrinkles, and uneven tone or pigment abnormalities. Phenol acid peels are the deepest peels and are used to treat blotchy, coarsely wrinkled skin. They may also be used to treat skin with pre-cancerous growths.

What are the common benefits of a chemical peel?

Chemical peels give the appearance of smoother, younger looking skin. They can also be used to treat pre-cancerous skin growths.

How is a chemical peel performed?

Prior to the procedure, Dr. Wang will thoroughly cleanse the face. Light and medium peels do not require anesthesia, however a deep peel may require a sedative and pain medication prior to beginning the procedure. After the skin has been cleaned, the acid will be applied for a short time then removed.

How long does a chemical peel take?

Light, medium and small-area deep peels take from 10 to 15 minutes per session, while full-face deep peels may require one to two hours. Light and medium peels are usually repeated within a few weeks or months. Deep peels are only performed once.

What can I expect after a chemical peel?

Most people experience some facial swelling and redness after the procedure. Dr. Wang may ask you to keep your head elevated. After deep peels, the eyes are often swollen shut. Dr. Wang will likely apply a petroleum jelly or waterproof dressing that should be left on for a day or two. You will need to make transportation arrangements after a deep peel since you will be unable to drive.

What is the recovery period like?

The recovery period is different for each type of peel. After a light peel, you may experience some flaking, redness, dryness and irritation, but these symptoms will subside over time. Once healed, the outer layer of skin will fall away. Medium peels may cause significant swelling that should diminish after the first week. You may also experience small whiteheads which should disappear when the skin is washed or Dr. Wang can remove them. After a deep peel, you may require pain medication. Any dressings will be removed within two days, but you will need to cover the area with antiseptic powders several times a day. A scab will form then, within 7 to 10 days, new skin will form. It will be red at first, but will lighten over a few weeks to a month. After any type of peel, it is critical to protect the skin from sun exposure. Like all good Riverside, California plastic surgeons, Dr. Wang can recommend a sun block with both UVA and UVB protection. It should be applied daily. You may also be asked to stop smoking for at least a week since this decreases circulation of the blood in the skin.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

You can usually return to normal activities the day after a light peel. With medium peels, normal activities can be resumed within 7 to 10 days. Deep peels may require a few weeks of recovery before returning to normal activities.

Published in Skin Med Spa
31 十二

Dermabrasion is a highly sophisticated, controlled scraping of the facial skin that is used to smooth fine wrinkles, especially around the mouth, and scars left by acne or previous non-aesthetic surgery. It softens the sharp edges of irregularities in the outermost layer of skin so that they become less apparent and blend with other facial tissues for smoother-looking skin. Dermabrasion is also used to remove precancerous lesions that result from too much exposure to the sun.

If you're ready to treat skin damage and wrinkles with dermabrasion, it's time to schedule your consultation! You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today for your appointment.

Dermabrasion is best for healthy individuals who do not have active acne, have not had a previous chemical peel, severe sunburn or radiation treatment, who have not taken Accutane, and who can avoid exposure to direct sunlight for several weeks after the procedure. The outcome of dermabrasion depends on the condition of the skin, skin tone, and the depth of wrinkles and other imperfections.

What are the common benefits of dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion can produce smoother skin texture by removing skin damaged by wrinkles, scarring and acne. It can also be used to treat liver (age) spots and some skin lesions, as well as pre-cancerous growths.

How is dermabrasion performed?

Prior to treatment, Dr. Wang, an Inland Empire plastic surgeon will cover your eyes and hair. He will then numb your skin with an anesthesia or spray it with a refrigerant after applying a cold pack to numb the area. He may also give you a sedative. During the procedure, damaged skin will be scraped from the face using a handheld, motorized device to create an area where a new layer of skin may form.

How long does dermabrasion take?

Dermabrasion usually takes from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the condition of the skin.

What can I expect after dermabrasion?

After dermabrasion, Dr. Wang may cover the treated area with an ointment or a wet, waxy or dry covering. A few days after the procedure, the skin will usually swell, and look and feel as if it has been scraped in a fall. A scab will usually form 24 to 48 hours after the procedure.

What is the recovery period like?

After several days, the outer layer of skin, as well as any scabs will begin to fall off, revealing pink skin. The pinkness usually fades in about three to six weeks. Special soaps and cosmetics may be used during this time. Strenuous physical activity, as well as shaving (men) should be avoided during this period. Exposure to sunlight should also be avoided for several weeks.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Most patients return to work in about two weeks.

Published in Skin Med Spa
31 十二

Have you ever wondered if there was a more permanent alternative to heavily-caked-on mascara, expensive eyelash extensions, and sticky, uncomfortable false eyelashes? Well wonder no more; there is now a new FDA-approved eyelash growth treatment called LATISSE® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03%, which through regular use can give you more beautiful lashes from the inside out. This exciting product is available from Dr. Wang at his Facial Aesthetic Center of Excellence (F.A.C.E.) in Southern California.

Is LATISSE Right for Me?

There are many factors that contribute to an individual's eyelash fullness and overall health. Many times aging and cultural background play a big role in whether you have thick, healthy lashes or sparse, thin, lashes. Although LATISSE yields wonderful eyelash growth for Pasadena and Alhambra patients of all ethnicities and age groups, some groups seek treatment more readily because of their natural insufficiency in lash fullness.

Within the Asian culture, eyes are viewed as an especially important feature. Due to genetics, Asians tend to have sparse, thin, and straight lashes which can prove to be very difficult to curl, thicken, and darken with mascara alone. LATISSE can be especially helpful to our Asian patients who are trying, to no avail, to improve their eyelash growth with mere surface oriented products such as lash extensions, false eyelashes, and heavy mascara. Our focus is to "open up the eyes" for an alert and appealing aesthetic result. LATISSE has fabulous long term results and is an effective option for actually "growing" the lashes instead of using products that weigh down the weak lashes that are barely there.

For our "mature" patients we offer LATISSE as an option to regain the lashes they were blessed with years ago. With age, individuals tend to lose the fullness and length of their lashes, which in turn makes their whole appearance seem aged and weathered. LATISSE can help to halt the lash loss and regenerate growth on the lash line with amazing results.

How Does It Work?

Dr. Wang and F.A.C.E. now offer this easy-to-use topical treatment you apply directly to the lash line one time a day to help thicken, darken, and lengthen your own beautiful long-lasting lashes. According to clinical studies of LATISSE, in as little as four weeks, individuals started to see results and at 16 weeks lashes were 25% longer, 106% fuller, and 18% darker.

Much like a dermatological treatment that improves skin health, LATISSE improves eyelash health - working from the inside out. Instead of attempting to artificially enhance a lash deficiency as many cosmetics do, LATISSE gets to the root of the problem and helps you to produce new healthy, full, and dark lashes.

Many Southern California residents, including those from Pasadena and the Inland Empire, visit F.A.C.E. for a variety of non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments including BOTOX® Cosmetic, dermal fillers, and Thermage® treatments.

To find out more about LATISSE, request a consultation online or call (888) 360-6688. Dr. Wang has convenient Southern California locations including Pasadena, Arcadia, and Upland.

Published in Skin Med Spa
31 十二

Wang Plastic Surgery in Pasadena and the Inland Empire offer several lines of skin care products to help our patients maintain their fresh looks and protect their skin from environmental and sun damage. Dr. Wang and his experienced staff will evaluate your face, address your concerns, and formulate a personalized regimen based on your skin type and problem areas. Each product has been hand-selected for effectiveness and continued patient satisfaction.

If you'd like to know more about our professional skin care product offerings, call toll-free (888) 360-6688 or contact us and we'll be happy to help you select a skin care program tailored for your needs.


Aging and environmental damage can dull the skin and thicken outer skin layers, causing uneven moisturizing that leads to wrinkling and sagging. In addition, daily exposure to the sun's rays can lead to development of uneven skin tone, with freckles and age spots beginning to form. To battle all these changes to your outer layers of skin, you need a product that will renew the skin from within.

Obagi® System skin care products transform your skin at the cellular level so that your skin both looks and acts younger and healthier. Popular Obagi® products include Obagi-C Rx System, Professional-C Serums, CLENZIderm M.D., and the Obagi Nu-Derm System, which accelerates cellular turnover for skin with moderate to severe sun damage and prepares the skin for Obagi Blue Peel, performed in our office.


This topical niacin-based skin therapy product offers continuous skin protection through the steady release of micro-nutrients that enrich your deepest skin layers and provide an invisible protective barrier from the elements. Not only is your skin protected, but this product line also can dramatically reduce many signs of damage, keeping your skin smooth and youthful.

The patented formula in NIA 24™ products improves skin tone and texture for both men and women concerned with premature signs of aging, dark spots, and lines and wrinkles. We offer a complete line of NIA 24™ products, including Recovery Complex, Strengthening Complex, Mineral Sunscreen, Cleansing Scrub, and Cleansing Cream.


This dermatologist-created skincare product line is the only one to offer an exclusive Polyhydroxy acid that is specially developed for even the most sensitive skin. Exuviance products are safe for all skin types, and have been allergy tested for effectiveness without adverse reactions. These products are not tested on animals, contain broad-spectrum sunscreen, and most have been shown to be non-comedogenic.

The Exuviance line includes products specially formulated to smooth and soften skin, diminish the appearance of wrinkles, brighten skin tone, and balance out dry or oily skin. The sophisticated product formulations contain natural fruit extracts that leave the skin both feeling and smelling fresh.


For those who believe that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, Environ® offers a product line that protects the skin before visible signs of aging and photodamage begin to show. This cosmetic manufacturing company, based in Cape Town, South Africa, was founded in 1990 and manufactures all of its skin care products in a laboratory setting.

Environ® products nourish, protect, and maintain beautiful skin. With a full skin care range of more than 40 products, most containing no animal extracts, fragrances, preservatives, or artificial colors, Environ® is dedicated to treating the skin naturally. Many of the company's products offered at Wang Plastic Surgery use high levels of vitamin A to protect skin from sun damage while combating the effects of pollution, stress, and poor diet on the skin.


For long-lasting health and beauty, BENEV uses advanced biotechnology in its line of products that have earned patient trust worldwide. BENEV is at the forefront of research and development, with a complete product line of exfoliators, moisturizers, sun protection, corrective products, and cleansers. Every product uses the purest ingredients possible, and is fragrance-free to minimize the risk of irritation for patients with allergies.

The BENEV laboratory specializes in developing unique product formulations grounded on the latest studies of functional and high performance ingredients. The company uses innovative technologies and most advanced raw materials from around the world, making its products a natural choice for Wang Plastic Surgery.

Physicians Complex®

These state-of-the-art cosmeceutical products have been specially developed to address common skin concerns such as wrinkles, sun damage, and adult acne. The company's medically-oriented skin care philosophy takes shape through six sub-specialty product lines: anti-aging and wrinkle treatments, cleansers and acne treatments, skin rejuvenation, lip enhancers, moisturizers, and sun protection. The products contain high quality pharmaceutical ingredients such as alpha and beta hydroxy acids, antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, beta carotene, and super oxide dismutase.

Physicians Complex is a family-owned company run by experts with dermatological, nursing, and cosmeceutical backgrounds. This comprehensive knowledge helps the company develop high-grade skin protection and restoration treatments that are safe and effective on a variety of skin types.

Prevage® MD

These anti-aging treatments, available exclusively through a physician, contain powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from environmental stresses such as sun exposure, ozone, smoke, and other contaminants. In a clinical study, the active ingredient in Prevage® MD (1% Idebenone) was shown to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and skin roughness, leaving a younger-looking complexion behind. In fact, Idebenone was found to be more effective than other antioxidants commonly used in skin care products, such as kinetin, coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin E. This dual role of both prevention and correction has made Prevage® MD a popular choice with our skin care patients.

Published in Skin Med Spa
31 十二

A plastic surgeon's job is to try to minimize the disfigurement involved with a scar. Some unsightly scars can be excised and closed in such a way as to minimize their appearance. Burn scars may be removed and replaced with skin grafts to allow the skin's surface to have a more natural look. A hypertrophic or elevated scar may be planed down using the abrasive action of a method called dermabrasion.

While scars cannot be completely removed, Dr. Wang can improve their appearance and make them less obvious. Many factors affect the severity of scarring, such as the size and depth of the wound, the blood supply to the area, the thickness and color of your skin, as well as the direction of the scar. So, if you are considering scar removal it is important to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon who will help you determine the procedure that is best for you.

Now is a great time to schedule a consultation to discuss scar revision and to find out about your treatment options. Call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

What are the common benefits of scar revision?

Scar revision minimizes and improves the appearance of unsightly keloids, facial and hypertrophic scars. It can also relieve the discomfort of contractures, caused by burns or other injuries, which can restrict movement of muscles and tendons.

Will insurance cover my scar revision procedure?

It depends. While most insurance companies never pay for cosmetic procedures, coverage for reconstructive procedures varies greatly based on your insurance plan and the treatment you require. In some cases, an insurance company will pay for scar revision once the patient has satisfied all required co-pays. In other situations, the patient will be responsible for all costs associated with the surgery.

Because there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to insurance coverage for the reconstructive procedures we offer, please call us at (888) 360-6688 so we can review your case and give you specific details about your insurance coverage for the consultation and the procedure itself. Our goal is to help you maximize your insurance benefits before having to pay for your reconstructive procedure out-of-pocket.

How is scar revision performed?

There are several effective procedures for scar revision. The specific procedure used will depend on the type of scar and the results you wish to achieve. For instance, keloids are usually injected with a steroid injection to reduce redness, itching and burning. But both keloids and hypertrophic scars, which usually improve without treatment, may also be treated surgically. The scar of a contracture is usually cut and replaced with a skin graft or a flap. It can also be treated with Z-plasty, a surgical technique that repositions a scar to more closely conform it to the natural lines and creases of the skin. Facial scars can be treated with dermabrasion and laser resurfacing, which can significantly improve their appearance.

Skin grafting and flap surgery are more involved than other methods of scar surgery. They are more likely to be performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. Grafting involves transferring healthy skin from another part of the body to cover the injured area. Flap surgery, in contrast, is more complex and involves moving skin, fat, blood vessels and muscle to the injury site. Dr. Wang can help you determine which procedure is best for you.

How long does scar revision take?

The time required for scar revision depends on the type of procedure. Dr. Wang will advise you of the time required for your specific procedure.

What can I expect after scar revision?

You can expect some discomfort, swelling, bruising and redness in and around the area treated. Any sutures are usually removed in 5-6 days. Dressings may be required for up two weeks and topical medications may also be necessary to improve the healing. It may be necessary to repeat laser treatments for a more pleasing overall effect. Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

What is the recovery period like?

During the recovery period your skin will require time to heal. You will usually be asked to limit your activity to lessen any stress on the area of treatment and to use cold compresses to reduce swelling. It is important to remember that scar tissue can take as much as a year or more to fully heal. Dr. Wang will monitor your progress, as well as advise you on what activities to avoid.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Although you may be able to move about fairly quickly, Dr. Wang will advise you to gradually resume your normal activities.

Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

Published in Skin Med Spa
31 十二

Laser technology is leading the way for non-invasive rejuvenating treatments like hair removal, vein therapy, skin resurfacing and photo-facials. Since Dr. Stewart Wang is a champion of new innovative technologies that improve our appearance and our lives without surgical intrusion, Wang Plastic Surgery only uses the state-of-the-art Cutera CoolGlide™ XEO Laser to serve the Pasadena and the Inland Empire. At our Southern California plastic surgery offices, laser treatments are designed to remove unwanted hair from any skin type, to remove veins on the face and legs, to reduce age spot, sunspots and pore size, to reduce blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles, and to improve skin tone and texture. Laser treatments are even more effective when they are combined with other treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic, Restylane, Radiesse and collagen injections.

Laser treatments use pulsed light energy to treat various layers or depths of tissue beneath the skin. The ingenuity of the Cutera CoolGlide™ XEO Laser is its ability to adjust the depth of light penetration based on the condition, color and texture of your skin or hair. The CoolGlide™ XEO Laser concentrates pulses of light to heat the targeted areas for treatment while cooling the top layers of skin, which prevents discomfort and damage. To understand your treatment options, request a consultation online or call our office at (888) 360-6688 today.

Since there are so many options for laser therapy, it is important that you discuss all of your goals and desires for laser treatment during your consultation. Dr. Wang will be able to determine the best procedure and treatment combinations to achieve your goals with the superior results his patients have come to expect.

What are the common benefits of laser treatments?

Video: Your Guide to Laser IPL Skin TreatmentAt our cosmetic surgery center, laser technology is used to remove unwanted body hair on all skin types and any skin tone, including tanned skin. Our patients also rely on our laser treatments for photo-facials which tighten and smoothes the skin reducing unwanted lines and wrinkles while promoting collagen production beneath the surface giving the face a younger, firmer appearance. Laser treatments are also used to reduce age spots, sun spots, and many other pigmentation problems. The appearance of veins on your face and legs can also be reduced or removed with a few laser treatments at Wang Plastic Surgery, serving the Inland Empire (Riverside) and San Gabriel Valley (Pasadena).

How are laser treatments performed?

Each type of treatment may vary based on your targeted treatment area, skin tone and texture or hair quality. Typically, the treatment area is shaved; a topical anesthesia is applied, followed by a cooling gel. The hand piece glides over your skin as the light pulse occurs. Additional cooling gel may be applied as needed for your comfort.

How long do laser treatments take?

Laser treatments typically take between 15 and 45 minutes. We can easily accommodate scheduling laser treatment appointments for any busy schedule. Generally, between 2 to 6 treatments are needed for photo-facial, hair removal, and vein or pigmentation removal.

What can I expect after laser treatment?

Most of our patients experience a few hours of redness at the treatment site. The redness is typically gone within 24 hours and normal activities can be resumed the very next day. Wearing sunscreen or avoiding direct sunlight is very important during and after treatment. Dr. Wang will discuss your specific precautionary needs during your consultation at our plastic surgery offices serving Southern California.

Published in Skin Med Spa
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南加州洛杉磯地區W時尚整形中心,整形醫學博士王沛鑫受整形外科學院認證,提供整形外科手術及醫學美容微整形,包括臉部整形、抽脂塑身、隆乳、微創植髮、雷射除斑、脈衝光、雷射除毛、除皺、拉皮回春等療程。服務廣大華裔族群,包括Alhambra阿罕布拉市、Pasadena帕沙迪納市、Arcadia阿凱迪亞市、Diamond Bar鑽石吧、Riverside河濱市、Upland厄普蘭、內陸帝國Inland Empire、Rowland Heights羅蘭崗、Hacienda Heights哈崗、Rosemead柔似密、San Gabriel聖蓋博、Pomona普慕納、Chino Hills奇諾崗、Rancho Cucamonga庫卡蒙格牧场、Irvine爾灣區等。


  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
