隆乳案例 006

Bilateral Augmentation Mammoplasty was perfromed on this 46-year-old Chinese American woman from Pasadena, CA, who had always been unhappy about the size of her breasts. Patient wanted natural-looking breast implants to replace her padded bra, and did not want them to be too big.  Dr. Stewart Wang performed the breast enhancement procedure with Allergan gel Style 10 240cc. The patient’s cup size went from AA to 34B. 9 years post-operation of the breast augmentation procedure, she is still very happy with the size.

Surgeon: Dr. Stewart Wang
Patient Age: 46
Patient Gender: Female
Race: Asian, Chinese American
Target Area: Breasts
Procedure: Bilateral Augmentation mammoplasty (Breast Augmentation with silicone implants)
Procedure Duration: 1 hour
Downtime: 5 days

The Breast Enhancement before and after pictures depict ACTUAL PATIENTS. Your results may vary.

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