Wang Plastic Surgery

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by Stewart P. Wang


天天話題1/4 - 鳳凰衛視美洲台

鳳凰衛視美洲台邀請王醫師在[天天話題]探討雷射溶脂的概念 , 與傳統抽脂手術做比較。

天天話題2/4 - 鳳凰衛視美洲台


天天話題3/4 - 鳳凰衛視美洲台


天天話題4/4 - 鳳凰衛視美洲台




miraDry「無創微波」去除多汗+體味 - 東森美洲新聞

miraDry「無創微波」去除多汗+體味 - 東森美洲新聞

東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」採訪洛杉磯W時尚整 ­形中心王沛鑫醫師,説明最新無創微波去處多汗症和狐臭,解除尷尬場面或影響人際關係的困擾。

蔣亮話 爭鋒相對 男性整型



頭髮越來越稀疏是男人最擔心的惡夢。東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」採訪洛杉磯W時尚整 ­形中心王沛鑫醫師,説明最先進的微創植髮Neograft的優點好處, 無痛、無痕、又快速。

微整形解決頭頂三千煩惱絲- Neograft 微創植髮

好萊塢出現時光倒流奇跡,名人從禿頭變得頭髮又濃又密。東森美洲新聞採訪洛杉磯W時尚整形中心王沛鑫醫師,解説傳統植髮與説明 微創植髮Neograft的不同。

Neograft微創植髮的過程 -東森美洲新聞

洛杉磯社區名人成亮為頭頂三千煩惱絲挑戰微整形植髮。東森美洲新聞採訪洛杉磯W時尚整形中心知名整形醫師Dr. Stewart Wang, 王沛鑫醫師説明微整形Neograft植髮手術的過程。

洛杉磯社區名人公開植髮成果 -東森美洲新聞

洛杉磯社區名人成亮在東森美洲新人王與蔣亮話節目當中公開植髮成果, 並帶領新人王冠、亞軍蒞臨洛杉磯W時尚整形中心,體驗3D全角度模擬機與聆聽Dr. Stewart Wang, 王沛鑫醫師分析術前與術後的可能性。




東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-1

專訪王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士,美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心,追蹤最In、最Hot 的整形醫療科技。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-2

W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臉頰、下顎、頸部及背部雷射溶脂,雕塑天生嬰兒肥、雙下巴­、經老化鬆弛造成的頸頰曲線變形,大臉變小臉。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-3

W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臀部, 大腿內外側, 膝蓋局部雷射溶脂,雕塑纖細的美腿。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-4

美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臀部,馬鞍袋局部雷射溶脂,雕塑臀部的曲線,達到翹臀、瘦­身作用。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-5

東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」Part-5: 美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臉頰、下顎、頸部及背部雷射溶脂的第二集,手術後一星期。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-6

美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臀部, 大腿內外側, 膝蓋局部雷射溶脂的第二集,手術後一星期。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-7

美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為病患進行臀部,馬鞍袋局部雷射溶脂的第二集,雕塑臀部的曲線,達到翹臀、瘦身作用,手術後一星期。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-8

揭曉美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士為三位病患進行雷射溶脂的結果, 部位分別為臉頰、下顎、頸部、背部、臀部、大腿內外側、膝蓋、臀部、馬鞍袋的雕塑。


東森美洲新聞「時尚微整直擊」 Part-9

美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心的王沛鑫 整型外科醫學博士總結雷射溶脂的安全性, 注意事項, 及適合接受治療的條件。

Danny's Eyelid Surgery

by Stewart P. Wang

Even in Los Angeles, many men think they have little to gain from plastic surgery. But Pasadena cosmetic surgeon Dr. Wang sees many male patients who are considering a wide variety of procedures, including laser hair removal in Pasadena, rhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery. Danny, a recent patient of Dr. Wang, had much to say about his Pasadena eyelid surgery experience.

As a 46-year-old electrical engineer living and working in Los Angeles, Danny heard the same old question one too many times. Throughout the day, his coworkers would ask if he had been up late or if he needed a cup of coffee. It wasn't that Danny had low energy or really was sleep-deprived-instead, his drooping eyelids and the large bags under his eyes made him look exhausted and old.

Better Living through Cosmetic Surgery

Danny didn't want to look 20 again, but he did want to look his age and fit in with his peers, so he started doing the research on eyelid surgery near Pasadena. While searching the Internet for a highly-qualified local plastic surgeon, Danny came across Wang Plastic Surgery, with offices near Pasadena and the Inland Empire. He was impressed by Dr. Wang's background, education, and professional approach.

"He's a straight shooter," says Danny. "when I went in for my eyelid surgery, I also asked him about laser resurfacing for some old acne scars I had, and he was very upfront that from the available treatments, he hadn't yet found one that gave his patients 100% satisfaction. He only performs procedures that get results, and that inspires a lot of confidence."

No one would confuse me with a Barbie doll.

Like many men considering plastic surgery in the Pasadena area, Danny was looking for genuine cosmetic correction, not the latest beauty fad. "No one would confuse me with a Barbie doll. I'm not the kind of guy who primps and all that. But for those guys out there who have a cosmetic problem that's making them look 5 or 10 years older than they are, plastic surgery is a great choice."

And cosmetic surgery is more accepted than ever before. "I had an 80-year-old customer, a guy who's known me a long time, come in the other day and he was amazed by how much better I looked after my procedure. He wanted my results for himself. I recommended he go see Dr. Wang, and he was ready to sign up for surgery before his wife stopped him. She didn't want him looking better than she did!"

Danny's Alhambra, CA Plastic Surgery.

Though he knew eyelid surgery is a relatively simple procedure, Danny was impressed by how smooth everything went. He signed on for both upper and lower eyelid surgery. "I'm not the type who's intimidated by surgery. I've had several orthopedic surgeries before, so having a few incisions around the eye is really no big deal."

"I had the procedure done on a Thursday, at a surgical center 4 blocks from Dr. Wang's Alhambra, CA plastic surgery office. I was off Thursday and Friday, and by Saturday I had only mild discomfort. I rotated out ice bags for the first couple of days to minimize swelling and bruising. The biggest annoyance was not being able to focus well because of the stitches and swelling."

He only performs procedures that get results, and that inspires
a lot of confidence.

The stitches dissolved on the bottom eyelid, and Dr. Wang removed the ones on the upper eyelid a week after the surgery. The next week Danny worked from home. His follow up visits were just as pleasant as his consultation. "Everyone I met on the staff, they're all sweethearts, and Dr. Wang is a seasoned professional."

And Los Angeles BOTOX® Cosmetic Treatment

While his drooping and sagging eye skin was Danny's biggest concern, both Dr. Wang and Danny's wife noticed small lines on the sides of his eyes. Los Angeles BOTOX® Cosmetic injections are ideal to treat these types of wrinkles, often called "crow's feet." Danny also had developed a wrinkle across the bridge of his nose. "I was hesitant about treating that one," he says. "I make my living being a very serious, aggressive guy, and I guess that makes me scowl a lot. I didn't want a really thick line in between my brows, but I didn't want to lose my edge either." In the end, he did choose to soften the area with BOTOX Cosmetic.

"I have total confidence in Dr. Wang," adds Danny. "Now I look like guys my age should. I feel better when I see myself in the mirror, and my wife says I look at least 5 years younger. If I was going to get anything else done, I wouldn't shop around-I'd go straight to Dr. Wang."

Jessica decided to undergo tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and liposuction with Pasadena plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang after realizing that extra pounds on her small frame were keeping her from enjoying life and pursuing her goals to the fullest. She was having a hard time finding clothes that fit comfortably and she avoided exercise because of large amounts of skin and fat tissue, along with pulled abdominal muscles and a herniated belly button that caused pain whenever she attempted stomach exercises.

I had no idea how confident I could feel in my body.

As part of her work as a human rights advocate, Jessica does a lot of public speaking. She knew that her stomach was not only causing discomfort, it also was undermining her confidence while she was in the spotlight. "I present to a wide range of people," says Jessica, "and I thought it was time that I look and feel more professional, that I do something about the skin and fat around my belly that was weighing me down both physically and emotionally."

Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles

Before seeing Dr. Stewart Wang, a plastic surgeon with offices near Pasadena and the Inland Empire, Jessica scheduled abdominoplasty consultations with two other cosmetic surgeons in Los Angeles. At the other offices, she felt very rushed and didn't receive the information she was looking for. She searched the Internet for more details about tummy tuck and about what to look for in a cosmetic surgeon, such as board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. During her Web research, she came across an online medical discussion forum where several forum members recommended she contact Dr. Wang.

Jessica found Dr. Wang to be the most personable surgeon she visited, and she was delighted that he took the time to give her one-on-one attention. "Almost as soon as I walked in," she says, "I felt like a member of the family. Dr. Wang has such a friendly staff, and the time he spent with me was just like talking with an old friend."

Jessica's first concern was safety. "When you're choosing elective surgery, you need to feel confident that it's safe. Dr. Wang explained what precautions he takes with every surgery, and that really put my mind at ease." She was also worried about the discomfort that can accompany a tummy tuck. "I had a hysterectomy a few years before my tummy tuck, so I knew abdominal surgery is no walk in the park. But Dr. Wang gave me a pain pump after the surgery, and I had no idea the first few days after the procedure could be so comfortable."

Planning for Perfection

Dr. Wang performed Jessica's surgery at the New Clinic in Ontario, California. She planned carefully for both her surgery and her recovery. "I knew I didn't want to deal with stitches and bandages in hot weather, so I scheduled my surgery in September, to avoid the Southern California summer. And I prepared to be out of action for six weeks-took time off from my work, froze plenty of meals, and set up a support network of family and friends to check in on me."

I'd fly back to have other procedures with Dr. Wang.

Jessica knew it would be slow going for the first few weeks after her abdominoplasty. Pasadena plastic surgeon Dr. Wang encouraged her to get plenty of rest and hold back on engaging in too much activity. Though she was up and around the house within a week or so, she took it easy for the first six weeks, and waited about eight months to start back full time on her daily exercise routine.

The hardest part of her surgery? "That was definitely the liposuction on my hips, which left me bruised for several weeks from my ribs to my buttocks." Though her recovery was challenging at times, she is fortunate to have been left with almost no scarring. Her lack of scars comes from a combination of good genes, limited movement during the weeks after surgery, and a daily regimen of applying vitamin E and aloe. "Even Dr. Wang is amazed at how well my incisions healed," she says.

Discovering New Confidence

Now, when speaking all across the country, Jessica has the ego boost and increased self assurance she needs to connect with and inspire change in the people she meets. "I'd been thinking of having a tummy tuck for 19 years, and I can't believe I waited so long. Even if I left Los Angeles, I wouldn't go to anyone else-I'd fly back to have other procedures with Dr. Wang. He gave me the freedom to enjoy a flat abdomen, and until this surgery I had no idea how confident I could feel in my body."


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南加州洛杉磯地區W時尚整形中心,整形醫學博士王沛鑫受整形外科學院認證,提供整形外科手術及醫學美容微整形,包括臉部整形、抽脂塑身、隆乳、微創植髮、雷射除斑、脈衝光、雷射除毛、除皺、拉皮回春等療程。服務廣大華裔族群,包括Alhambra阿罕布拉市、Pasadena帕沙迪納市、Arcadia阿凱迪亞市、Diamond Bar鑽石吧、Riverside河濱市、Upland厄普蘭、內陸帝國Inland Empire、Rowland Heights羅蘭崗、Hacienda Heights哈崗、Rosemead柔似密、San Gabriel聖蓋博、Pomona普慕納、Chino Hills奇諾崗、Rancho Cucamonga庫卡蒙格牧场、Irvine爾灣區等。


  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
