Wang Plastic Surgery

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It is easy for a surgeon to become comfortable performing breast augmentation in Riverside or Upland, CA using the very same technique every time. However, each patient has their own unique body proportions as well as their own idea of an ideal breast contour. For these reasons, Dr. Wang has developed an expertise in a variety of augmentation techniques.


Choosing Your Incision-Placement Method

Dr. Wang is very comfortable using any of the most effective incision-placement methods — transaxillary (an incision made under the arm pit), periareolar (an incision made along the areola border), inframammary (under the breast crease) or transumbilical (around the inner belly-button).

With the transaxillary approach, an incision is made in the crease of the armpit. As with every technique, there are both benefits and drawbacks for the patient when this method is used. While transaxillary avoids leaving a visible scar on the breast, the downside is that any future breast surgeries would require that a second scar be made at that time on the breast itself.

The inframammary approach places the incision on the lower breast, just above the fold. This placement can make for a well-hidden scar on patients who have some fold in their breasts. Inframammary also gives a surgeon the most direct path for implant placement and adjustment. The drawback is that the patient will have a mild scar directly on the breast - though future breast surgeries could make use of this same entry point rather than having to create a second scar in another location.

A periareolar incision is made along the lower border of the areola, that circle of darker pigment surrounding the nipple. Just as with the inframammary method, the periareolar incision leaves a scar directly on the breast, but provides an excellent path for placing and fine-tuning the position of the implant. Also, a periareolar incision creates an ideal angle from which to perform a breast lift, which many women are apt to desire in the future.

A transumbilical incision, sometimes called a TUBA incision, is well-hidden on the upper, inner border of the belly button. Like the transaxillary approach, a transumbilical incision avoids leaving a scar on the breast, but requires that any future breast surgeries be performed using a second incision on the breast itself.

Under or Over the Muscle

Another procedural choice that must be made prior to undergoing a Pasadena breast enhancement is which method should be used to insert the implant — subglandular (which means above the muscle) or subpectoral (which means under the muscle). A subglandular insertion can make the patient recovery time quicker and more pleasant. This placement is also less likely to interfere with the reading of future mammograms. However, the subglandular style comes with a somewhat higher risk for contour rippling, especially in those patients with thin skin or small breasts. When an implant is inserted using the subpectoral approach, the patient may experience a longer and less comfortable recovery period, but is also likely to find that her implant is less obvious and has a more natural appearance.

Choosing the Right Implant

Exactly which implant should be used in your procedure is yet another important decision to be made before undergoing an Inland Empire breast augmentation. Dr. Wang uses implants from two companies with excellent track records, Inamed and Mentor. Combined, these companies offer a selection of over two hundred implant sizes, shapes (round or anatomical), profile positions (low, moderate or high) and textures. Your skin elasticity, breast tissue type and chest wall dimensions will all play roles in determining which implant is the right one for you. Also, some women will prefer silicone breast implants, while others will be best served by saline-filled implants. Until recently, most breast augmentation candidates had no option but saline (salt water) implants. Recently, the FDA re-approved silicone gel implants for general use, allowing Dr. Wang to offer these popular breast implants to women in the Inland Empire and San Gabriel Valley areas. At your consultation, Dr. Wang will discuss which implants are right for you.

Making Decisions about Breast Augmentation

So which incision-placement is best for you? How should your implant be inserted? Which implant should be used? The right surgeon will work with you to determine which strategies can best achieve the results you desire.

Dr. Wang has the experience of performing more breast augmentations than any other procedure. If you would like a consultation with Dr. Wang, we invite you to request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688.

The following information about Breast Augmentation and Breast Implants is provided for Pasadena, Riverside, and Inland Empire residents courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, a board certified plastic surgeon.



隆乳手術,簡單可分成兩大類型,第一種是常見的填充物隆乳,而第二種是近年來越來越多女性傾向的自體脂肪隆乳。填充物隆乳 (Breast Augmentation-With Implant),顧名思義就是將填充物植入乳房,以增大胸部的尺寸,美國W時尚整形中心提供兩項乳房植入物-鹽水或矽膠,鹽水填充通常比較自然,而矽膠是一種天然存在的材料,外觀和感覺更像天然乳房組織。在進行填充物隆乳的過程中,為了您的舒適和安全,會進行全身麻醉,同時,為了美觀,切口也將位在不顯眼的位置。單次填充物隆乳手術需要60分鐘的時間,在手術結束後大約24至48小時,可能會感到些許的酸痛和疲勞,手術過後的7至10天需要回診檢查傷口並拆除縫線,恢復您的正常生活。

想知道自己較適合做自體脂肪隆乳手術還是填充物隆乳嗎?現在就馬上來電位於洛杉磯Pasadena帕薩迪納包括San Marino 聖馬利諾,Arcadia阿卡迪亞和Inland Empire內陸帝國範圍的W時尚整形中心了解更多有關填充物隆乳和自體脂肪隆乳的訊息。 請在線諮詢或致電:1-626-780-5113安排您的預約。

自體脂肪隆乳(Autologous Fat Transfer to The Breasts or Fat Grafting),是將您體內其他部位(通常是大腿、腹部或是臀部)的脂肪透過吸脂除去,接著將組織加工成液體並註射到乳房區域。由於自體脂肪隆乳需要抽取脂肪,單次療程總時間大約3小時以上,在手術過程中也會進行全身麻醉以確保您的舒適感,大約在手術過後5天即可恢復正常生活。另外,要注意的是,根據每個人體質的不同,每次只能注入150到300毫升的脂肪,大約是一個至一個半的罩杯,若注入過多,後遺症發生的風險相對增加。因此,可能需要在前期的幾個月內進行多次脂肪隆乳手術。在手術結束之後,要小心不能過度擠壓到胸部,建議初期穿著無鋼圈內衣以及寬鬆的衣服,也要避免趴睡,以免胸部變形。同時提醒您,剛進行完手術的胸部會比較硬,形狀也不自然,大約3個月後就會形成柔軟且漂亮的胸型了。另外,若是您的胸部本身脂肪過於不足,或是皮膚太緊以及身體脂肪不夠,建議您可以考慮用填充物隆乳會比較合適。此外,若是您有乳癌家族病史,請務必在手術前告知醫師,王醫師會替您進行完善的分析。自體脂肪隆乳會因人而異的產生可能性的副作用,像是產生胸部小硬塊、出現鈣化點或是局部感染等,若在術後出現不適,請立即告知醫師。



Breast Augmentation-With Implant


Autologous Fat Transfer to The Breasts
不論您選擇哪像隆乳療程,請務必做詳盡的術前諮詢, 王醫師會依照您的個人體質和需求,提供最完善的評估和服務。

或許隆乳手術讓您感覺是一個未知數,您心中也產生許多恐懼與疑問,但是別擔心, 位於洛杉磯Pasadena帕薩迪納、San Marino 聖馬利諾、Arcadia阿卡迪亞和Inland Empire內陸帝國範圍的W時尚整形中心,由美國整形外科手術協會認證的王醫師領銜主導的醫美團隊,消除您的不安,能提供最佳的服務。歡迎您在線諮詢或致電1-626-780-5113預約諮詢。

Very simply, you are unique. Why choose one of the Pasadena or Riverside, California plastic surgeons who will recommend you opt for the same implants as the woman in the consultation before yours? Dr. Wang is proud to offer over 200 implant options to give you that custom, natural look you've always dreamed of. With so many choices, you may at first be overwhelmed, but rest assured that Dr. Wang will take the time to guide you through the choices you need to make to select the right implant for your Pasadena breast augmentation.

Choosing Saline or Silicone Breast Implants

You've probably heard about the re-approval of silicone implants for general use in 2006. Silicone is a naturally-occurring material that has been used in a variety of household and commercial products for decades. In 1992, after allegations that internal leaking of ruptured silicone implants could cause autoimmune and connective tissue diseases, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked surgeons to voluntarily limit the use of this type of implant in the majority of breast operations. After a decade of extensive silicone implant studies uncovered no serious adverse health impacts, the FDA decided to approve a new generation of cohesive gel silicone implants for all types of breast surgery, including augmentation and reconstruction.

With so many studies supporting silicone safety, don't let fear influence your decision. Instead, focus on your personal preferences for implant look and feel, and discuss these preferences with Dr. Wang. After doing the research, many women prefer cohesive gel silicone implants over saline, believing silicone looks and feels more like natural breast tissue. Dr. Wang is able to achieve very pleasing results no matter which filler material you choose.

Breast Implant Size and Profile

Often, women considering breast enhancement in Pasadena or the Inland Empire spend the most time debating what size of implant to select. It's a personal decision, but at your consultation, Dr. Wang takes a series of measurements that, when combined with your height, weight, and chest diameter, help him to recommend an attractive size based on his experience. You may already have an idea of what you want based on talking with a friend who underwent breast augmentation, but keep in mind that the same exact implant may look entirely different in two different women depending on a wide variety of factors.

While size is certainly important, women often don't realize that implant shape can have a huge impact on how large the breast appears. At your consultation, Dr. Wang will show you samples of various implant widths and depths (or projections). For instance, two implants may be the same size (meaning that they have the same amount of internal volume), but the narrower implant will stick out farther from the chest wall than the wider one. Wider, flatter implants are known as "low profile," and narrower, more projected implants are "high profile." In between, there are moderate and moderate-plus profiles.

Dr. Wang provides his Upland and Pasadena breast enhancement patients with suggestions and expert guidance so that they can make a satisfying choice. Moderate or moderate-plus implants produce ideal results for many patients who find that low profile implants seem too flat or high profile implants project out too far. Ultimately, the decision will be based on which implant size and profile best fits your body type and your goals.

A Textured or Smooth Breast Implant Cover

After selecting silicone or saline to fill the implant, you next need to make a choice about the implant covering material. This outer covering, or implant capsule, will be made of a silicone polymer, but its outer surface can be either smooth or textured. There are studies suggesting that textured capsules decrease the risk of capsular contracture, which occurs when the tissue surrounding the implant tightens and the breast becomes overly firm. However, recent research indicates that there is no difference in capsular contracture rates between women who chose smooth capsules versus those who choose textured ones. The nature of the texturing process requires that textured implants be slightly thicker than smooth implants, so textured capsules may be easier to see and feel through your skin, particularly if your existing breasts are very small.

Smooth breast implants are a great choice for most patients in Upland and Pasadena, California. This implant type has a more natural look and feel, and appears to be more durable. If you are worried about the risk of capsular contracture, this complication can be minimized by using submuscular implant placement and by massaging your breasts following the surgery to minimize scar tissue formation. Dr. Wang will help to walk you through this decision.

Breast Implant Shape

Some implants have a rounded shape, with a consistent amount of material contained throughout the implant capsule. Others are designed to mimic the natural droop of the breast, with more material filling the bottom of the implant than the top. These implants are referred to as "anatomical" or "teardrop" shaped.

While it makes sense that teardrop shaped implants would provide the most natural breast appearance, often round implants give a superior outcome. In fact, 60% to 75% of breast augmentation patients select round implants. At your consultation, Dr. Wang will help you decide on the implant shape that's right for you.

You deserve breast augmentation surgery that provides a natural look and feel. Dr. Wang offers the expertise to deliver the beautiful, individual result you expect. Request a consultation online to consult with the doctor at any of our two plastic surgery offices: the Upland office near Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga in the Inland Empire or our new Pasadena office. Or, call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688.

The following information about breast implant options is provided for Pasadena and Riverside breast augmentation patients courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, a board certified plastic surgeon in Southern California.



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南加州洛杉磯地區W時尚整形中心,整形醫學博士王沛鑫受整形外科學院認證,提供整形外科手術及醫學美容微整形,包括臉部整形、抽脂塑身、隆乳、微創植髮、雷射除斑、脈衝光、雷射除毛、除皺、拉皮回春等療程。服務廣大華裔族群,包括Alhambra阿罕布拉市、Pasadena帕沙迪納市、Arcadia阿凱迪亞市、Diamond Bar鑽石吧、Riverside河濱市、Upland厄普蘭、內陸帝國Inland Empire、Rowland Heights羅蘭崗、Hacienda Heights哈崗、Rosemead柔似密、San Gabriel聖蓋博、Pomona普慕納、Chino Hills奇諾崗、Rancho Cucamonga庫卡蒙格牧场、Irvine爾灣區等。


  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
