JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® For Full, Voluminous Lips
If you have been seeking the best solution for lip augmentation or to correct vertical lip lines or perioral rhytids, FDA approved JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC is the answer. Dr. Stewart Wang is one of the earliest doctors offering Vobella in Pasadena and Inland Empire, helping patients to rejuvenate lips in achieve fuller and plumper lips.
JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC is formulated with VYCROSS, a smooth gel formulation made up of a modified form of HA (Hyaluronic Acid). HA is a naturally occurring sugar found in the human body. The role of HA in the skin is to deliver nutrients and help the skin retain its natural moisture and softness.
Want fuller, softer lips? Volbella® is ideal for patients who want to achieve fuller lips and improve lip contours, as well as minimize the appearance of smoker’s lines. Now is the perfect time to schedule a JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® consultation with Dr. Wang at our Pasadena, and Upland plastic surgery offices, serving Southern California including Pasadena and the Inland Empire. To understand your treatment options, request a consultation online or call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.
As you age, you will find wrinkles appearing in different areas of your face, such as forehead, around the eyes, between eyebrows and around mouth. The most common cause of upper lip wrinkles is natural aging, due to loss of skin elastin and collagen, which give skin its firmness and ability to snap back into place. Another cause of upper lip wrinkles is exposure to toxins in the environment. UV rays from the sun contain free radicals that destroy skin cells and collagen, which causes sagging skin and lack of elasticity. Smoking is also a factor because it shrinks blood vessels and limits the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Also, when the same motion is made over and over, the skin on the upper lip forms creases that eventually deepen, creating upper lip wrinkles or perioral rhytids.
Volbella® is the perfect procedure to treat small fine lines and to give subtle enhancement of the lips. The smaller particle size allows for the correction of these fine areas without worrying that your lips will get bulky or too puffy.

A total of 1.5 mL was injected into the lips and perioral rhytids. Results may vary.

A total of 2.0 mL was injected into the lips and perioral rhytids. Results may vary.
How long does Volbella® last?
Volbella® has been proven to soften and fill lines in a majority of patients through one year.
What are the side effects of Volbella®?
Similar to other dermal fillers, the most common side effects of Volbella are minor swelling, bruising, tenderness, redness, pain, and the possibility of discomfort and itching. These common side effects are temporary responses that can occur at the treatment site. Choosing a trained and experienced doctor could minimize these side effects.
What is the difference between Juvederm®, Voluma® and Volbella®?
The proper name for Voluma and Vobella is Juvederm Voluma® and Juvederm Volbella® as they are part of the overall Juvederm Family. All Juvederm products; Juvederm®, Juvederm Plus®, Voluma® and Volbella® are Hylarounic Acis fillers from the makers of Botox®, Allergan.
These products, while all made of Hylauronic acid, each have their own unique properties. Each product is approved for specific areas based on their thickness and particle size. Dr. Wang will decide and advise which Juvederm® procedure is most suitable to achieve your desired treatment area and results.
Juvéderm Vobella® is an hyaluronic acid based injectable filler that provides lip contour, volume, and smoothens vertical creases all in one treatment. Juvéderm Volbella® lip injections are recommended for smoother, softer and natural feel of your lips for a longer time.
If you’d like to correct the vertical lines, wrinkles around the mouth and lips or perioral rhytids in Pasadena, La Cañada Flintridge, San Marino, Arcadia, in Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley, please contact Wang Plastic Surgery Pasadena Office. Wang Plastic Surgery Upland also receives Juvederm Voluma® patients from Claremont, Rancho Cucamonga, Montclair, Riverside, and Chino in the San Bernardino County. Request consultation online or call us at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.