Wang Plastic Surgery

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31 十二


如果您不希望每天早上需要擔心如何整理您的頭髮,使用昂貴而無效的生髮劑、 洗髮精、纖維髮絲,努力讓頭頂看來髮量豐厚,甚至費心選戴不同款式的帽子來遮掩您稀疏的髮線或禿髮處,微創植髮則是缺髮者最大的福音! 美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的Neograft™微創植髮可幫助您的頭髮重現生機,一勞永逸 。


by Stewart P. Wang

目前微整形劑型種類繁多,均各有各的特性及定位,王沛鑫醫師會依造男士個人的條件及需求來應用,透過微整形注射填補改善臉型、緊緻拉提皮膚、或除皺。若要大面積的凹陷填補,常見可能就會選擇玻尿酸、或其它組織填充劑;若是要塑造較為立體的線條感,如隆鼻、蘋果肌、下巴線條等,這時就會建議質感較硬的微晶瓷;若是因表情肌肉發達或衰老造成的外表皺褶或鬆弛,這時就可以運用肉毒桿菌來改善皺眉紋、眉心紋 、抬頭紋、魚尾紋。



by Stewart P. Wang

男人到中年難免體型走樣,啤酒肚、大肚腩、鮪魚肚,脂肪容易堆積在中肚或腰側和或是男性女乳症。W時尚整形中心是南加州唯一擁有兩種FDA核准最先進雷射溶脂儀器: Smartlipo® Triplex 與 AccuSculpt™ 的診所。無痛、無疤的塑身,比一般現存的雷射溶脂技術更安全、效果更顯著、恢復期更短,是男人告別脂肪,告別大肚男最輕鬆又有效的溶脂療程選擇。


by Dr. Stewart Wang

您有腋下多汗的困擾嗎? 您有尷尬恼人的汗臭狐臭嗎? 厭惡衣物上的腋下汗漬嗎? 厭倦了使用除臭劑和止汗劑? miraDry®微舒淨腋臭無痕術是美國 FDA批准的非侵入性治療,可永久治療過量的腋下多汗症和狐臭 。 王沛鑫醫師是最早在帕薩迪納和內陸帝國提供miraDry®微舒淨的醫生之一,幫助患者根治這些終生與汗水和異味糾纏的尷尬時刻,讓您自信的掌握伴侶親密關係或避免社交活動緊張濕態。

以往,對於無法靠節食或運動消除的頑固脂肪部位,例如啤酒肚的小腹、水桶腰的兩側贅肉和肥胖的大腿脂肪等,大多都只能透過外科麻醉開刀的方式改善,但隨著醫美科技的日新月異,現在也有不必開刀的體外溶脂技術,不但沒有痛感,連復原期都縮短許多, 即可秀出美麗的比基尼線或人魚線。


by Stewart P. Wang



Published in Mens Aesthetics
31 十二




如果您不希望每天早上需要擔心如何整理您的頭髮,使用昂貴而無效的生髮劑、 洗髮精、纖維髮絲,努力讓頭頂看來髮量豐厚,甚至費心選戴不同款式的帽子來遮掩您稀疏的髮線或禿髮處,微創植髮則是缺髮者最大的福音! 美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的Neograft™微創植髮可幫助您的頭髮重現生機,一勞永逸 。



Video: Your Guide to Neograft FUE Hair Transplant 前額禿掉髮、M型禿掉髮、地中海型掉髮、宇宙禿掉髮、遺傳禿掉髮、雄性禿掉髮, 別擔心!現在馬上行動, 立即線上預約或來電 (626) 780-5113預約王沛鑫醫師咨詢有關Neograft™微創植髮 。

許多患者不會考慮傳統的植髮術, 因爲無法突破植髮的障礙,也就是切割頭皮的疼痛與較長的恢復期。 並且植髮後,後腦杓永遠的一道約15 公分 長的傷疤,這道傷疤不但是被植髮者心理永遠的痛,也代表被植髮者過去的痕跡,讓許多人望之卻步。其實植髮可以是無痛無痕的!



FUE植髮手術不需要手術刀、也不需要傷口縫 合,只需要直徑0.8mm~1.0mm小圓孔的毛囊摘取筆就可以輕鬆把完整的毛囊單位取出並植髮,不但不用切頭皮,也無須縫合傷口,自行癒合即可。 一個毛囊內含一到四根頭髮。用一個一個毛囊單獨植入頭皮,長出的頭髮最自然,與天生者無異,且因取自不受雄性禿因素影響的區域,所以還可終生生長。


如果您想要達到自然又美觀的效果,又不想動刀,Neograft™就非常適合您。Neograft™微創植髮術後也不會有許多活動上的限制, 所以也是生活繁忙的商人、藝人、以及運動員的最愛!



一般人移植1,000 至3,000毛囊單位即可讓頭頂毛髮變濃密,及重建漂亮髮際線。手術時間因移植毛囊數量而定,手術過程快速時間短而減少手術過程的不適,一般大約需要三至八個小時。過程輕鬆無疼痛,還可看電視打發時間!



在美國大約四千萬名男性和大約兩千一百萬名女性遭受雄性禿、女性脫髮或頭髮稀疏的困擾。對許多人來說,濃密的頭髮代表著青春,吸引力和自信。如果您也有相同缺髮的困擾,美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心就是可讓您毛囊再生的最好對策。現在立即線上預約或來電 (626) 780-5113預約王沛鑫醫師咨詢有關Neograft™微創植髮。

Published in Mens Aesthetics
31 十二

Happy Mother's Day from Wang Plastic Surgery!

Treat yourself to something special this Mother's Day!

We're offering a FREE 3ml Latisse with the purchase of a dermal filler procedure, using two syringes or more. Offer is limited to the first 20 respondents. (Service needs to be completed before 5/31/2014.)

Published in Specials
31 十二

Patient: Can't stop smiling…

Patient: Thinking about the 3D imaging of my “bikini-ready” body at the WPS office yesterday! <3

Dr. Wang: A smart decision to complete your aesthetic procedures by March so you'll be “ready” by summer time. :)

Patient: Thanks for the wonderful experience, Dr. Wang!

Come visit us and experience our new Cosmetic Surgery 3D imaging! You will be able to preview the potential results of your procedure.

Published in News
31 十二

Mothers of all ages who are looking to regain their youthful figure are combining abdominoplasty and procedures like breast augmentation near Riverside, California from plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang.

Alhambra, California  - Dr. Stewart Wang, who performs plastic surgery in the Inland Empire and San Gabriel Valley, has seen a significant increase over the past year in women considering "mommy makeover" procedures. While there is no technical definition, a mommy makeover generally combines liposuction and abdominoplasty (a "tummy tuck") with some type of breast surgery, such as breast augmentation, to help Riverside and other California moms improve the look of their bodies after pregnancy. Dr. Wang offers more information on mommy makeovers on his Web site.


Published in News
31 十二

Despite that she takes good care of her skin, this 48-year-old woman from Los Angeles, CA wanted to defy signs of aging on her face and neck without undergoing any invasive surgery. Wang Plastic Surgery and Med Spa performed non-surgical lift with the non-invasive Thermage on her face, eyes, and neck to give her a refreshed look, and ease the fine lines around her eyes, face, and neck.

Surgeon: Dr. Stewart Wang
Patient Age: 48
Patient Gender: Female
Race: Asian
Target Area: Face, eyes, and neck
Procedure: Thermage and Eyes by Thermage
Procedure Duration: 2 hours
Downtime: no downtime

The before and after pictures above depict ACTUAL PATIENTS. Your results may vary.

More non-invasive Thermage Photos of this patient: (click to enlarge)

Los Angeles Thermage Non-Surgical Face Lift Before and After: Other ViewsLos Angeles Thermage Non-Surgical Face Lift Before and After: Other Views

31 十二

A 36 year old full-time working mom from Inland Empire, Southern California. She was unhappy with her abdomen area after giving birth

Surgeon: Dr. Stewart Wang
Patient Age: 36
Patient Gender: Female
Race: Hispanic
Target Area: Abdomen
Procedure: Removal of excessive abdominal wall skin, liposuction of upper abdomen and flanks.
Procedure Duration: 2.5 hours
Downtime: 2 weeks

The before and after pictures above depict ACTUAL PATIENTS. Your results may vary.

More Photos of this patient: (click to enlarge)

Before and After: Other ViewsBefore and After: Other Views

Published in Tummy Tuck
31 十二

48 years old mom of two, from San Marino who was unhappy with the shape of her legs and calves. She was not able to find any boots that were able to fit her calves. Patient came to WPS in 2010 and underwent Laser-lipo for (B) inner thighs and knees in 5/210, then came back for more laser liposuction on her (B) outer thighs and distal calves done in 10/2010.

Surgeon: Dr. Stewart Wang
Patient Age: 48
Patient Gender: Female
Race: Asian
Target Area: Outer thighs, Distal calves, Inner thighs, medial knees
Procedure: Laser Lipo
Procedure Duration: 4 hours
Downtime: 1 week

The before and after pictures above depict ACTUAL PATIENTS. Your results may vary.

More Photos of this patient: (click to enlarge)

Before and After: Other ViewsBefore and After: Other Views


Before and After: Other ViewsBefore and After: Other Views

Published in Laser Liposuction
31 十二

This 45-year-old woman from Altadena, CA had lower and upper skin laxity due to 60 pound weight-loss. Patient wanted to remove fat from abdomen area, then enhance breasts with her own body fat. Liposuction was performed to tighten the abdomen while transfering fat to firm and lift breasts.

Surgeon: Dr. Stewart Wang
Patient Age: 45
Patient Gender: Female
Race: Asian
Target Area: Abdominals and flanks
Procedure: Lipoabdominoplasty. Fat Grafting to Bilateral Breast Enhancement
Procedure Duration: 3 hours
Downtime: 3 weeks

The before and after pictures above depict ACTUAL PATIENTS. Your results may vary.

More Photos of this patient: (click to enlarge)

Before and After: Other ViewsBefore and After: Other Views

31 十二

Bilateral Augmentation Mammoplasty was perfromed on this 46-year-old Chinese American woman from Pasadena, CA, who had always been unhappy about the size of her breasts. Patient wanted natural-looking breast implants to replace her padded bra, and did not want them to be too big.  Dr. Stewart Wang performed the breast enhancement procedure with Allergan gel Style 10 240cc. The patient's cup size went from AA to 34B. 9 years post-operation of the breast augmentation procedure, she is still very happy with the size.

Surgeon: Dr. Stewart Wang
Patient Age: 46
Patient Gender: Female
Race: Asian, Chinese American
Target Area: Breasts
Procedure: Bilateral Augmentation mammoplasty (Breast Augmentation with silicone implants)
Procedure Duration: 1 hour
Downtime: 5 days

The Breast Enhancement before and after pictures depict ACTUAL PATIENTS. Your results may vary.

More Bilateral Augmentation Mammoplasty Photos of this patient: (click to enlarge)

Pasadena Breast Enhancement Before and After: Other ViewsPasadina Breast Augmentation with Silicone Implants Before and After: Other Views

After (2 Year)
After (2 Year)

Pasadena Breast Augmentation with Silicone Implants Before and After: Other ViewsPasadena Breast Augmentation with Silicone Implants Year 2 Before and After: Other Views

After (3 Years)
After (3 Years)

Pasadena Breast Augmentation with Silicone Implants Year 4 Before and After: Other ViewsPasadena Breast Augmentation with Silicone Implants Year 4 Before and After: Other Views

After (4 Years)
After (4 Years)

Pasadena Breast Enhancement with Silicone Implants Year 4 Before and After: Other Views

After (4 Years)
Published in Breast Augmentation
第 5 頁,共 17 頁


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南加州洛杉磯地區W時尚整形中心,整形醫學博士王沛鑫受整形外科學院認證,提供整形外科手術及醫學美容微整形,包括臉部整形、抽脂塑身、隆乳、微創植髮、雷射除斑、脈衝光、雷射除毛、除皺、拉皮回春等療程。服務廣大華裔族群,包括Alhambra阿罕布拉市、Pasadena帕沙迪納市、Arcadia阿凱迪亞市、Diamond Bar鑽石吧、Riverside河濱市、Upland厄普蘭、內陸帝國Inland Empire、Rowland Heights羅蘭崗、Hacienda Heights哈崗、Rosemead柔似密、San Gabriel聖蓋博、Pomona普慕納、Chino Hills奇諾崗、Rancho Cucamonga庫卡蒙格牧场、Irvine爾灣區等。


  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
