Upper Eyelid Surgery (Upper Blepharoplasty)

The Eyelid Lift, or Upper Eyelid Surgery (Upper Blepharoplasty) procedure are the restoration of the correct functioning to the affected eyelid(s), and the restoration of the aesthetics of the eye-region of the face, which are achieved by eliminating excess skin from the upper eyelid(s), usually caused by age-related changes.

Though eyelid surgery is most common among those who are 35 or older, it can be performed on healthy, emotionally stable individuals of all ages. There are, however, some conditions that make eyelid surgery more risky. They include hypothyroidism, Graves’ disease, insufficient tearing of the eyes, high blood pressure, circulatory disorders, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, a detached retina and glaucoma. You will want to discuss your medical history with Dr. Wang during your consultation prior to making your decision about eyelid surgery. Often, best results may be obtained with a combination of lower eyelid surgery, brow lift, or mid-facelift.

What are the common benefits of upper eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery corrects sagging or drooping eyelids and rejuvenates your upper eyelids. It can also relieve vision problems caused by these conditions.

How is Pasadena eyelid surgery performed?

While the patient is under local anesthesia, Dr. Wang makes incisions in the creases of the upper lids. Through these incisions, Dr. Wang separates the skin from fatty tissue and muscle, removes excess fat and trims sagging skin and muscle. Once excess fat, skin, etc. has been removed, Dr. Wang closes the incision with very fine sutures.

How long does eyelid surgery take?

Eyelid surgery usually takes from one to three hours.

What can I expect after eyelid surgery?

After the procedure, Dr. Wang is likely to lubricate your eyes with ointment and apply a bandage. Stitches will be removed two days to a week after surgery. You may experience soreness and tightness in your eyelids that can be relieved with medication as prescribed by Dr. Wang. You will be required to keep your head elevated and use cold compresses for several days to reduce swelling and bruising. You are also likely to experience excessive tearing, sensitivity to light and temporary changes in your vision.

What is the recovery period like?

During recovery back home in Pasadena or Riverside, your eyes may feel gummy for a week or so. Dr. Wang will show you how to clean your eyes. Dr. Wang may also recommend eye drops to relieve dryness, burning or itching. You should be able to watch television or read within two or three days. You will want to avoid contact lenses for about two weeks or until they begin to feel more comfortable. It is, however, recommended that you wear sunglasses and a sun block for eyelids to reduce sensitivity to the sun, wind and other irritants. Scars may remain slightly pink for six months or more, but will fade to a nearly invisible white line. Read Dr. Wang’s advice about recovery from surgery.

How long before I can return to normal activity?

Dr. Wang may advise you to minimize your activities for three to five days and to avoid more strenuous activities — particularly those that raise your blood pressure — as well as alcohol, for about three weeks.

If you believe that your eyes are making you look tired, sad, or older than you really feel, cosmetic eyelid surgery (also called blepharoplasty) may be the right choice for you. Eyelid surgery can remove the excess fat and drooping skin of the upper eyelids, minimize bags under the eyes and tighten the lower eyelid skin. The result is a more alert and rested appearance.

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