Wang Plastic Surgery

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If you have been frustrated with overgrown facial or body hair, or unsatisfied with the temporary results of the never ending hair removal or epilation methods such as shaving, tweezing, waxing and electrolysis, etc, then Laser IPL hair removal is the answer for you. Wang Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, utilizes the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Laser Hair Removal in Pasadena and Inland Empire area to permanently remove your unwanted hair, leaving your skin soft and smooth without stubbles.

Laser treatments use pulsed light energy to treat various layers or depths of tissue beneath the skin. Dr. Stewart Wang uses the ingenuity of the Cutera CoolGlide™ XEO Laser, with ability to adjust the depth of light penetration based on the condition, color and texture of your skin or hair. To understand more about permanent laser hair removal treatment options in Pasadena or Riverside area, request a consultation online or call our office at (888) 360-6688 today.

What are the common benefits of laser hair removal treatments?

Video: Your Guide to Laser IPL Skin Treatment At Wang Plastic Surgery, we utilize the FDA approved Cutera CoolGlide™ XEO Laser to permanently remove unwanted hair for all skin types and skin tones, from light to dark, including tanned patients. Hair follicles are darker than skin, the intense light energy targets and heaths the dark tissue, destroying the hair follicles from the skin surface, while cooling the top layers of skin, preventing any discomfort and without damaging the lighter skin tissues.

Permanent hairremoval by laser can be performed to target facial hair, remove under arm hair, bikini lines, legs, and on other body parts.

How are laser hair removal treatments performed?

Each type of treatment may vary based on your targeted treatment area, skin tone and texture or hair thickness, and your hair's growth cycle of the treated area. Typically, the treatment area is shaved; a topical anesthesia is applied, followed by a cooling gel. The hand piece glides over your skin as the light pulse occurs, while the patient may sense a mild pinch or stinging sensation. Additional cooling gel may be applied as needed for your comfort.

How long do laser hairremoval treatments take?

Laser hairremoval treatments typically take between 15 and 45 minutes; and generally between 3 to 6 treatments are needed. We can easily accommodate scheduling laser treatment appointments for any busy schedule.

What can I expect after laser hair removal treatment?

Most of our patients experience a few hours of redness at the treatment site. The redness is typically gone within 24 hours and normal activities can be resumed the very next day. CoolGlide disables the hair’s active growth phase, at the time of treatment. Since other hairs will enter this active growth phase at different times, hence 3-6 treatments are required. Dr. Wang will discuss your specific precautionary needs during your consultation at our plastic surgery offices serving Southern California.

Not long ago, doctors had no reliable, minimally-invasive options for treating spider veins. Now, with the help of laser technology, Dr. Wang is able to offer cosmetic improvement for his patients from Pasadena and the Inland Empire. Spider veins can be treated using the Cutera® XEO laser, a non-invasive skin rejuvenation device that also can be used for hair removal, skin resurfacing, and photo-facials.

Pasadena plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang performs spider vein treatments to remove veins on the face and legs. Personalized treatment of your spider veins is possible because the laser device can be adjusted to tailor the amount of light penetrating into the skin. Dr. Wang takes into account the color, texture, and condition of your skin when determining the strength and duration of treatment. The Cutera® XEO laser emits concentrated pulses of light to heat and dissolve the targeted veins while keeping the top layers of skin cool to prevent damage and minimize discomfort.

Video: Your Guide to Leg VeinTo learn more about our treatment for spider veins, request a consultation online or call our office at (888) 360-6688 today. Dr. Wang will work closely with you to evaluate your spider veins or other skin blemishes and recommend a treatment plan to achieve your goals. We offer a full line of skin care treatments and cosmetic surgery near Pasadena and the Inland Empire.

What are the common benefits of spider vein treatments?

Many of our patients see dramatic improvement following their treatment at Wang Plastic Surgery, serving Pasadena and the Inland Empire. Spider veins are red, blue, or purple veins in the shape of a spider web just underneath the surface of the skin on the legs and face. Treating them helps improve your skin's appearance, creating a more uniform, unblemished look. The Cutera® XEO laser also can successfully treat minor vascular lesions such as cherry angioma, or the cherry-red to purple clusters of dilated capillaries on the surface of some people's skin.

Is this treatment safe and effective for facial spider veins?

Absolutely. With the Cutera® XEO laser, Dr. Wang is able to tailor the depth and duration of treatment based on the condition of your skin. Because the device has three levels of adjustment, your treatment can be personalized to minimize the effects of the laser on surrounding tissue and produce satisfying results for even the most sensitive skin types.

How are spider vein treatments performed?

Before any treatment, Dr. Wang evaluates the condition of your skin around the targeted treatment area to determine what level of treatment is best for you. Next, a topical anesthesia and cooling gel are applied to increase the comfort of the procedure. Once your skin is properly prepared, Dr. Wang glides the Cutera® XEO hand piece over your skin as the device emits light pulses that dissolve the spider veins. Our Pasadena and Riverside area patients sometimes require additional cooling gel for extensive treatment of more pronounced veins.

How long do spider vein treatments take?

Treatment for your spider veins can be completed in as little as 15 minutes at our cosmetic surgery office near Pasadena, with larger or more stubborn veins requiring additional treatment time. In most cases, 2 to 6 treatments are required before the spider veins reveal their final, improved appearance. Requiring minimal downtime, spider vein treatments can be performed for even the busiest women and men in Pasadena and the Inland Empire.

What can I expect after spider vein treatment?

Treatment for spider veins often results in the treated skin remaining red for several hours, with discomfort that may feel like a sunburn. For most patients, this redness lasts less than a day after the treatment. Dr. Wang will instruct you to wear sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight, and you may be given additional precautions depending on your unique needs. If you have questions or concerns after treatment, you can always contact our cosmetic surgery offices near Pasadena and the Inland Empire.

What is the recovery period like?

Most patients resume their normal activities about a day after their treatment. Within a few days the treated veins will begin to fade, and their appearance should steadily diminish as your treatment cycle continues. Plastic surgeon Dr. Wang may recommend you use special skin care products to improve your results. When all your treatments are completed, you can enjoy your younger-looking, blemish-free skin.

Laser technology is leading the way for non-invasive rejuvenating treatments like hair removal, vein therapy, skin resurfacing and photo-facials. Since Dr. Stewart Wang is a champion of new innovative technologies that improve our appearance and our lives without surgical intrusion, Wang Plastic Surgery only uses the state-of-the-art Cutera CoolGlide™ XEO Laser to serve the Pasadena and the Inland Empire. At our Southern California plastic surgery offices, laser treatments are designed to remove unwanted hair from any skin type, to remove veins on the face and legs, to reduce age spot, sunspots and pore size, to reduce blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles, and to improve skin tone and texture. Laser treatments are even more effective when they are combined with other treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic, Restylane, Radiesse and collagen injections.

Laser treatments use pulsed light energy to treat various layers or depths of tissue beneath the skin. The ingenuity of the Cutera CoolGlide™ XEO Laser is its ability to adjust the depth of light penetration based on the condition, color and texture of your skin or hair. The CoolGlide™ XEO Laser concentrates pulses of light to heat the targeted areas for treatment while cooling the top layers of skin, which prevents discomfort and damage. To understand your treatment options, request a consultation online or call our office at (888) 360-6688 today.

Since there are so many options for laser therapy, it is important that you discuss all of your goals and desires for laser treatment during your consultation. Dr. Wang will be able to determine the best procedure and treatment combinations to achieve your goals with the superior results his patients have come to expect.

What are the common benefits of laser treatments?

Video: Your Guide to Laser IPL Skin TreatmentAt our cosmetic surgery center, laser technology is used to remove unwanted body hair on all skin types and any skin tone, including tanned skin. Our patients also rely on our laser treatments for photo-facials which tighten and smoothes the skin reducing unwanted lines and wrinkles while promoting collagen production beneath the surface giving the face a younger, firmer appearance. Laser treatments are also used to reduce age spots, sun spots, and many other pigmentation problems. The appearance of veins on your face and legs can also be reduced or removed with a few laser treatments at Wang Plastic Surgery, serving the Inland Empire (Riverside) and San Gabriel Valley (Pasadena).

How are laser treatments performed?

Each type of treatment may vary based on your targeted treatment area, skin tone and texture or hair quality. Typically, the treatment area is shaved; a topical anesthesia is applied, followed by a cooling gel. The hand piece glides over your skin as the light pulse occurs. Additional cooling gel may be applied as needed for your comfort.

How long do laser treatments take?

Laser treatments typically take between 15 and 45 minutes. We can easily accommodate scheduling laser treatment appointments for any busy schedule. Generally, between 2 to 6 treatments are needed for photo-facial, hair removal, and vein or pigmentation removal.

What can I expect after laser treatment?

Most of our patients experience a few hours of redness at the treatment site. The redness is typically gone within 24 hours and normal activities can be resumed the very next day. Wearing sunscreen or avoiding direct sunlight is very important during and after treatment. Dr. Wang will discuss your specific precautionary needs during your consultation at our plastic surgery offices serving Southern California.

Chemical peels are a non-invasive way to restore wrinkled, blemished, unevenly pigmented, or sun-damaged facial skin using a chemical solution to peel away the skin's top layers. The new cells that form during the healing process produce smoother, tighter, younger looking skin. Chemical peels can be used on the full face or on specific regions, such as the forehead or the area around the mouth.

If you're ready to treat skin damage, uneven pigment and wrinkles with a chemical peel, it's time to schedule your visit! You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

There are three types of chemical peels: light, medium and deep. Alphahydroxy acid (AHA) peels are the mildest. They are usually performed with glycolic, lactic or fruit acid and remove only the outer layers of the skin. Trichloroacetic acids (TCA) are used during a medium peel to treat skin with moderate sun damage, surface wrinkles, and uneven tone or pigment abnormalities. Phenol acid peels are the deepest peels and are used to treat blotchy, coarsely wrinkled skin. They may also be used to treat skin with pre-cancerous growths.

What are the common benefits of a chemical peel?

Chemical peels give the appearance of smoother, younger looking skin. They can also be used to treat pre-cancerous skin growths.

How is a chemical peel performed?

Prior to the procedure, Dr. Wang will thoroughly cleanse the face. Light and medium peels do not require anesthesia, however a deep peel may require a sedative and pain medication prior to beginning the procedure. After the skin has been cleaned, the acid will be applied for a short time then removed.

How long does a chemical peel take?

Light, medium and small-area deep peels take from 10 to 15 minutes per session, while full-face deep peels may require one to two hours. Light and medium peels are usually repeated within a few weeks or months. Deep peels are only performed once.

What can I expect after a chemical peel?

Most people experience some facial swelling and redness after the procedure. Dr. Wang may ask you to keep your head elevated. After deep peels, the eyes are often swollen shut. Dr. Wang will likely apply a petroleum jelly or waterproof dressing that should be left on for a day or two. You will need to make transportation arrangements after a deep peel since you will be unable to drive.

What is the recovery period like?

The recovery period is different for each type of peel. After a light peel, you may experience some flaking, redness, dryness and irritation, but these symptoms will subside over time. Once healed, the outer layer of skin will fall away. Medium peels may cause significant swelling that should diminish after the first week. You may also experience small whiteheads which should disappear when the skin is washed or Dr. Wang can remove them. After a deep peel, you may require pain medication. Any dressings will be removed within two days, but you will need to cover the area with antiseptic powders several times a day. A scab will form then, within 7 to 10 days, new skin will form. It will be red at first, but will lighten over a few weeks to a month. After any type of peel, it is critical to protect the skin from sun exposure. Like all good Riverside, California plastic surgeons, Dr. Wang can recommend a sun block with both UVA and UVB protection. It should be applied daily. You may also be asked to stop smoking for at least a week since this decreases circulation of the blood in the skin.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

You can usually return to normal activities the day after a light peel. With medium peels, normal activities can be resumed within 7 to 10 days. Deep peels may require a few weeks of recovery before returning to normal activities.



此外,由於微針震動可能造成輕微皮膚疼痛,在療程前,醫師會先進行輕微的皮膚局部麻醉,讓您在最舒適的狀態下進行療程。在療程結束後, 因微針震動造成的輕微皮膚紅腫,大約兩天左右即可以恢復。Dermapen皮膚微針療法適用於身體的所有皮膚部位,包含頸部、背部、手臂以及腿部等,同時無論您是乾性或是油性的皮膚,都不影響Dermapen的療效。目前Dermapen在世界各地已經執行超過15萬個個案,您可以完全放心的進行療程,不需要擔心任何副作用的產生。

想要改善改善凹凸痘疤洞、粗毛孔暗瘡印、皺紋及疤痕、妊娠紋等等,馬上來電 洽詢位於洛杉磯Pasadena帕薩迪納包括San Marino 聖馬利諾,Arcadia阿卡迪亞和Inland Empire內陸帝國範圍的W時尚整形中心了解更多有關Dermapen皮膚微針療法的訊息。 請在線諮詢或致電:1-626-780-5113安排您的預約。


















歡迎您在線諮詢或致電1-626-780-5113洽詢位於洛杉磯Pasadena帕薩迪納、San Marino 聖馬利諾、Arcadia阿卡迪亞和Inland Empire內陸帝國範圍的W時尚整形中心有關Dermapen皮膚微針療法的資訊,由美國整形外科手術協會認證的王醫師領銜主導的醫美團隊,替您除去多餘的皺褶以及疤痕。





Platelet Rich Plasma PRP 高濃度血小板血漿,又稱為自體生長因子回春術 是一項非常天然又安全的療程,它是將是我們人體體內的血漿高濃度濃縮,進而產生血小板血漿,這種濃縮血漿中的血小板為一般血液中的1.6至8倍,除了血小板外,也包含了生長因子以及天然幹細胞。而將這項含有高濃度生長因子的血小板血漿,注射在皮膚下或塗於皮膚上,可以誘導新膠原蛋白的生成,除了能改善皮膚質地和彈性,同時,它也可用於治療因外傷產生的疤痕、因懷孕而出現的妊娠紋或是燒燙傷和潰瘍等。此療程將讓PRP與Dermapen皮膚微針療法相結合,Dermapen皮膚微針療法是由12個微針所組成,以每秒接近110轉的速度振盪,利用直接接觸皮膚的方式,進而創建新的健康膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白纖維。透過PRP使用自己體內的血漿,加上Dermapen的輔助,兩者相輔相成,誘導新的膠原蛋白形成。除了能獲得更好的效果,讓皮膚看起來更有光澤、更亮麗之外,同時也能讓恢復期縮短、更快癒合,大大減少因療程所帶來的不方便性,讓您在最短的時間內看到最美麗的成果。


更進一步,PRP微針療法中剩餘的PRP可以與凝血因子結合形成富含血小板膠原蛋白結構(Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix, PRFM)形成一種用於臉部注射的天然填充物 。 PRFM為自體,純天然的組織產品具有豐富高濃度血小板生長因子,可刺激細胞新生,具有臉部皮膚回春功效。 如果需要,PRFM也可以在沒有微針的情況下獨立進行。

通過使用您的身體富含血小板的血漿(PRP),W時尚整形中心可以為您創造個人化的有機填充組織產品(PRFM),可以注射到流失膠原蛋白的部位,如臉頰,法令紋,甚至是手背,提高皮膚內膠原蛋白和彈力纖維的含量, 恢復自己皮膚的青春。W時尚整形中心很高興將PRFM的這項創新技術帶給洛杉磯的Pasadena帕薩迪納、San Marino 聖馬利諾、Arcadia阿卡迪亞和Inland Empire內陸帝國區愛美人士。由於產品是從你自己的血液中獲得的,所以它是絕對安全的,而且是天然的! 現在就在線諮詢或致電:1-626-780-5113安排您的預約。

什麼是Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) 是一項非常天然又安全的療程,它是將是我們人體體內的血漿高濃度濃縮,進而產生血小板血漿,這種濃縮血漿中的血小板為一般血液中的1.6至8倍,除了血小板外,也包含了生長因子以及天然幹細胞。

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)如何運作?


為什麼是Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)+Dermapen?









在療程結束後, 微針的震動也會造成輕微皮膚紅腫,大約兩天左右即可恢復。


  1. 強力除皺:PRFM富含多種生長因子,在注入真皮淺層後,可刺激大量膠原蛋白,彈性纖維,膠質等的產生,從而達到強力祛皺的目的能夠去除各種皺紋,如抬頭紋,額紋,川字紋,魚尾紋,眼週細紋,鼻背紋,法令紋,嘴角皺紋,頸紋。
  2. 填充祛疤:當PRFM注入肌膚以後,強大的生長因子,將促使組織再生,填補凹陷性疤痕,還可用於填充組織流失的凹陷和豐唇。
  3. 優化膚質:活性因子可加速和促進肌膚微循環的建立,從而加速新陳代謝,全面改善膚質和膚色,令原本暗淡肌膚更加白皙細膩,有光澤,更是能夠改善眼袋和黑眼圈問題。
  4. 深層抗衰:PRFM可促進皮膚多種組織的生長及重新排列,從而達到全面提升肌膚狀態,持續延緩衰老。
  5. 淡化色斑:能夠促使皮膚代謝改善,有效改善色素沉著,黃褐斑等多種色斑。
  6. 安全抗敏:持續使用PRFM進行治療,將改變肌膚原有應激系統,改善皮膚屏障破壞造成的敏感。

別再當無頭蒼蠅了,最棒最安全的變美產品就在您身上!PRP加上Dermapen再加上PRFM就是所向無敵的膠原蛋白催化劑,若是您長期受到身體皺摺以及傷疤的煩惱,這項新興療程絕對是您的最佳選擇。歡迎您在線諮詢或致電:1-626-780-5113洽詢位於洛杉磯Pasadena帕薩迪納、San Marino 聖馬利諾、Arcadia阿卡迪亞和Inland Empire內陸帝國範圍的W時尚整形中心,由美國整形外科手術協會認證的王醫師領銜主導的醫美團隊,提供您最令人安心的皮膚緊緻療程 。




女人要愛自己,就從G緊療程做起!身為新時代女性,您最在意的除了細緻的臉龐和姚窕的身型之外,神秘三角洲的保養,是否也讓您困擾? G緊電波療程能幫您重新找回小女人的性感魅力,並創造屬於自己的內在美。

想要同時擁有健康的身體和「性福」的生活嗎?ThermiVA™ G緊電波是一項全新的非手術陰道緊緻療程,透過電波熱傳導的方式,促進女性陰道膠原蛋白的產生,不僅能夠讓私密處更緊實,美化外觀,還能增加陰道濕度,同時改善女性漏尿問題。除此之外,電波熱能也能加快血液循環,恢復陰道的敏感度。此外,G緊電波療程不同於以往的傳統治療,單一療程時間只有30到60分鐘,並全程不需施打麻醉劑,也不會產生手術切口和縫合,利用一次性使用的S型手持探頭,溫柔地傳遞熱能至女性陰部。治療過程中,除了些微的溫熱感,並不會產生任何疼痛,在療程結束之後也沒有恢復期,您能夠立即回到正常生活。為了完整達到治療效果,在療程前請先進行陰部除毛,以便醫師定位治療區域,而在治療後避免私密處感染,建議療程過後第一週避免泡澡或泡湯。另外, G緊電波是一項在三個月內,需要三次治療的療程,每次療程大約可維持一年,若有需要,能進行每年地定期回診。ThermiVA™ G緊電波是經由美國食品藥物管理局與加拿大政府的健康部門核准的安全合法療程,目前在臨床上的療程後反應非常好,並無副作用的產生。G緊電波療程利用無痛無傷痕的方法,恢復陰道彈性,讓您能同時擁有健康美麗的身體,以及幸福快樂的生活。

您是否開始心動,想替私密處找尋一個安全堡壘?您是否也有所顧慮,怕太私密的問題令人尷尬?別擔心,歡迎您致電洽詢位於洛杉磯Pasadena帕薩迪納包括San Marino 聖馬利諾,Arcadia阿卡迪亞和Inland Empire內陸帝國範圍的W時尚整形中心,由美國整形外科手術協會認證的王醫師領銜主導的醫美團隊,就是您的最佳選擇。在療程前的會診與治療的過程中,經專業訓練的女性醫療團隊除了能精準並細心地替您分析身體狀態,更能讓您排除害羞的疑慮,賓至如歸的服務,使您安心地享受這項專屬於女人的內在美療程。現在馬上在線諮詢請或致電:1-626-780-5113安排您的預約。



Your Guide to THERMIVA™

ThermiVA™ G緊電波療程的功效為何?

G緊雷射是一項全新的非手術療程。透過雷射熱傳導的方式,進而促進女性陰道膠原蛋白的產生,不僅能夠讓私密處更緊實,還能增加陰道濕度, 縮小及美化陰唇外觀使其的皮膚增加柔軟度和減少鄒摺,同時也能改善女性漏尿問題。除此之外,雷射熱能也能加快血液循環,恢復陰道的敏感度。

ThermiVA™是使用電波或雷射技術? 有什麼優勢?

ThermiVA™使用RF(電波),而其他G緊雷射療程使用CO2雷射。 兩者都可達到陰道緊縮療程的效果。 不同之處在於,ThermiVA™也在舒適的情況下用於治療陰唇和陰蒂區域。


ThermiVA™ G緊電波療程的治療方式?


ThermiVA™ G緊電波療程會痛嗎?


ThermiVA™ G緊電波療程後,恢復期大約多久?


ThermiVA™ G緊電波療程可維持多久?


ThermiVA™ G緊電波療程有副作用嗎?



Dermabrasion is a highly sophisticated, controlled scraping of the facial skin that is used to smooth fine wrinkles, especially around the mouth, and scars left by acne or previous non-aesthetic surgery. It softens the sharp edges of irregularities in the outermost layer of skin so that they become less apparent and blend with other facial tissues for smoother-looking skin. Dermabrasion is also used to remove precancerous lesions that result from too much exposure to the sun.

If you're ready to treat skin damage and wrinkles with dermabrasion, it's time to schedule your consultation! You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today for your appointment.

Dermabrasion is best for healthy individuals who do not have active acne, have not had a previous chemical peel, severe sunburn or radiation treatment, who have not taken Accutane, and who can avoid exposure to direct sunlight for several weeks after the procedure. The outcome of dermabrasion depends on the condition of the skin, skin tone, and the depth of wrinkles and other imperfections.

What are the common benefits of dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion can produce smoother skin texture by removing skin damaged by wrinkles, scarring and acne. It can also be used to treat liver (age) spots and some skin lesions, as well as pre-cancerous growths.

How is dermabrasion performed?

Prior to treatment, Dr. Wang, an Inland Empire plastic surgeon will cover your eyes and hair. He will then numb your skin with an anesthesia or spray it with a refrigerant after applying a cold pack to numb the area. He may also give you a sedative. During the procedure, damaged skin will be scraped from the face using a handheld, motorized device to create an area where a new layer of skin may form.

How long does dermabrasion take?

Dermabrasion usually takes from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the condition of the skin.

What can I expect after dermabrasion?

After dermabrasion, Dr. Wang may cover the treated area with an ointment or a wet, waxy or dry covering. A few days after the procedure, the skin will usually swell, and look and feel as if it has been scraped in a fall. A scab will usually form 24 to 48 hours after the procedure.

What is the recovery period like?

After several days, the outer layer of skin, as well as any scabs will begin to fall off, revealing pink skin. The pinkness usually fades in about three to six weeks. Special soaps and cosmetics may be used during this time. Strenuous physical activity, as well as shaving (men) should be avoided during this period. Exposure to sunlight should also be avoided for several weeks.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Most patients return to work in about two weeks.

Wang Plastic Surgery in Pasadena and the Inland Empire offer several lines of skin care products to help our patients maintain their fresh looks and protect their skin from environmental and sun damage. Dr. Wang and his experienced staff will evaluate your face, address your concerns, and formulate a personalized regimen based on your skin type and problem areas. Each product has been hand-selected for effectiveness and continued patient satisfaction.

If you'd like to know more about our professional skin care product offerings, call toll-free (888) 360-6688 or contact us and we'll be happy to help you select a skin care program tailored for your needs.


Aging and environmental damage can dull the skin and thicken outer skin layers, causing uneven moisturizing that leads to wrinkling and sagging. In addition, daily exposure to the sun's rays can lead to development of uneven skin tone, with freckles and age spots beginning to form. To battle all these changes to your outer layers of skin, you need a product that will renew the skin from within.

Obagi® System skin care products transform your skin at the cellular level so that your skin both looks and acts younger and healthier. Popular Obagi® products include Obagi-C Rx System, Professional-C Serums, CLENZIderm M.D., and the Obagi Nu-Derm System, which accelerates cellular turnover for skin with moderate to severe sun damage and prepares the skin for Obagi Blue Peel, performed in our office.


This topical niacin-based skin therapy product offers continuous skin protection through the steady release of micro-nutrients that enrich your deepest skin layers and provide an invisible protective barrier from the elements. Not only is your skin protected, but this product line also can dramatically reduce many signs of damage, keeping your skin smooth and youthful.

The patented formula in NIA 24™ products improves skin tone and texture for both men and women concerned with premature signs of aging, dark spots, and lines and wrinkles. We offer a complete line of NIA 24™ products, including Recovery Complex, Strengthening Complex, Mineral Sunscreen, Cleansing Scrub, and Cleansing Cream.


This dermatologist-created skincare product line is the only one to offer an exclusive Polyhydroxy acid that is specially developed for even the most sensitive skin. Exuviance products are safe for all skin types, and have been allergy tested for effectiveness without adverse reactions. These products are not tested on animals, contain broad-spectrum sunscreen, and most have been shown to be non-comedogenic.

The Exuviance line includes products specially formulated to smooth and soften skin, diminish the appearance of wrinkles, brighten skin tone, and balance out dry or oily skin. The sophisticated product formulations contain natural fruit extracts that leave the skin both feeling and smelling fresh.


For those who believe that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, Environ® offers a product line that protects the skin before visible signs of aging and photodamage begin to show. This cosmetic manufacturing company, based in Cape Town, South Africa, was founded in 1990 and manufactures all of its skin care products in a laboratory setting.

Environ® products nourish, protect, and maintain beautiful skin. With a full skin care range of more than 40 products, most containing no animal extracts, fragrances, preservatives, or artificial colors, Environ® is dedicated to treating the skin naturally. Many of the company's products offered at Wang Plastic Surgery use high levels of vitamin A to protect skin from sun damage while combating the effects of pollution, stress, and poor diet on the skin.


For long-lasting health and beauty, BENEV uses advanced biotechnology in its line of products that have earned patient trust worldwide. BENEV is at the forefront of research and development, with a complete product line of exfoliators, moisturizers, sun protection, corrective products, and cleansers. Every product uses the purest ingredients possible, and is fragrance-free to minimize the risk of irritation for patients with allergies.

The BENEV laboratory specializes in developing unique product formulations grounded on the latest studies of functional and high performance ingredients. The company uses innovative technologies and most advanced raw materials from around the world, making its products a natural choice for Wang Plastic Surgery.

Physicians Complex®

These state-of-the-art cosmeceutical products have been specially developed to address common skin concerns such as wrinkles, sun damage, and adult acne. The company's medically-oriented skin care philosophy takes shape through six sub-specialty product lines: anti-aging and wrinkle treatments, cleansers and acne treatments, skin rejuvenation, lip enhancers, moisturizers, and sun protection. The products contain high quality pharmaceutical ingredients such as alpha and beta hydroxy acids, antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, beta carotene, and super oxide dismutase.

Physicians Complex is a family-owned company run by experts with dermatological, nursing, and cosmeceutical backgrounds. This comprehensive knowledge helps the company develop high-grade skin protection and restoration treatments that are safe and effective on a variety of skin types.

Prevage® MD

These anti-aging treatments, available exclusively through a physician, contain powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from environmental stresses such as sun exposure, ozone, smoke, and other contaminants. In a clinical study, the active ingredient in Prevage® MD (1% Idebenone) was shown to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and skin roughness, leaving a younger-looking complexion behind. In fact, Idebenone was found to be more effective than other antioxidants commonly used in skin care products, such as kinetin, coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin E. This dual role of both prevention and correction has made Prevage® MD a popular choice with our skin care patients.

Electrology is the scientifically proven method of permanent hair removal. Known since 1857 and recognized as safe and effective. At W Med Spa, Electrolysis is done by licensed practitioners specifically trained and educated in the theory and practice of electrology.

Unwanted hair growth is usually hereditary or caused by unbalanced hormones during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and polycystic ovaries. Other factors are thyroid conditions, stress, medication like Cortisone and birth control. Tweezing, waxing and threading also can lead to excess hair growth due to increased blood supply to skin and hair follicle.

A fine sterile needle is inserted into the hair follicle opening. A small amount of electrical energy is applied to destroy the area that nourishes the hair. Treating each hair individually makes the treatment effective. The number of treatments necessary varies from person to person. Finer hairs are permanently removed relatively fast where coarse hairs requires several sessions. The length of the treatment depends on area, amount of hair, coarseness, sensitivity of skin and client tolerance. Most clients return weekly or every two weeks. The treatments are most concentrated in the beginning. Once the hair growth is under control, less visits are needed.

The cost varies on length of treatment. It can be from a minimum of 15 minutes to 2 hours if needed. It is important to realize that time, commitment, and patience are necessary to overcome a problem that did not occur overnight. Any area on the face can be treated. Other recommended areas are abdomen and breast.

Most people handle the treatment with very little discomfort. There are no side effects, expect slight redness or swelling depending on the area that was treated. Occasionally, small white heads may appear at the follicle opening followed by scabbing. Scabbing is part of the normal healing process and should not be picked off. The use of cosmetics and frequent touching of the area is discouraged for at least 24 hours after treatment. Exposure to sun or tanning devices should be eliminated for several days. To understand more about the different hair removal treatment options in Pasadena or San Gabriel Valley, request a consultation online or call our office at (888) 360-6688 today.

Besides electrolysis or laser IPL hair removal, there are many different hair removal methods. But none are permanent with no side effects.


  • Causes irritation and breakouts
  • Causes ingrown hairs
  • Causes unnecessary removal of fine hairs, not just the unwanted ones
  • Some people can be allergic to product
  • You need to wait for full hair growth


  • Causes ingrown hairs that lead to scarring


  • Contain irritating chemicals

Home use machines

  • Unsafe, and very often can do more harm than good since they are not operated by professionals.

The aestheticians at Pasadena W Med Spa have been successfully practicing electrolysis for 30 years and have helped thousands of people regain their confidence and look wonderful. Electrolysis is a long term solution to a temporary problem. Unlike waxing, tweezing and threading that are a temporary fix for a long term problem.


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南加州洛杉磯地區W時尚整形中心,整形醫學博士王沛鑫受整形外科學院認證,提供整形外科手術及醫學美容微整形,包括臉部整形、抽脂塑身、隆乳、微創植髮、雷射除斑、脈衝光、雷射除毛、除皺、拉皮回春等療程。服務廣大華裔族群,包括Alhambra阿罕布拉市、Pasadena帕沙迪納市、Arcadia阿凱迪亞市、Diamond Bar鑽石吧、Riverside河濱市、Upland厄普蘭、內陸帝國Inland Empire、Rowland Heights羅蘭崗、Hacienda Heights哈崗、Rosemead柔似密、San Gabriel聖蓋博、Pomona普慕納、Chino Hills奇諾崗、Rancho Cucamonga庫卡蒙格牧场、Irvine爾灣區等。


  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
