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Danny's Eyelid Surgery

by Stewart P. Wang

Even in Los Angeles, many men think they have little to gain from plastic surgery. But Pasadena cosmetic surgeon Dr. Wang sees many male patients who are considering a wide variety of procedures, including laser hair removal in Pasadena, rhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery. Danny, a recent patient of Dr. Wang, had much to say about his Pasadena eyelid surgery experience.

As a 46-year-old electrical engineer living and working in Los Angeles, Danny heard the same old question one too many times. Throughout the day, his coworkers would ask if he had been up late or if he needed a cup of coffee. It wasn't that Danny had low energy or really was sleep-deprived-instead, his drooping eyelids and the large bags under his eyes made him look exhausted and old.

Better Living through Cosmetic Surgery

Danny didn't want to look 20 again, but he did want to look his age and fit in with his peers, so he started doing the research on eyelid surgery near Pasadena. While searching the Internet for a highly-qualified local plastic surgeon, Danny came across Wang Plastic Surgery, with offices near Pasadena and the Inland Empire. He was impressed by Dr. Wang's background, education, and professional approach.

"He's a straight shooter," says Danny. "when I went in for my eyelid surgery, I also asked him about laser resurfacing for some old acne scars I had, and he was very upfront that from the available treatments, he hadn't yet found one that gave his patients 100% satisfaction. He only performs procedures that get results, and that inspires a lot of confidence."

No one would confuse me with a Barbie doll.

Like many men considering plastic surgery in the Pasadena area, Danny was looking for genuine cosmetic correction, not the latest beauty fad. "No one would confuse me with a Barbie doll. I'm not the kind of guy who primps and all that. But for those guys out there who have a cosmetic problem that's making them look 5 or 10 years older than they are, plastic surgery is a great choice."

And cosmetic surgery is more accepted than ever before. "I had an 80-year-old customer, a guy who's known me a long time, come in the other day and he was amazed by how much better I looked after my procedure. He wanted my results for himself. I recommended he go see Dr. Wang, and he was ready to sign up for surgery before his wife stopped him. She didn't want him looking better than she did!"

Danny's Alhambra, CA Plastic Surgery.

Though he knew eyelid surgery is a relatively simple procedure, Danny was impressed by how smooth everything went. He signed on for both upper and lower eyelid surgery. "I'm not the type who's intimidated by surgery. I've had several orthopedic surgeries before, so having a few incisions around the eye is really no big deal."

"I had the procedure done on a Thursday, at a surgical center 4 blocks from Dr. Wang's Alhambra, CA plastic surgery office. I was off Thursday and Friday, and by Saturday I had only mild discomfort. I rotated out ice bags for the first couple of days to minimize swelling and bruising. The biggest annoyance was not being able to focus well because of the stitches and swelling."

He only performs procedures that get results, and that inspires
a lot of confidence.

The stitches dissolved on the bottom eyelid, and Dr. Wang removed the ones on the upper eyelid a week after the surgery. The next week Danny worked from home. His follow up visits were just as pleasant as his consultation. "Everyone I met on the staff, they're all sweethearts, and Dr. Wang is a seasoned professional."

And Los Angeles BOTOX® Cosmetic Treatment

While his drooping and sagging eye skin was Danny's biggest concern, both Dr. Wang and Danny's wife noticed small lines on the sides of his eyes. Los Angeles BOTOX® Cosmetic injections are ideal to treat these types of wrinkles, often called "crow's feet." Danny also had developed a wrinkle across the bridge of his nose. "I was hesitant about treating that one," he says. "I make my living being a very serious, aggressive guy, and I guess that makes me scowl a lot. I didn't want a really thick line in between my brows, but I didn't want to lose my edge either." In the end, he did choose to soften the area with BOTOX Cosmetic.

"I have total confidence in Dr. Wang," adds Danny. "Now I look like guys my age should. I feel better when I see myself in the mirror, and my wife says I look at least 5 years younger. If I was going to get anything else done, I wouldn't shop around-I'd go straight to Dr. Wang."

Cathy's Laser Liposuction

by Stewart P. Wang

Cathy is at a comfortable stage in life at 47 years old. Having successfully raised her 2 children into young adulthood, she enjoys the time outside of her career in construction sales staying fit and exercising. Cathy works out at the gym 6 days a week, taking on everything from spinning classes to weight training; on the 7th day she heads outdoors for her weekly hike. Fitness consumes the majority of her spare time, and Cathy wouldn't have it any other way.

When she developed capsular contracture from a breast augmentation procedure performed by another surgeon, Cathy decided to look for a different doctor to revise her results. She was also unhappy with the outcome of a liposuction procedure she had had on her abdomen.

Saved by the Web

Cathy decided to use the Web to find a skilled, experienced, and personable plastic surgeon. After looking at sites for several Pasadena and Riverside, California plastic surgeons, she was impressed with Dr. Wang's Web site, finding it interesting, inspiring, and informative. When she visited the practice for a consultation, she was impressed further still. "He was meticulous," Cathy said when asked to describe Dr. Wang. "He explains everything thoroughly and doesn't pressure you to get a lot of things done." Dr. Wang told her he had performed many corrective cosmetic procedures and was confident he could help her.

Dr. Wang explains everything thoroughly and doesn't pressure you to get a lot of things done.

Correction Connection

Soon after her consultation, Dr. Wang did an excellent job correcting Cathy's breast and liposuction concerns. The timing of her appointment was right as Cathy was one of the first patients to be offered an exciting new liposuction technology called AccuSculpt™ for laser liposuction in Pasadena. This modern advancement uses laser energy to melt the unwanted fat before it is vacuumed away, resulting in easier removal and minimal impact to surrounding tissue. Dr. Wang felt that this technique could give her more precise results than the other techniques he offers, including ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), and power-assisted liposuction (PAL).

Easy Procedure, Easy Recovery

"The procedure was so easy," Cathy recalls. "He performed it in the office, while I was awake." With only local anesthesia she didn't feel any pain and the surgery went smoothly. Cathy's recovery was easy as well – partially because she had a relatively small area treated, and partially because laser liposuction was so gentle. This technique has less impact to the surrounding tissues than traditional liposuction because the laser liquefies the unwanted fat cells before removal.

After her procedure Cathy was amazed that she had no swelling or bruising, and was hardly sore, which was quite a contrast to her initial liposuction experience with the previous doctor. For the first week she wore a compression garment and held off on her exercise routine, but after that she was back to the gym and back to her busy life looking better than ever.

The procedure was so easy... I wish I had found Dr. Wang from the start.

Instant Gratification

Right away, Cathy was thrilled with her results. Her abdomen finally looked completely smooth and toned – a true reflection of her dedication to exercise. "I was so disappointed from my first liposuction that I didn't think it was possible to have it look this good. I wish I had found Dr. Wang from the start," she explains.

In addition to her surgical procedures, Cathy has returned to Dr. Wang's office for non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments that help keep her looking healthy and youthful, including BOTOX® Cosmetic and Restylane® treatments for facial wrinkles. Like many of his patients, she truly appreciates Dr. Wang's patient-centered approach to enhancement and plans to be a lifelong patient.

Gabrielle is a 38 year old Executive Assistant in Covina, California who's always cared about her appearance but had never given much thought to facial rejuvenation procedures. While on vacation, she looked at herself in the hotel's magnification mirror and was surprised by what she saw. She remembers, "When I saw the wrinkles around my eyes and looked at everything up close, I was shocked - it was like someone smacked me upside the head. I thought, 'Where did this come from?'"

Gabrielle realized that her earlier days as a working student, combined with poor nutrition and sleep deprivation, had taken their toll. She says, "When I looked in the mirror, even if I'd had a good night's sleep, I was starting to look tired every day." So she decided to take action. Gabrielle recalls, "I wanted my outside to match my inside."

I wanted my outside to match my inside.

Doing Her Homework

Gabrielle spent a lot of time researching her options by visiting doctors' Web sites and reading cosmetic surgery blogs, medical journals, and magazines. She found Dr. Wang's site to be the most informative and consulted it to find out which procedures provided the longest-lasting results and gave the most "bang for the buck." Gabrielle knew she wanted to stick with non-invasive treatments. She says, "I wanted to do the healthiest thing and then think of it as maintenance in order to head off bigger problems down the line."

After meeting with 3 doctors, Gabrielle chose Wang Plastic Surgery because Dr. Wang seemed to have the most holistic view. Gabrielle says, "He has wide knowledge and experience. By listening to him, I could tell he was looking at the big picture, and that made me feel very comfortable." Initially, Gabrielle was exploring various options, including a ThreadLift. She says, "I told Dr. Wang, 'I want this, this and this.' He responded 'no, no, and no.'" During her consultation, Dr. Wang educated Gabrielle on how certain procedures can work against each other and helped her set more realistic expectations.

Dr. Wang was looking at the big picture and helped set realistic expectations.

Her Treatment Choices

Over the past year, Gabrielle has had several treatments to gradually improve her tired appearance and enhance her skin tone. She started with BOTOX® Cosmetic to treat a few forehead wrinkles and lines around her eyes. Then, Dr. Wang used JUVÉDERM® Injectable Gel for the "nasolabial folds" that ran from the sides of her nose to the corners of her mouth. It turned out that Gabrielle experienced an added bonus from her BOTOX Cosmetic treatments. As a self-proclaimed "tense person," she found that BOTOX kept her muscles relaxed, which actually helped her feel calmer.

Next, Gabrielle returned to Dr. Wang's office for a Thermage® skin rejuvenation treatment. She found the experience relaxing and enjoyed having time to lie down and not do anything for an hour. There was no pain, just a sense of warmth on her face, and when the procedure was completed, she just put on sunscreen and was able to proceed with her day.

Gabrielle's most recent visit was for a light chemical peel. She originally asked for a heavy peel, but Dr. Wang advised her to go lighter, since her skin is fair and thin. Knowing her skin would be peeling and unattractive for awhile, she took some time off from work. Gabrielle recalls, "I definitely got a couple of strange looks out in public!" During this recovery time, her routine changed a bit. She didn't wear makeup for a couple of weeks and made sure she wore a hat to protect her skin from the sun. The experience actually reminded her of how much she likes to wear hats - something she has continued to do since. Most peeling was gone after 3 days and a week later she could fully enjoy her smooth, rejuvenated skin appearance.

I finally look like I got a good night's sleep!

Loving Her Look

Gabrielle is very happy with her results and continues to visit Wang Plastic Surgery to maintain her revitalized appearance. She notices that her skin tone has evened out and the fine lines on her face have diminished. Gabrielle says, "It's kind of like making amends to my body for the things I did in the past. The cosmetic stuff is the last frontier. I feel younger now and my outlook on life is better now than when I was 18. I finally look like I got a good night's sleep and I just feel better - it's been such a positive experience."


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  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
