Women with very large, pendulous breasts may experience a variety of medical problems — from back and neck pain and skin irritation, to skeletal deformities and breathing problems. Bra straps may leave indentations in their shoulders and large breasts can make a woman or a teenage girl feel extremely self-conscious. Breast reduction, technically known as reduction mammoplasty, is designed for such women. The procedure removes fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts, making them smaller, lighter and firmer.
Women who have a breast reduction from Pasadena, Glendora, Chino Hills, Alhambra and Upland often say it’s the best decision they ever made, and they wonder why the waited so long to have the procedure. You don’t have to wait any longer. Start your breast reduction process now by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Wang. There is no obligation to have the surgery, so let us discuss your options with you. Call Wang Plastic Surgery at (888) 360-6688 today to schedule your appointment.
Breast reduction produces the quickest body-image changes of all plastic surgery procedures available. It is best for patients whose breasts are fully developed and who are emotionally prepared for the dramatic changes in their appearance. Candidates are advised to discuss their expectations and achievable results with Dr. Wang prior to the surgery.
What are the benefits of a breast reduction in the Inland Empire?
Breast reduction can be used to relieve the back and neck pain, skin irritation, skeletal deformity and breathing problems often associated with large breasts. It also relieves the discomfort of identations left in the shoulders. After breast reduction, the breasts appear smaller, firmer and shapelier.
Will insurance cover my breast reduction?
It depends. While most insurance companies never pay for cosmetic procedures, in some cases breast reduction can be deemed medically necessary and consequently covered by insurance. Coverage depends on such factors as your symptoms and the type of health insurance plan you have. In some cases, an insurance company will pay for breast reduction once the patient has satisfied all required co-pays. In other situations, the patient will be responsible for all costs associated with the surgery.
Because there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to insurance coverage for breast reduction, please call us at (888) 360-6688 so we can review your case and give you specific details about your insurance coverage for the consultation and the procedure itself. Our goal is to help you maximize your insurance benefits before having to pay for breast reduction out-of-pocket.
How is a breast reduction performed?
There are several techniques for breast reduction. In rare cases — when only fat needs to be removed — the patient will only require liposuction in Riverside or the San Gabriel Valley. Most commonly, the procedure is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. Typically, Dr. Wang makes an anchor-shaped incision around the areola that is extended downward to follow the curve of the crease underneath the breast. Once the incision is made, Dr. Wang removes excess glandular tissue, fat and skin. Liposuction may also be used to remove excess fat from the armpits.
After excess skin and fat are removed, the nipple and areola are then moved into a new position. Usually, the nipples remain attached to the blood vessels and nerves. When Dr. Wang is satisfied with the position of the nipples and areola, the skin from both sides of the breast is stretched down and around the areola to form the new contour of the breast. The area is then closed with stitches around the areola, downward and along the crease of the breast. In some cases, the vertical scar can be eliminated.
How long does a breast reduction take?
Breast reductions usually require two to four hours of surgery per breast.
What can I expect after a breast reduction?
You may experience pain for the first few days, particularly when moving about or coughing. Swelling and pain may also occur with your first menstruation after the procedure. You are likely to also experience discomfort for a few weeks and may encounter random, shooting pains for a few months. You may also notice numbness in the nipple and areola area that lessens over time. Pink or red, lumpy scars from the incisions will usually last about six months before fading. It may take six months to a year before your breasts settle into their new shape. Read Dr. Wang’s advice about recovery from surgery.
What is the recovery period like?
During the recovery period, you will be encouraged to get out of bed for short periods of time. It may be necessary for you to sleep on your back to avoid unnecessary pressure on your breasts. Surgical drains, if any, will be removed a day or two after surgery and surgical dressings may also be changed or removed. You will be asked to wear a surgical bra for a few weeks until swelling and discoloration diminishes. Stitches are generally removed in stages lasting a period of about three weeks. Straining, lifting and bending during this time is not recommended.
How long before I can return to normal activity?
Most patients can return to work in a couple of weeks, depending on the level of physical activity your job requires. Typically, you can resume most of your normal activities, including mild exercise, after several weeks. Sex should be postponed for at least one week, but Dr. Wang may advise that you wait longer. It is recommended that your breasts be handled extremely gently for at least six weeks.