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玻尿酸(HYALURONIC ACID 亦稱透明質酸或HA)是存在於人體的結締組織及真皮層中存在的一種成分,它的透明質分子能攜帶500倍以上的水分,可以增加肌膚彈性、潤滑性及肌膚柔軟性、它的保濕儲水功能維持體內水分、保持結締組織的潤滑與構成組織黏液等等。年輕的肌膚因為含有豐富的玻尿酸,因此觸感柔軟有彈性,使肌膚結構與外觀豐潤飽滿;隨著年齡增長,體內的玻尿酸逐漸流失,皮下脂肪、骨質會逐漸流失位移,因此皮膚漸漸出現鬆垮、凹陷、皺摺等等老化現象。利用玻尿酸填補皮膚流失的組織,人看起來就會更年輕、更有精神。Restylane®瑞絲朗系列產品的配方類似於人體自身天然產生的透明質酸,可恢復皮膚的體積。除此之外,玻尿酸還可讓五官挺立,水潤嘟唇。在南加州,許多人認為擺脫這些皺紋的最快及最好方法是在帕薩迪納、內陸帝國、聖安娜的W時尚整形中心進行醫美,因為事實證明,可注射填充劑(如Restylane®瑞絲朗)比外科手術侵入性小,並無恢復期。

瑞絲朗Restylane® 結合了兩種獨特的技術(OBT™和NASHA™),適用於最廣泛的HA填充劑,能夠提供真正個性化的結果和患者所期望的自然優雅的選擇。

Restylane NASHA™ 娜莎瑞絲朗玻尿酸技術(非動物穩定的透明質酸)可為凝膠提供更牢固的質地。它們提供提拉力和精確度,適用於提起臉頰、增強鼻子、下顎線條或下巴或為組織覆蓋較厚的患者改善皺摺的現象。 NASHA™產品為Restylane™和Restylane Lyft™。

Restylane OBT™(Optimal Balance Technology動態平衡優化技術)被稱為女神動態玻尿酸的凝膠與其他玻尿酸最大差異是“高拉伸力”,是柔韌性的玻尿酸,它運用創新OBT™專利的均勻過篩技術可使分子大小一致,使玻尿酸具有很好的拉伸力,完美與人體組織緊密融合,它的延展性能隨臉部肌肉拉扯時自然擺動(如微笑、噘嘴…等),動態玻尿酸也會跟著動,不會造成位移或變形狀況、大幅降低不自然的感覺,專為輪廓和自然表達而設計。它們適用於增加中臉的體積,或在組織覆蓋較薄的患者中增強輪廓。 女神動態玻尿酸更適用於面部動態區域,例如嘴唇,鼻唇溝和木偶線條。 OBT™產品包括Restylane Defyne™修容D,Restylane Refyne™柔焦R,Restylane Volyme™豐潤V,Restylane Fynesse™和Restylane Kysse™唇漾K。

每個患者都有其獨特的面部結構,皮膚組織質地,新陳代謝率和病史。在選擇醫生和注射者時,請您以決定外科手術醫生的專業水平之下作為考慮。無論如何,注射填充劑的微整型治療仍然是一種醫療程序,需要特定的培訓、知識和技能以確保安全的治療和自然的結果,以避免術後表情僵硬,成為一副塑膠臉或蠟像臉。選擇一位具有廣泛的面部解剖學知識,成熟的審美觀的外科醫生或注射者,和他們豐富的經驗、技能和精確度是至關重要的。在Pasadena,Inland Empire和Santa Ana,王醫師和團隊憑藉微創最創新與豐富專業的知識可以幫助您了解最適合您的醫美選擇。在諮詢過程中,討論您對改善面貌所期望的目標是非常重要的。 之後,W時尚整形中心的團隊才可確定最佳治療方案和治療組合,以實現您所期望的的目標和結果。現在就在線請求諮詢或致電(626)780-5113聯繫W時尚整形中心。

W時尚整形中心很榮幸能在聖蓋博谷地,內陸帝國和橙縣提供整個Restylane瑞絲朗系列產品,以確保我們可以根據每個區域所需的理想填充劑定制每種治療方法,因為這不是“一刀切”的療程。有效的使另一個人嘴唇豐滿的方法並不意味著它對您而言是最佳選擇。每種類型的瑞絲朗填料均由不同大小的HA分子組成,這些分子會改變彈性,粘度,支撐能力以及玻尿酸可能發生的二次溶脹量。 大分子玻尿酸適用於嚴重皺紋和增大體積、填補凹陷。中分子玻尿酸填充劑用於中度至嚴重的皺紋和褶皺。最後,小分子玻尿酸填充劑可細化皺紋和細緻塑形。根據注射的區域,我們將選擇最能達到您的審美目標的HA產品或組合。



它的NASHA凝膠具有中分子玻尿酸,使其適合中等皺紋和唇部增強。建議將其註射到真皮的中部至深部(皮膚的中間層)。 Restylane-L®是原始的Restylane,添加利多卡因是一種局部麻醉劑,可提高患者在治療過程中的舒適度。

Restylane -L™適用於:

  • 糾正中度至嚴重的面部皺紋和褶紋,例如鼻唇溝
  • 撫平皺紋和細紋
  • 可以持續長達18個月,但這取決於您所治療的區域

Restylane Lyft™瑞絲朗麗芙,以前稱為Perlane-L®

具有最大分子的玻尿酸,可用於通過NASHA技術糾正體積損失並治療面部和手部的皺紋。通過非手術注射,Restylane Lyft經過專門設計,可為臉頰,中臉區域和手背增添豐滿度,從而幫助您完善臉部和手部的美學外觀。 Restylane Lyft是美國FDA批准的首個也是唯一可同時治療臉部和手部的玻尿酸。


  • 改善和塑造臉頰區域,並糾正中度至嚴重的面部皺紋和皺褶。增加中臉區域的體積,維持長達12個月
  • 糾正法令紋或鼻唇溝皺紋維持最多6個月
  • 豐滿手背維持最多6個月

Restylane Refyne™女神動態玻尿酸-柔焦R(以前為Emervel Classic)


瑞絲朗柔焦R與XpresHAn Technology™共同設計,可幫助淡化笑紋(法令紋和木偶紋)。 柔焦R凝膠的獨特交聯還旨在幫助您保持自然表情,在您微笑和說話時保持自然運動。它用於注入真皮層。利多卡因的添加可確保治療期間的舒適度。


  • 法令紋或鼻唇溝-從鼻子的側面到嘴角的皺紋
  • 木偶線條-從嘴角到下巴的皺紋
  • 眼下的淚溝
  • 可以持續6-9個月,具體取決於個人的皮膚類型因素,例如年齡,生活方式和注射技術。

Restylane Defyne™ 女神動態玻尿酸-修容D(以前稱為Emervel Deep)


女神動態玻尿酸-修容D採用XpresHAn Technology™精心製作,有助於消除深沉的笑紋(法令紋和木偶紋),能夠幫助恢復年輕,自然的外觀,同時幫助您保持自然的表情。


  • 深層皺紋和細紋
  • 臉頰、蘋果肌、額頭、夫妻宮
  • 重度法令紋、鼻唇溝
  • 重度木偶線條
  • 總體效果可持續6到9個月,甚至長達一年,具體取決於個人的皮膚類型因素,例如年齡,生活方式和注射技術

Restylane Fynesse™(以前稱為Emervel Touch)

它柔軟而微妙的配方,分子很小,適用於治療淺表皺紋,例如唇邊紋和魚尾紋。Restylane Fynesse™ 的微導親膚科技,讓玻尿酸膠體的質地柔韌,與肌膚緊密貼合,彷若天生膚感。Retylane Fynesse無添加利多卡因。

Restylane Fyness™適用於:

  • 前額淺表或細紋和細紋
  • 唇邊紋、魚尾紋、眼窩凹陷
  • 總體效果將持續12到15個月,具體取決於個人的皮膚類型因素,例如年齡,生活方式和使用的技術。

Restylane Volyme™女神動態玻尿酸-豐潤V(以前的Emervel Volume)

借助OBT技術,女神動態玻尿酸-豐潤V具有較大的分子,因此提供了非常高的豐盈組織的效果,改善凹陷,加強臉部組織的飽滿程度,改善臉頰或下巴部位 ,因拉伸力相對較高,更適合用於大面積的軟組織填充,可注射於骨膜上區域或皮下組織,增強或重塑臉部輪廓。 女神動態玻尿酸-豐潤V適用於:


  • 改善臉頰,蘋果肌
  • 雕塑下巴、下顎輪廓
  • 隆鼻
  • 視個人的皮膚類型因素(例如年齡,生活方式和使用的技術)而定,整體效果可持續長達12個月。


Restylane Kysse™ 女神動態玻尿酸-唇漾K(以前為Emervel Lips)

瑞絲朗唇漾K是女神動態玻尿酸系列的最新成員。它是經過FDA批准的HA填充劑,專門設計用於21歲以上患者,注射到嘴唇中以進行豐唇和矯正唇型,從而形成柔軟,豐滿的嘴唇。 Restylane Kysse採用獨特的OBT™交聯配方製成,可平衡填充劑的結構和柔韌性,以適應高度柔軟和活動的唇部區域。唇漾K的分子比其他玻尿酸填充劑的分子小,使其在填充微小的垂直唇線時不易觸及,且不易結塊。

專門配製以增強,定義或增加唇部體積,並為唇線添加清晰度。 Restylane Kysse™由XpresHAn Technology™製成,與傳統的真皮填充劑相比,唇漾K具有更大的靈活性和組織整合性。這意味著填充物非常適合面部活動頻繁的區域(嘴唇!),因為它可以與組織無縫移動。


  • 豐滿、具有立體感的雙唇(豐唇)
  • 唇線分明(唇紅線),或更好地定義丘比特的弓唇
  • 加強唇珠、充盈唇峰
  • 改善嘴角下垂
  • 視個人的皮膚類型因素(例如年齡,生活方式和使用的技術)而定,整個效果可持續長達12個月。









玻尿酸醫學美容在帕薩迪納(Pasadena)、厄普蘭(Upland)和聖安娜(Santa Ana)非常流行,尤其是對於那些想要享受更年輕外觀的好處而又害怕手術刀的男女。如果您位於聖馬力諾市(San Marino)、拉肯纳达市(La Cañada Flintridge), 帕薩迪納市(Pasadena),並且想了解哪種玻尿酸填充劑是最適合您的治療選擇,請聯繫W時尚整形中心帕薩迪納診所。 W時尚整形中心厄普蘭診所接收從聖貝納迪諾縣(San Bernardino County)的克莱蒙特市(Clairmont),库卡蒙格牧场市(Rancho Cucamonga),蒙特克莱尔市(Montclaire),河滨市(Riverside)和奇诺市(Chino)的患者。我們還在聖安娜(Santa Ana)診所接受來自橙縣(Orange Country)的布雷亞 (Brea),約巴·琳達(Yorba Linda),阿納海姆(Anaheim),爾灣(Irvine),科斯塔·梅薩(Costa Mesa)和紐波特(Newport)的患者。現在就在線請求諮詢或致電(626)780-5113安排您的看診。

You've had a lot to smile about over the years, and the lines on your face show it. Now Pasadena and Inland Empire residents have new reason to smile-those "smile lines" or "parentheses" (wrinkles running from the side of your nose to the corners of your mouth) can be smoothed away successfully using JUVÉDERM® Injectable Gel to restore your skin's natural volume.

Better still, JUVÉDERM also can be used to smooth lines on the forehead, around the eyes, or around the lips. Injectable fillers like JUVÉDERM have proven to be effective and much less invasive than surgical skin smoothing options. You will see immediate improvement in areas treated with JUVÉDERM, with most patients needing only one treatment to achieve optimal wrinkle reduction, and results lasting up to a year.

Over time, you have no doubt noticed that the natural volume of youthful skin begins to diminish as wrinkles and creases form-but effective treatment doesn't just involve treating the skin directly. Instead, JUVÉDERM addresses the loss of tissue volume beneath the skin to help rebuild your skin's foundation, thereby removing and reducing the creases in your skin.

Now is the perfect time to schedule a JUVÉDERM consultation with Dr. Wang at our Pasadena, and Upland plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena and the Inland Empire. To understand your treatment options, request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

Since there are so many options for non-surgical facial procedures, including BOTOX® Cosmetic, Restylane®, and collagen, and given Dr. Wang's considerable expertise with the best innovations for non-invasive facial treatments, it is important that you discuss all of your goals and desires for facial rejuvenation during your consultation. Dr. Wang will be able to determine the best treatment and treatment combinations to achieve your goals with the superior results his patients have come to expect.

What are the common benefits of JUVÉDERM treatments?

JUVÉDERM offers several unique benefits compared to other physician-administered wrinkle treatment options. As a smooth consistency gel, it flows easily into the skin, offering an even, natural look and feel. In addition, each of the specialized ingredients in JUVÉDERM is hypoallergenic. As a result, no allergy skin tests are needed prior to receiving treatment. Also, JUVÉDERM is the first FDA-approved hyaluronic acid filler that has been proven safe and effective for persons of color. Available in two formulations, JUVÉDERM can be used as part of an individualized plan to target your goals for wrinkle treatment and correction.

How are JUVÉDERM wrinkle treatments performed?

JUVÉDERM injectable gel is added under your skin to augment or fill wrinkles and folds. Following the injection, Dr. Wang will gently massage each treated area to ensure that the gel is applied uniformly.

How long do JUVÉDERM treatments take?

You can choose to have this quick and easy procedure performed at our convenient Pasadena or Inland Empire area plastic surgery offices. The injection itself usually takes about 15 minutes. Total treatment time will depend on the extent and area of treatment.

What can I expect after JUVÉDERM wrinkle treatment?

As with most injectable fillers, your recovery time will be minimal. During the day following treatment, you should avoid strenuous exercise, excessive sun or heat exposure, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in order to help minimize the risks of temporary redness, swelling, or other discomfort at the treatment sites.

What is JUVÉDERM composed of?

JUVÉDERM Injectable Gel is a "next-generation" skin filler made from hyaluronic acid-a naturally-occurring substance that hydrates skin and replenishes its natural volume. JUVÉDERM is formulated using an exclusive manufacturing process to provide the highest concentration of cross-linked hyaluronic acid of any currently available hyaluronic acid filler and provide long-lasting results.

Finally, an injectable treatment that offers long-lasting results! Wang Plastic Surgery is proud to offer Sculptra for people in Pasadena and the Inland Empire. This dermal filler can lessen the appearance of aging for up to 2 years.

Sculptra works deep within the dermis to replace lost collagen in the skin and correct the look of facial folds and wrinkles around the nose, mouth, and chin. This innovative new treatment gradually restores the skin's youthful suppleness so that you see subtle improvements develop over time. For this reason, Sculptra is ideal for people who prefer more natural results.

If you're ready to see those lines and wrinkles around your mouth gently fade away, then contact Dr. Wang for a consultation. You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

What are the common benefits of Sculptra?

Sculptra can help bring back the skin's youthful "bounce" by adding volume to areas of the face that have lost collagen. With each treatment, the look of facial folds and wrinkles around the mouth and cheeks slowly diminishes as the skin regains its fullness. Sculptra produces noticeable results over time and helps to refine the facial contours for an overall more lifted and refreshed look. The long-lasting effects of Sculptra can be seen for up to 2 years.

How are Sculptra injections performed?

Each Sculptra session is tailored to a patient's individual skin concerns in order to ensure optimal results. Typically, a series of 3 injections over the course of a few months is recommended so that each subsequent session helps to reinforce the skin's new structure. Depending on the degree of correction needed, the treatment area may be numbed with a topical anesthetic prior to treatment to minimize any discomfort.

How long do Sculptra treatments take?

Sculptra treatments can generally take between 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of injections required.

What can I expect after my Sculptra treatment?

We take precautionary measures to avoid any adverse side effects after treatment. However, some people might experience minor pain, redness, bruising, bleeding, itching, or swelling at the injection site. Small bumps under the skin may slowly develop near the treated area, which can disappear on their own. Results typically appear slowly over the course of several weeks and last up to 2 years.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

There is no downtime associated with Sculptra. You should be able to resume your daily routine immediately.

Many people throughout Southern California come to Wang Plastic Surgery for non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments in addition to Sculptra Aesthetic, including BOTOX® Cosmetic, LATISSE® eyelash growth solution, and Thermage® for skin tightening.

Belotero Balance® is a FDA approved dermal filler made by Merz Pharmaceuticals. Belotero is similar to Restylane®, Juvederm®, Radiesse®, and Sculptra®, all fillers that Wang Plastic Surgery offers in Pasadena and Inland Empire.

Facial contours give us a youthful, healthy appearance, and the structures that create beautiful contours allow our skin to lay smooth and taut eliminating skin folds and deep wrinkles. As we age, our natural contours diminish causing our faces to look gaunt and causing nasal labial folds and marionette lines. These facial structures need special treatments like injectable fillers to replenish and plump the tissues beneath the skin. Radiesse® is an injectable form of very tiny, smooth calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres that encourages natural collagen production, which sustains the affect of the treatment for up to two years. Radiesse® injections are even more effective when they are combined with other treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic, Restylane®, and collagen injections.

Video: Your Guide to Radiesse For our Southern California patients, Radiesse® is used to augment cheeks, cheek bones, the chin and jaw line, as well as nasal-labial folds and marionette lines. Radiesse® is also excellent for augmenting bumpy noses without undergoing major Rhinoplasty surgery. Radiesse® treatments can last up to 2 years. For a complete facial rejuvenation, collagen treatments can reduce finer lines and wrinkles and plump lips, and BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments can enhance the brow line and forehead.

Now is a great time to schedule a Radiesse® consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Arcadia and Upland. To understand your treatment options, request a consultation online or call our office at (888) 360-6688 today.

Since there are so many options for non-surgical facial procedures, and with Dr. Wang's considerable expertise with the best innovations for non-invasive facial treatments, it is important that you discuss all of your goals and desires for facial rejuvenation during your consultation. Dr. Wang will be able to determine the best treatment and treatment combinations to achieve your goals with the superior results his patients have come to expect.

What are the common benefits of Radiesse® treatments?

Radiesse® injections can be used to reduce nasal labial folds and marionette lines by adding volume to the tissues beneath the skin. Radiesse® injections are beneficial for facial contouring of the cheek bones, cheeks, chin and jaw line. Radiesse® can also be used to enhance the nose by reducing bumps, straightening slight curves, and augmenting the tip offering what is essentially a non-surgical Rhinoplasty procedure.

How are Radiesse® treatments performed?

At our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Arcadia and the Inland Empire, Dr. Wang uses either a topical or injected local anesthesia depending on the treatment area. Using very thin needles, Radiesse® is injected directly into the treatment area.

How long do Radiesse® treatments take?

Treatment time depends on the extent and area of treatment. Generally, treatment takes less than one hour at our plastic surgery offices.

What can I expect after Radiesse® treatment?

You may experience some swelling and redness at the injection sight. This will subside within 24 hours. Many of our patients have no side effects and can return to their daily activities immediately.

What is Radiesse® composed of?

Radiesse® is composed of synthetic calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres suspended in a gel carrier.

CaHA is a biomaterial with over twenty years of use in orthopedics, neurosurgery, dentistry, and ophthalmology, and is the primary mineral constituent of bone and teeth. The semi-solid nature of Radiesse® is created by suspending CaHA in a common water based carrier, also used in a large array of products.


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南加州洛杉磯地區W時尚整形中心,整形醫學博士王沛鑫受整形外科學院認證,提供整形外科手術及醫學美容微整形,包括臉部整形、抽脂塑身、隆乳、微創植髮、雷射除斑、脈衝光、雷射除毛、除皺、拉皮回春等療程。服務廣大華裔族群,包括Alhambra阿罕布拉市、Pasadena帕沙迪納市、Arcadia阿凱迪亞市、Diamond Bar鑽石吧、Riverside河濱市、Upland厄普蘭、內陸帝國Inland Empire、Rowland Heights羅蘭崗、Hacienda Heights哈崗、Rosemead柔似密、San Gabriel聖蓋博、Pomona普慕納、Chino Hills奇諾崗、Rancho Cucamonga庫卡蒙格牧场、Irvine爾灣區等。


  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
