Wang Plastic Surgery

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臉頸溶脂最安全 專治雙下巴、火雞脖

緊實的臉部輪廓、窈窕的腰臀曲線、修長的手足線條。追求輕盈體態的您,夢想不再遙不可及。王 沛鑫醫師引進最新一代FDA核准的雷射溶脂技術及最先進的儀器AccuLift™,進行曲線雕塑微整形療程,無痛、無疤的瘦臉塑身,比一般現存的雷射溶脂 技術更安全、效果更顯著、恢復期更短,是愛美人仕最輕鬆又有效的溶脂療程選擇。

無論是天生嬰兒肥、肥胖造成的雙下巴,或老化鬆弛造成的火雞 脖,頸前贅肉一旦形成,下巴曲線變形,節食或運動都無法改善,是美麗的頭號殺手。針對臉部、頸部的曲線溶脂,需要更安全、更準確的技術。新一代 AccuLift™雷射溶脂技術比現有雷射溶脂技術更精準、更安全,對於臉頸重要部位的雕塑,可達到前所未有的效果。而在專業經驗豐富的王醫師操作下,只 需一、二小時,無需開刀便可拉提頸頰,大臉變小臉,讓您擁有緊緻的臉龐、纖細的頸線,面目一新。

局部瘦臉瘦身 消脂加美膚


最 新Smartlipo™ Triplex 儀器可選擇三種不同的雷射波長儀器使用的雷射波長為1444nm,與現存1064nm和1320nm波長的雷射儀器相較,水分和脂肪的吸收度更高,雕塑效 果更準確,並且選擇性地作用於脂肪,不會破壞周圍組織,也不會產生出血現象。手術溶解的脂肪可經引流導出,或讓身體自行代謝吸收。而治療部位只有針孔大小 的傷口且不留疤痕,您可在療程後立即回家休養或正常上班,免除尷尬的關愛眼神,非常安全方便。

最新溶脂技術 體型雕塑頂級選擇

王 醫師是首位在Inland Empire提供Smartlipo™ 與AccuSculpt™技術的專業整形外科醫師,由於這項溶脂技術的控制更加精準,不但能快速減肥,更利於雕塑體態,可針對一般抽脂無法施展的精細部位 治療,包括厚實的背部、肩膀、蝴蝶袖、副乳、蘿蔔腿、腳踝、臀部、橘皮組織、鮪魚肚等,費用也比一般傳統手術更加實惠。

SmartLipo™ 與AccuSculpt™ 雷射溶脂優勢


  • 塑身更精準:最頂尖的溶脂技術,針對顧客的要求,對局部位置的雕塑更佳顯著,溶脂更加精緻化。
  • 療程更簡單:雷射光束迅速進入脂肪層,過程更加安全方便。
  • 恢復更迅速:由於療程本身不會破壞周圍組織,恢復期可以更快,術後效果更完美。
  • 技術更安全:不同的雷射波長比起現有雷射溶脂技術,對局部溶脂的掌握可更準確,對人體造成的侵入性更低,因此更加安全。

而除了雷射溶脂,王醫師也專精多樣抽脂技術,包括腫脹麻醉抽脂、超音波抽脂、動力輔助式抽脂、及超濕抽脂等,在經過諮詢後,王醫師將依顧客身體脂肪部位及皮膚狀況,提供最適合的療程建議或搭配輔助治療,請來電(626)780-5113,或網上預約免費諮詢,於南加州大洛杉磯區Pasadena, Upland皆有看診。

A forehead lift corrects the sagging or low position of the eyebrows, softens horizontal creases across the forehead and erases the worried or angry expression that can result from frown lines. The outcome is a more relaxed and refreshed appearance.

Now is a great time to schedule a forehead lift consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Arcadia and Riverside. You can request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

With endoscopic brow lift plastic surgery in the Inland Empire / Pasadena, Dr. Wang uses a flexible, pencil-sized instrument to microsurgically tighten the muscles of the brow, which lifts sagging folds of skin. The brow lift can also be performed in combination with the eyelid lift to significantly reduce skin overhang in the upper eyelid. Dr. Wang evaluates your face to determine if eyelid surgery is also necessary, and will make recommendations specific to your situation. In many cases, eyelid surgery is not necessary.

Forehead lifts are most common among those between the ages of 40 and 60, though they can be performed on healthy individuals of any age. Forehead lifts can also be performed in combination with facelifts for an overall smoother appearance of the face.

What are the common benefits of a forehead lift?

The forehead lift smoothes the forehead, raises the eyebrows and minimizes frown lines.

How is the forehead lift performed?

Prior to the procedure, the hair is tied back and trimmed behind the hairline where the incisions will be made. While the patient is under local anesthesia, Dr. Wang makes three to five short scalp incisions that are less than an inch long. Dr. Wang then inserts the endoscope through one of the incisions for a clear view of the muscles and tissues beneath the skin. For a smoother appearance, the forehead skin is lifted and the underlying muscles and tissue removed or altered with an instrument inserted through a different incision. At this time, the eyebrows may also be lifted and secured at a higher position with sutures beneath the surface of the skin or with temporary fixation screws behind the hairline. When the lift is complete, the incisions are closed with stitches or clips. The area is then washed and Dr. Wang may add gauze and a bandage.

How long does a forehead lift take?

The endoscopic forehead lift takes from one to two hours.

What can I expect after my Pasadena / Riverside plastic surgery?

After surgery, you may experience fatigue, numbness, pain and mild swelling. Within about three weeks, though, most of the obvious signs of surgery will fade and you will appear more rested. Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

What is the recovery period like?

During recovery, stitches or clips are typically removed within a week and temporary fixation screws are removed within two weeks. You should be able to shower and shampoo your hair within two days or after the bandage is removed. You should limit vigorous physical activity for several weeks. This includes activities that increase your blood pressure, like jogging, bending, heavy housework and sex. You should also limit your exposure to sun for several months. Read Dr. Wang's advice about recovery from surgery.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Most patients who have experienced forehead lifts should be mobile within two days, but should take it easy for at least the first week after surgery. Most patients can return to work in a week to 10 days.

The information about Forehead Lifts is provided by Pasadena and Inland Empire plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang, who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

The mid-facelift revitalizes one's appearance by targeting the middle third of the face and therefore creating a more youthful effect. This region, from the lower eyelids to the upper lip, often shows signs of aging such as sagging cheeks, droopiness below the eyes, and deepened laugh lines. While the traditional facelift targets the lower face and neck, the mid-facelift concentrates on this middle section of the face. This procedure is often performed in connection with a browlift or lower eyelid surgery in order to provide overall rejuvenation. A consultation with Dr. Wang will help you in deciding if the mid-facelift may be the best option for refreshing your look.

If you're ready to discuss your mid-facelift options, now is a great time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wang at our plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena, Rancho Cucamonga, Glendora, Chino Hills, Arcadia and Upland. Simply request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.

What is a mid-facelift?

The mid-facelift is either an open or endoscopic procedure for raising the soft tissues of the cheeks in order to create a youthful vitality. The fat of the upper cheeks (malar pads) sink with age, which then causes hollowness beneath the eyes and increases the depth of the folds that extend from the lower part of the nose to the corners of the mouth (nasolabial folds). Through an endoscopic approach with small incisions concealed within the hairline, Dr. Wang lifts the fat pads of the upper cheeks as well as the deeper facial tissues in this region to an elevated position.

Who is the ideal candidate for a mid-facelift?

The ideal candidate for this procedure is one with realistic expectations who is looking to enhance rather than transform their appearance. Because sagging in the middle third of the face begins in the late thirties, candidates for this procedure are generally in their forties and up.

How is the incision made?

In performing a mid-facelift Dr. Wang makes short incisions within the hairline near the temple. This allows for use of special tools to lift the fat and tissues, which are then secured in place with absorbale sutures. The incisions are very small and therefore practically unnoticeable. The external closures are removed about a week or so after surgery. The procedure is can be performed with the patient under either local or general anesthesia.

What is the typical recovery time?

Most patients are able to return to their regular lifestyle about a week after the procedure. Bruising and swelling can occur, especially within the first week. Elevating the head and icing the area can help alleviate swelling. Pain medication is used to address slight discomfort immediately following the procedure.

The information about Mid-Facelift is provided by Pasadena and Inland Empire plastic surgeon Dr. Stewart Wang, who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

As we age, gravity causes fat deposits to migrate downward in the face, creating under-eye bags, sagging cheeks and jowls, and loose skin in the chin and neck. For Pasadena residents wanting a facial rejuvenation option that's minimally invasive, AccuLift™ laser lipolysis removes unwanted fat deposits and tightens loose skin, restoring a more youthful appearance to the aging face.

AccuLift appeals to many patients and surgeons because it carefully balances the benefits of a non-invasive treatment with the benefits of surgery. Non-surgical treatments can have temporary and sometimes variable results; unfortunately, the surgical procedures that can achieve permanent, consistent results often require a lengthy recovery period. AccuLift, however, provides lasting, significant improvement without the discomfort or downtime of surgery.

AccuLift laser lipolysis can also serve as a perfect complement to other facial plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical rejuvenation treatments. Dr. Wang will work closely with you to customize a treatment plan specific to your facial characteristics and treatment goals.

If you're interested in speaking with Dr. Wang about AccuLift facial liposuction at our Pasadena or Inland Empire plastic surgery locations, simply request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today.

What are the benefits of AccuLift facial rejuvenation?

AccuLift restores the aging face to a more youthful appearance by removing unwanted fat deposits and tightening loose skin. In contrast to other surgical facial rejuvenation treatments, AccuLift:

  • Offers immediate results
  • Requires minimal downtime
  • Uses local anesthesia only
  • Requires only one brief treatment

How is the AccuLift procedure performed?

First, Dr. Wang applies a small amount of local anesthesia to numb the treatment areas. Next, he creates small 1 to 2 mm openings at the edge of the treatment area. Through these tiny openings, the AccuSculpt™ laser removes fat and tightens skin.

How long will the AccuLift procedure take?

Most AccuLift procedures can be completed in less than one hour.

What can I expect after the AccuLift procedure?

Immediately after the procedure, the treated area will appear tighter and slimmer. Skin tightening is a gradual process, showing continual improvement over time. Best results are visible after several months. Because the procedure uses only tiny incisions and incision lines fade gradually over time, scarring (if any) is minimal.

What is the recovery period like?

The recovery period is relatively brief, typically with very little swelling or bruising. Patients can expect low levels of discomfort for the first 24 to 48 hours following surgery.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Most patients are able to return to their daily routine within 2 to 5 days.

The information about AccuLift™ facial rejuvenation is provided for Pasadena and Riverside area residents courtesy of Dr. Stewart Wang, a board-certified plastic surgeon.


Silhouette Lift® is an innovative, non-invasive facelift procedure that is FDA approved for use in the US. The Silhouette Lift is a gentle alternative to a standard facelift. Without the use of a scalpel, without any cutting or pulling, with reduced scarring and minimal recovery time, and without the need for general anesthesia, the Silhouette Lift creates a natural looking lift by elevating and fixating the tissues of the mid-face, brow and neck with barbed polypropylene threads. The Silhouette Lift® can achieve 60-70% of the results of a conventional facelift and can be re-adjusted over time for additional enhancement as the aging process continues.


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南加州洛杉磯地區W時尚整形中心,整形醫學博士王沛鑫受整形外科學院認證,提供整形外科手術及醫學美容微整形,包括臉部整形、抽脂塑身、隆乳、微創植髮、雷射除斑、脈衝光、雷射除毛、除皺、拉皮回春等療程。服務廣大華裔族群,包括Alhambra阿罕布拉市、Pasadena帕沙迪納市、Arcadia阿凱迪亞市、Diamond Bar鑽石吧、Riverside河濱市、Upland厄普蘭、內陸帝國Inland Empire、Rowland Heights羅蘭崗、Hacienda Heights哈崗、Rosemead柔似密、San Gabriel聖蓋博、Pomona普慕納、Chino Hills奇諾崗、Rancho Cucamonga庫卡蒙格牧场、Irvine爾灣區等。


  • 76 North Hudson Avenue #113 Pasadena, CA 91101
  • (626) 796-6680
  • 510 North 13th Avenue #303 Upland, CA 91786
  • (909) 985-6030
  • 1345 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740
  • (626) 509-5337
  • 817 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
  • (626) 796-6680
